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W a proper theater premier? Yes


I never understood the appeal of a theater premiere. Like... a bunch of LA gays would watch the video a couple hours before us, what difference does it make?

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Y'all hard missed my point. I don't want Lana to be "more woke" - and LFA didn't spark my criticism. Lana's been showing her ass re: shallow understanding of political reality since LFL, and it woke me up. I thought BTD was political , I thought it was a satire playing with how even a rich starlet has to face the underbelly of society , but I guess it was never that substantial.

I don't want Lana to address nuanced issues like homeless gays or immigration bc I doubt she has much worthwhile to say about it, and that's fine! I don't want Lana to do anything really. I was sharing my perspective on what LFA and this whole era made me think ab and feel. It shows blind spots in HER perspective on issues, by centering herself and ppl like her. There was a mass shooting targeting Latinx people - race, class, etc etc, is actually a genuinely huge factor in what's going on. It's a massive part of the situation. Lana wants to exist in a fishbowl , whatever. That's my take. It's not glowing compliments from a sycophantic fan, but it's my take. I'm not freaking out about it either. 99% of my posts here are jokes, nonsense, or mild trolling. I was being hyperbolic and sarcastic to point out the hypocrisy in some of Lana's most recent lyricism and shite


Criticism actually is an important part of art, just as much as appreciation. I appreciate Lana trying , but I think it falls shallow and flat. And you can look at her words to see obvious blindspots she has regarding issues that affect her at a "cellular level"... That's all I am saying. Believe it or not, my energy ab issues such as this gets directed towards real action outside of Lanaboards. I get on here for fun, not serious political discussion (especially since only like 5 people here can even keep up)


I'm glad she's donating proceeds. Wonder if she's also donating to Churchome.


That's pretty much my stance too. After kind of throwing women and Latin communities under the bus to reach fame it's nice that she's stopped doing that and all but I'll never see her as someone to take political opinions from shifting the energetic vibration of a location for the higher good and neither should anyone. I'll be streaming LFA and I'll be grateful that she's actually made a really nice song that has proceeds going to a good cause, but in my non-spotify life I'll be trying to give people with actual expertise my attention and what money I can spare. Which is, from what I can tell from her ig live caption, what she thinks should be done too.

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fuck a premier, just give me the fucking music tumblr_pboc6lCt8X1u6n38po1_250.gif

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this gif gets me I was gonna say something but I forgot ahahahahahahahaha

I never understood the appeal of a theater premiere. Like... a bunch of LA gays would watch the video a couple hours before us, what difference does it make?

Hmm I mean in some ways ur rite, but Idk, I kinda just like the idea of it, the big screen, the atmosphere, just lemme hype, I just wanna fucking HYPE  :dance:


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I never understood the appeal of a theater premiere. Like... a bunch of LA gays would watch the video a couple hours before us, what difference does it make?

and it doesnt help that gay slenderman with ramen noodle hair will probably be in front of you blocking your view of lana

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Y'all hard missed my point. I don't want Lana to be "more woke" - and LFA didn't spark my criticism. Lana's been showing her ass re: shallow understanding of political reality since LFL, and it woke me up. I thought BTD was political , I thought it was a satire playing with how even a rich starlet has to face the underbelly of society , but I guess it was never that substantial.

I don't want Lana to address nuanced issues like homeless gays or immigration bc I doubt she has much worthwhile to say about it, and that's fine! I don't want Lana to do anything really. I was sharing my perspective on what LFA and this whole era made me think ab and feel. It shows blind spots in HER perspective on issues, by centering herself and ppl like her. There was a mass shooting targeting Latinx people - race, class, etc etc, is actually a genuinely huge factor in what's going on. It's a massive part of the situation. Lana wants to exist in a fishbowl , whatever. That's my take. It's not glowing compliments from a sycophantic fan, but it's my take. I'm not freaking out about it either. 99% of my posts here are jokes, nonsense, or mild trolling. I was being hyperbolic and sarcastic to point out the hypocrisy in some of Lana's most recent lyricism and shite


Criticism actually is an important part of art, just as much as appreciation. I appreciate Lana trying , but I think it falls shallow and flat. And you can look at her words to see obvious blindspots she has regarding issues that affect her at a "cellular level"... That's all I am saying. Believe it or not, my energy ab issues such as this gets directed towards real action outside of Lanaboards. I get on here for fun, not serious political discussion (especially since only like 5 people here can even keep up)


I'm glad she's donating proceeds. Wonder if she's also donating to Churchome.


