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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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ugh i just want to see the box set so bad and i want new merch LANA please put the pre order up early and get the ball rolling. tbh i think she’s afraid of actually doing anything towards Releasing it and starting a new era because she’s probably been so traumatized from what her past albums have brought her (fame, crazy stalker fans, paparazzi etc) it’s clear she doesn’t enjoy the spotlight anymore but sis you can release music from the comfort of your own home PLEASE lmao i’ve been dying to see the visuals/album shoot, what kind of fun stuff she gives us in the box set or for merch......... lawna please


also considering DCMA do y’all think there’ll be a video for it?? we know ariana loves music videos and her and miley are big names who don’t try to skip out on visuals *cough*lana*cough*or their label won’t let them. they could dress up as the angels or do something completely different. but what is the likelihood we would get a video for this since it’s for a movie? genuinely curious cuz i have no idea


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pray to the NFR gods that we get better date confirmation today


Yeah, I can't wait for her to say: "I'm proudly announcing to y'all that my brand new record Norman Fucking Reedus is coming soon. Now let's sing Off to The Races! :party: "

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“ShE DoEsN’T OwE YoU AnYThInG!”


People keep acting like asking for one non-vague update is asking too much from her. One. Lmfao. Gets. Me. Every. Time.


Such "pick me" stans are so annoying. 

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Lol you need to calm down, this is such an extreme reaction.

She. Doesn't. Owe. You. Anything.

Have you ever thought that the album might have never been delayed? She hadn't even finished the record yet so it was way too soon to choose an actual release date. If when she finished the album in December, it was clear that it wouldn't be out soon, I don't see why she would apologize for a "delay" because of an unsure date she mentioned once. There's no lies or manipulation of anything. How could she even manipulate her fans by doing nothing kkkkkkk I'm dying. And how is posting snippets misinformation? Did she say anything in the captions? The answer is no.




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yosemite was the only song that was announced then scrapped, she hasn’t done it with any other song, where you been?



Sis........ "Cinnamon" and "Happiness is a butterfly" are not officially announced, that's why I compared them to "Architecture" and "Roses bloom for you".... we don't even know if HIAB is the real title ala "Architecture/BAR"...


And I'm only speaking about the songs we know that ACTUALLY EXIST, unlike the other one you're speaking of  :awk:

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“ShE DoEsN’T OwE YoU AnYThInG!”

People keep acting like asking for one non-vague update is asking too much from her. One. Lmfao. Gets. Me. Every. Time.

Omg yes...I thought I was the only one who thought this

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Don't know if I'm the only one, but for we've heard from the final production for HTD, I think it may be one the best, most honest and mature songs she's ever produced. Someone said something about it sounding like a old- fashioned wedding dance song, and that's exactly what I thought while listening to it. Thought it was fucking brilliant.


Don't know if u've all seen this "demo" someone so kindly did, but if not, you may like it!



That’s nothing compared to this one @@HoneymoonDaddy did a while back




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I'm hoping some Ariana stans leak the song tbh, they seem to be more crafty with that kinda thing.



I dont think the Ari stans seem “craftier” as much as they just probably aren’t petty enough to bs 10s of thousands of ppl by hoarding snippets and titles of unreleased tracks over peoples heads (TNC demo), promising songs and then never coming through (The Good Life), and using YouTube premieres to leak tracks (we all know who/ what I’m talking about). But IDK, maybe I’m just asking for too much here


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I dont think the Ari stans seem “craftier” as much as they just probably aren’t petty enough to bs 10s of thousands of ppl by hoarding snippets and titles of unreleased tracks over peoples heads (TNC demo), promising songs and then never coming through (The Good Life), and using YouTube premieres to leak tracks (we all know who/ what I’m talking about). But IDK, maybe I’m just asking for too much here


and I oop-

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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honestly the people who say "VB isn't that good you guys are gonna get tired of it soon" are clowns because we've had that song for like more than half a year already and most of us were tired of Cherry the day it came out  :flop:  :flop:


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honestly the people who say "VB isn't that good you guys are gonna get tired of it soon" are clowns because we've had that song for like more than half a year already and most of us were tired of Cherry the day it came out :flop: :flop:

I listen to VB at least once a day since it came out. You can always listen to it different and feel different things. Literally my favorite song EVER

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I listen to VB at least once a day since it came out. You can always listen to it different and feel different things. Literally my favorite song EVER

its literally such a perfect mood song

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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