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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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please end my suffering o m g








not norman arriving earlier in such an under develeped country with lOyAl 12 yr old fans but later in FUCKING AUSTRALIA

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Idk who Hope is.. I just know unfinished rough demo called Sylvia mbK53xg.gif

not you thinking how to dissapear would be a better closer than hope, imagine the clownery mbK53xg.gif



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Hahaha hi Elle! Got cha! Hahahah yeaaah we DEFINITELY weren't planning on getting the album today from a chilean store. It was all a joke to see how you would react! haha so there's no need for you to get your finger near the Warning Point button ok? Hahahah so funny right!  :)

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I'm fucking fuming. This butthole-loving twitter gay is already listening to the album and refusing to share it. I need Chile to be erased from existence right now. I'm about to erase Chile from my identity and start talking like a british boy.


hot if you're a twink



Surely there were others.


I honestly doubt so

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Ok so maybe actually the only one that has the album is the twitter annoying gay guy... Let's face it, he was just in the right place at the right time, and yes let's say someone else buy it but probably not someone that's a huge fan, he just knows lana and that's it. Maybe we wont have the leak... Sorry

Before was was was, was was is _@idkangel

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well I'm from Chile but not from Santiago so I can't do anything, rip. I'd slap that bitch on her face tho for not sharing the album, WE'RE THIRSTY


Just slide into his DM's, set up a date, go back to his place, get the album and run mbK53xg.gif

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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btw who cares if some people listen to this album for free by downloading it illegally. Only people who have money to buy this cd should be entitled to listen to it? Wtf, not all stans have the luxury to spend money on a fucking cd. Art should be for everybody. Stop being a privileged aborted potato bitch

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