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Rank Lana's Opening Tracks

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1. White Dress

2. Cruel World 

3. Norman Fucking Rockwell

4. Honeymoon 

5. Born To Die 

6. Love 

7. Text Book 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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As openers:

1. Cruel World

2. Honeymoon

3.  NFR

4. Born to Die

5. Ride

6. White Dress

7. Text Book

8. Love


As tracks 

1. White Dress

2. Cruel World

3. NFR

4. Ride

5. Born to Die

6. Love

7. Text Book

8. Honeymoon




It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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Not sure if I already did this but overall her openers tend to be hit or miss for me. 

1st ranking: Song quality (How I would rank the songs regardless of them being openers and more based on personal preference)

  1. Love
  2. Cruel World
  3. Ride
  4. Born to Die
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell
  6. Text Book
  7. White Dress
  8. Honeymoon

2nd ranking: Opening (Does the song set the mood for the rest of the album? Was it the best option from the album overall?)

  1. Ride
  2. Honeymoon
  3. Cruel World
  4. Born to Die
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell
  6. White Dress
  7. Text Book
  8. Love

I think the only one here that really shouldn’t have been the opening track is Love, especially when 13 Beaches was RIGHT THERE.

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I love all of them, they're all amazing ways to start their respective albums. But I take my emotions a lot into consideration when ranking songs


God tier: The Grants :ahh:


1. Honeymoon

2. White Dress

3. Norman Fucking Rockwell

4. Born to Die

5. Text Book

6. Love

7. Cruel World

8. Ride


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2 hours ago, the ocean said:

in terms of how well they open up the record / encompass the overall vibe of the record:

  1. honeymoon
  2. born to die
  3. kill kill
  4. cruel world
  5. norman fucking rockwell
  6. ride = white dress
  7. text book
  8. love

in terms of just standalone song quality:

  1. honeymoon
  2. white dress
  3. kill kill = ride
  4. born to die
  5. cruel world
  6. text book = love
  11. norman fucking rockwell

kinda spilled






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On 2/22/2023 at 7:23 PM, motorcycle lemonade heaven said:

1. NFR

2. Cruel World

3. Ride

4. Kill Kill

5. Honeymoon 

6. Born to Die

7. White Dress

8. Love

9. Text Book



1. NFR 

2. Cruel World

3. The Grants

4. Kill Kill

5. Ride/Honeymoon

6. White Dress

7. Born to Die

8. Text Book

9. Love

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1. White Dress

2. NFR

3. The Grants


4. Honeymoon

5. Cruel World

6. Ride


7. Born to Die

8. Love

9. Text Book


Always thought Text Book was a weird opener, imo. But I've warmed up to it as one. All the others seem like obvious openers to me.

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1. Cruel World

2. The Grants

3. Honeymoon

4. Norman

5. Ride

6. White Dress

7. Born to Die

8. Love

9. Textbook 


this was hard to choose though 

The Log Lady [to Laura]: “When this kind of fire starts, it is 
very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy.”

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1. Honeymoon
2. The Grants
3. Cruel World
4. Ride
5. White Dress

6. Born To Die

7. Kill Kill
8. Love
9. Text Book

For comparison, this is what my album ranking is:

1. Blue Banisters

2. Ultraviolence

3. NFR / Honeymoon
5. BTD / Paradise
6. LFL
7. AKA


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Song quality:


1. Cruel World

2. White Dress

3. Honeymoon

4. Ride

5. Born to Die

6. Kill Kill

7. NfR

8. Love

9. Text Book


As openers:


1. Cruel World

2. Honeymoon

3. Ride

4. Born to Die

5. Kill Kill

6. Norman fucking Rockwell

7. White Dress

8. Love

9. Text Book


havent really given this much thought, i’ll do a revised ranking later

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