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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I get why some people might not like Norman Fucking Rockwell as an album title but like, I love it. I love these extra ass titles. I hope every single song off of NFR has an extra ass title tbh, ready for ‘Blooming Beautifully - Lilacs In My Mind’ to be the intro track.

my wish came true, 'hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it' is her best song title and people just aren't ready to accept that 


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my wish came true, 'hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it' is her best song title and people just aren't ready to accept that 


it's a gorgeous song tbh. i don't understand why people don't like gorgeous piano songs, but then again lana's fanbase consists of deluded wannabe twinks who just want bangers talking about riding daddy's.


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it's a gorgeous song tbh. i don't understand why people don't like gorgeous piano songs, but then again lana's fanbase consists of deluded wannabe twinks who just want bangers talking about riding daddy's.




why is that so accurate? goddamn


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it's a gorgeous song tbh. i don't understand why people don't like gorgeous piano songs, but then again lana's fanbase consists of deluded wannabe twinks who just want bangers talking about riding daddy's.


ugh yes stereotype the gays! it’s a good song but it doesn’t have much replay value as opposed to ballads like Black Beauty


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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ugh yes stereotype the gays! it’s a good song but it doesn’t have much replay value as opposed to ballads like Black Beauty


Black Beauty has a little more punch to it though. I will say you do have to be in a certain mood for Hope, but that doesn't mean it's a bad song. Most of Lana's discography you need to have a personality disorder and a bipolar manic episode to appreciate but

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Who's with me in banning the word vinyl and pink until the album is released?


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Who's with me in banning the word vinyl and pink until the album is released?

ban "forest green" as well also "what" "do" "you" "think" "the" "color" "of" "will" and "be"

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Last festival date tonight so lets hope she serves a 'Honeymoon acapella at last Endless Summer show' and announces/sings something from NFR



i'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about heroin... 

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honeslty i played hope like 6 times and i got bored of it. i respect the song and i don't like to trash it cuz i guess Lana holds it dear in her heart and shit but saying that it's her best song or whatever is non-sense.....idk i guess that yeah you really have to be in a certain mood to listen to it but i just happen to never be in the mood :creep:


it's not her best but it's in her top 10.


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it's not her worst but it's in her bottom 10.




"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Hope is very good lyrically but I feel like the music itself kinda let's the song down a lot. And this isn't a matter of bashing it because it's piano acoustic, but more production could have been done to make it more emotional and give it some fire. It just sounds very flat and monotonous to me. 


I just hope the rest of the piano ballads on NFR have some zest and life to them.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I was wondering... Could she have reworked the album entirely? I know it sounds crazy, considering how lazy she is, but the album was supposedly been finished and mastered since early 2019. And from what we've heard, almost every song (if not every) were piano ballads. And that's not very different from what we've heard in former albums.

And even though they were just snippets, and the actual songs could progress and develop into something else like Venice Bitch... I don't know, if this album is very different as she said, could she have reworked it?

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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I was wondering... Could she have reworked the album entirely? I know it sounds crazy, considering how lazy she is, but the album was supposedly been finished and mastered since early 2019. And from what we've heard, almost every song (if not every) were piano ballads. And that's not very different from what we've heard in former albums.

And even though they were just snippets, and the actual songs could progress and develop into something else like Venice Bitch... I don't know, if this album is very different as she said, could she have reworked it?


it's possible. but we have no idea of knowing until we listen to it.


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I was wondering... Could she have reworked the album entirely? I know it sounds crazy, considering how lazy she is, but the album was supposedly been finished and mastered since early 2019. And from what we've heard, almost every song (if not every) were piano ballads. And that's not very different from what we've heard in former albums.

And even though they were just snippets, and the actual songs could progress and develop into something else like Venice Bitch... I don't know, if this album is very different as she said, could she have reworked it?


IYC, NFR, Cinnamon, MAC and VB aren't piano ballads?  :rip:


She said she loved the album on IG live so I highly doubt she would redo it. She said about the last couple of tracks having the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and electric guitar influence so we probably just haven't heard snippets of any of those.

i'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about heroin... 

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It would be possible she was playing us some demo versions of those songs, since every album has demos. Obviously apart from MAC, VB, and HIADT. It's also like when was performed How To Disappear at the Apple event, we all know that's not how it sounded because she shared a livestream of Jack working on the beats for it for the final product. 

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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