I totally agree with you. I don't know why you're getting tossed around and stomped on like that when you're raising some good points and commentary on her lyrics. These girlss chewed Lana out like piranhas for months & months on her lazy work ethic and questionable creative choices. Day after day, post after post. Let's not forget the many grossly misogynistic remarks regarding her appearance. These gals went HAM on her ass. And now they have the audacity to snap at you for elaborately writing out your valid opinion  :toofunny: It's LanaBoards after all, not much else to expect.




I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who found the "America used to be safe" narrative a bit jarring. I really appreciate the sentiment and I know it's well-intentioned on her behalf, but it just gives me a bad vibe. It's like the centuries of suffering of marginalised and underprivileged groups has just gone unnoticed by her. I'll still stream and support it tho xx

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imagine spending ur time writing an essay about how fake woke Lana is when you could be streaming Looking for America and helping the families impacted by these recent shootings.....



That’s all I have to say x

TIL that you can't type and listen to music at the same time. Mind = blown, all this time I thought it was entirely possible :O


TI also L that streaming Lana's song is the only possible way you can help the families impacted by the recent shootings, so if you're not doing that, you're obviously not doing anything at all.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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 I'm still shocked at how absolutely massive ''The Greatest'' hook sounds like. Are we sure Lana wrote this one herself or did she call one of Rihanna's songwriters like she teased in that BBC interview? Lol 


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Honestly, yeah I found the whole message in the LFA song to be somewhat confusing. Lana sings about America in past tense, and seems to sing of it fondly. Whether she's just speaking on her personal memories of America in particular (like her youth for example), then that's fine. But there's a little suspicion because America was never actually a good place to begin with, so I don't know what the other part in the song Lana is trying to convey through her lyrics, but nevertheless it'll be for a good cause if we all buy/stream it. 

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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wow y’all are so woke i never knew america was bad even i live here. thanks for the info!


can we talk about something else now? will she perform sotw on tour?


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Honestly, yeah I found the whole message in the LFA song to be somewhat confusing. Lana sings about America in past tense, and seems to sing of it fondly. Whether she's just speaking on her personal memories of America in particular (like her youth for example), then that's fine. But there's a little suspicion because America was never actually a good place to begin with, so I don't know what the other part in the song Lana is trying to convey through her lyrics, but nevertheless it'll be for a good cause if we all buy/stream it. 

To Lana, America was indeed a good place. That's why she supports Trump, she wants America to be great again

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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Anyone know where the photo of Looking For America was taken?

My obvious guess would be San Fran or LA, but it seems to have been taken at an angle where it could be “anywhere” in America

Idk if someone already answered this yet im too lazy to skim through the next 9 pages but it was taken on Larchmont Blvd in LA

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I totally agree with you. I don't know why you're getting tossed around and stomped on like that when you're raising some good points and commentary on her lyrics. These girlss chewed Lana out like piranhas for months & months on her lazy work ethic and questionable creative choices. Day after day, post after post. Let's not forget the many grossly misogynistic remarks regarding her appearance. These gals went HAM on her ass. And now they have the audacity to snap at you for elaborately writing out your valid opinion :toofunny: It's LanaBoards after all, not much else to expect.




I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who found the "America used to be safe" narrative a bit jarring. I really appreciate the sentiment and I know it's well-intentioned on her behalf, but it just gives me a bad vibe. It's like the centuries of suffering of marginalised and underprivileged groups has just gone unnoticed by her. I'll still stream and support it tho xx

Thank u sweetie and yes exactly ! It's like someone has to say it or everyone can ignore reality just like Lana. Sorry for talking ab the culture of violence that enables mass shootings and shit y'all! I guess maybe if we just ignore it we'll all get shot up and won't have to worry about it ever bc we'll be typing forever on the Lanaboards of Hell

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Honestly, yeah I found the whole message in the LFA song to be somewhat confusing. Lana sings about America in past tense, and seems to sing of it fondly. Whether she's just speaking on her personal memories of America in particular (like her youth for example), then that's fine. But there's a little suspicion because America was never actually a good place to begin with, so I don't know what the other part in the song Lana is trying to convey through her lyrics, but nevertheless it'll be for a good cause if we all buy/stream it. 


Alexa play a reading of an essay on restorative nostalgia   :mj2:

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