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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Honest question: (no judgement here) But would you guys be mad if someone leaked a song/songs from NFR? Would you guys listen?

NOT AT ALL ARE YOU CRAZY WE WOULD ALL LISTEN WE WOULD ALL LOVE IT and that someone should be venerated as a saint in my humble opinion

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Exactly. I have to admit I tend to see us (lanaboards users) as nothing more than a small minority, who may feel a certain way but has no impact when it comes doen to it. For the longest time, almost everyone on instagram (and I assume twitter too?) was kissing her ass and telling her to tAkE hEr tImE uwu ^_^ kween <333


Now, that's starting to change slightly, with more and more people getting tired of all the confusion, miscommunication and general messiness of this era. But there are still so many fans who don't seem to see a problem with all of this at all. They literally worship her like a goddess, in their eyes she can do no wrong.


As for the press, I honestly don't think anyone cares about her that much anymore. Her argument with AB got some attention and so did the Israel thing, but people stopped talking about that stuff when she released VB & MAC, which were very well-received. Her involvement with Hillsong was hardly discussed, and no one dragged her for it -when other celebrities have been dragged to filth. No one criticized her about the way she's handled the release of her upcoming album; they're calling it "intriguing" instead.


I think she has lost fans, and will lose even more, but in the end the actual number will be so small, she won't even notice. There will never be any sort of impact. Just a few complaints here and there.


As I've said before, she wants to hope the album is damn good because if it isn't, then even in the most casual fan's mind the consensus will be, "I waited so long for this?". Many fans will forget the specifics but they won't forget that they felt disappointed. 


Plus if it's bad then the press will start looking for reasons why and they don't care about the exact timeline. I can totally imagine reading shit like:


"Del Rey's latest effort is full of misplaced religious fervour, which isn't surprising given the singer is a member of the controversial Hillsong church" 




"Lyrically, the album holds less substance than one of Del Rey's empty Cha Cha Matcha cups"


If you've got it, leak it to me so I can write the full review. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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NOT AT ALL ARE YOU CRAZY WE WOULD ALL LISTEN WE WOULD ALL LOVE IT and that someone should be venerated as a saint in my humble opinion




1. Fans: not mad

2. Lana: possibly mad, but deserves it

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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@@Lana please announce something within the next 3 days or salvatore is gonna kill my mum PLEASE marty im scuurred




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You know what I keep thinking about: she mentioned all these things about how the album was already done, how she already wrote songs before collating with Jack, how her life has changed and whatever since she’s been hanging out with her cult of 30 year old instagram thots and Ben saying the album isn’t done yet... I think songs on the album just don’t relate to her anymore so she keeps trying to scrap it and rework it to the point where it isn’t even the same album that she “finished” last year. I know when I look at poetry and writings from a year ago I feel like they don’t relate to me or I have to keep tweaking it and making changes to the point where it’s not even a sincere product anymore. So my theory is that whatever NFR we get now won’t even be the NFR 2018 we were supposed to get. There might be some “old” songs lumped in there out of pure laziness alone but it’ll be an uncohesive mess. :(

this is a very real possibility, and even worse than her just delaying the release of her finished album...


can't wait for Matcha Powder, In Your Tesla Car, Happiness Is A Crustacean and Dating Struggling Actors Is A Dangerous Thing For Me To Do - But I Do It  :toofunny:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Is it realistic (as opposed to wishful thinking) that someone actually has it to leak it, though? I don't know how these things usually work ... 


I'm a big believer in not withholding. If you've got the shit, then share the shit. Otherwise what's the point?

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Maybe Lana Shazamed NFR and a track or two came back a match for Radiohead, so she has to redo.

I mean........ she made a song called How to Disappear forgetting about this similarly named track from Radiohead's revolutionary 4th album Kid A





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