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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i hate the new BAR ending, its so abrupt. the old one was so playful and it sounded soo good. ugh she really ruined it


Havent heard it yet and can't wait to hear it. 

I see BAR / TNBAR as a «warning» when it comes to leaked demos, at least for me: Don't get attached too much to those because she likes to play around and take bits and parts of unreleased songs as well and fit them into new songs. Yayo and Black Beauty got new production but kept the lyrics, but it won't always be that way lol

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NFR is UV’s sedated cousin.


UV is how an extrovert feels when experiencing heartbreak, rage and pure pain. NFR is the introverts version on how they feel the exact same kind of things. There both similar but have clear differences aswell ...

This is a really great way looking at it yeah 


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I'm desperate to know what's the extended version is like... will it have a piano intro or a piano outro? 

Do we need for sure if it will be on all streaming platforms and copies of NFR?

They added 30 secs+ to it... Wonder what those are.

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If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Is there a single pop song in existence where the lyrics read well in plain text? Especially with Lana, like...I like her lyricism, for all its occasional (being generous) tackiness, but her music has always been something that's greater than the sum of its parts. 

And this Honeymoon slander is so ugly. It's her (current) best record, and while that may be subject to change come August 30th, y'all need to be respectful until then! 

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Cannot wait to blast Cinnamon Girl so loud that my ears bleed and I go deaf.


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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She’ll release her next album either two years after nfr or not ever, and at this point I honestly can’t tell which


Who knows with her.. But I learned my lesson, this time around: snippets don't mean shit when it comes to an approximate time release for her albums. So we'll probably have a snippet of a new song in February for a 2021 record  :icant:

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She’ll release her next album either two years after nfr or not ever, and at this point I honestly can’t tell which

She definitely won’t stop making music. There’s no reason to stop, she’s said multiple times she loves her work. She might work on other projects but she definitely won’t leave us now when she’s in her prime. People said this when HM was releasing and here we sit 2 albums later after she released Swan Song saying “I’ll never sing again and you won’t work another day” if The greatest’s lyrics have you concerned at all


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I'm gonna defend the new BAR lyrics to the grave. Are they better than the demo? No, but for me they're just as good. They make sense with the NFR concept and with my fantasy. Y'all tasteless greti2.gif

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Listen to the blackest day instrumental it’s incredible

See, that’s a perfect example of the problem I have with the production on Honeymoon. TBD sounds beautiful in the beginning and it has elements of other songs (like Art Deco) that make it sound consistent, but then those trap beats kick in and it feels like a demo when I hear the instrumentation alone. Rick has produced some great songs for her, but on other tracks on Honeymoon and LFL (on Honeymoon especially) I’ve always felt there was something lacking.

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Doin' Time cameo in TG video 5TkywUFyn_w.jpg She is really consistent this time around with the the aesthetics of the era

ok i would be HERE for a santeria cover


Yall here with producers or whatever... i want lana’s next album to be written and produced by whoever wrote “in the cock in the cock in the cockpit i’m your baby”

darla g worly is my favorite producer  :brows:


bel air is in my top 3 of lana songs  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  omg  :excited:



He didn't ruin them because he barely did anything with them, most of them sound really dry/flat and have this sort of underwhelming and  really subdued sound. I have nothing against a stripped down (or acoustic, if you will) type of sound, but does it have to be this lackluster and basic?

user maxdenhaag continues to provide the correct takes


I don't understand the hate for TNBAR's new lyrics. They're cute and California-based now, just like the rest of the record

the thing is, lana is perfectly capable of churning out cute california-based songs till the cows come home; the original BAR was different and intriguing

it's just the way i feel

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what the hell have you all been speaking of HONEYMOON???

See, that’s a perfect example of the problem I have with the production on Honeymoon. TBD sounds beautiful in the beginning and it has elements of other songs (like Art Deco) that make it sound consistent, but then those trap beats kick in and it feels like a demo when I hear the instrumentation alone. Rick has produced some great songs for her, but on other tracks on Honeymoon and LFL (on Honeymoon especially) I’ve always felt there was something lacking.


how is an ambient progressive rock electronica masterpiece like TBD a trap demo?¡?

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See, that’s a perfect example of the problem I have with the production on Honeymoon. TBD sounds beautiful in the beginning and it has elements of other songs (like Art Deco) that make it sound consistent, but then those trap beats kick in and it feels like a demo when I hear the instrumentation alone. Rick has produced some great songs for her, but on other tracks on Honeymoon and LFL (on Honeymoon especially) I’ve always felt there was something lacking.


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