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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread

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  On 7/25/2020 at 9:51 AM, Clampigirl said:

I haven’t preordered anything either, but I think I might go for the cream one only because of money. The dark green one looks good too, but I’m not sure if my record store has it so then I’d have to order from Fnac... I haven’t looked too closely on the prices, but it might be cheaper to order cream + picture disk from Lana than green + picture disk from different places. :/

I’d like to have the green one though...

For me shipping on Fnac was only 3€, so although I live in Germany the green one was still cheaper for me than the cream, which has like 7€ shipping. Idk if it's worth it when you also want the picture disk though, the double disk bundle is probably the cheapest in that case.

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  On 7/25/2020 at 8:57 AM, annedauphine said:

I have preordered a grand total of zero (0) things for this album and I'm mad at myself

Update I have ordered the dark green vinyl and the hardcover and I'm still mad at myself but for other reasons



  On 7/25/2020 at 9:05 AM, annedauphine said:

What made you guys choose cream over dark green? I don't know if green is available everywhere but I v personally think it fits better so I'm curious


Since I collect all of LRDs albums on vinyl, I preordered all the variations; black, cream, dark green, blue, and the picture disk. I've had to go back after the fact and buy some older vinyl on Ebay and Discogs marketplace, I've always paid way more than if I'd just bought them when they released. I can already see the Urban Outfitter's blue variation on sale on Ebay for $70 and it's not even out yet :facepalm: I do see that there are some other UK stores selling the dark green vinyl now, but I've already ordered from FNAC and they will ship to the US (some of the UK stores will not ship out of the UK). Tower Records UK store has the dark green vinyl and a store called Townsend Music (though, Townsend Music might ship outside of the UK, not 100% sure).

OqqaAZJt.png     B4iWPK3.gif     OqqaAZJt.png

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Yep, if you're going to collect her stuff you better buy it while it's still new. Once they go out of print the prices go up stupidly. UO red Honeymoon was for sale for a LONG time so it shouldn't even be that hard to find but the prices are crazy for it now. I've ordered one of each of the Violet LPs too except for Blue. I'm waiting for UO to release something else (hopefully another Britney LP) to get free shipping. I can't imagine that is going to sell out anytime soon. They still have the damn pink NFRs up for sale. I actually hope COCC doesn't go up for preorder soon because I could use a break before my credit card gets up too hight again from her... 

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  On 7/25/2020 at 1:57 PM, SouthInGuy said:

Yep, if you're going to collect her stuff you better buy it while it's still new. Once they go out of print the prices go up stupidly. UO red Honeymoon was for sale for a LONG time so it should't even be that hard to find but the prices are crazy for it now. I've ordered one of each of the Violet LPs too except for Blue. I'm waiting for UO to release something else (hopefully another Britney LP) to get free shipping. I can't imagine that is going to sell out anytime soon. They still have the damn pink NFRs up for sale. I actually hope COCC doesn't go up for preorder soon because I could use a break before my credit card gets up too hight again from her...

I’m also having anxiety about the money situation. I’ve ordered 4 vinyls for Violet and I’m excited for this project, but I’m literally broke now and working v little bc of the COVID situation. I hope I can make it work when COCC comes out.

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  On 7/25/2020 at 9:05 AM, annedauphine said:

What made you guys choose cream over dark green? I don't know if green is available everywhere but I v personally think it fits better so I'm curious

It's like the typewriter paper

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  On 7/25/2020 at 5:42 PM, DrunkBeautyQueen said:

Because I am so dramatic, I think when it's released I'm going to go to Coney Island and listen on the beach. I'm so excited.

omg that sounds so perfect!! i hope you have fun

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  On 7/25/2020 at 1:11 PM, J.R.OMEGA said:

Since I collect all of LRDs albums on vinyl, I preordered all the variations; black, cream, dark green, blue, and the picture disk. I've had to go back after the fact and buy some older vinyl on Ebay and Discogs marketplace, I've always paid way more than if I'd just bought them when they released. I can already see the Urban Outfitter's blue variation on sale on Ebay for $70 and it's not even out yet :facepalm: I do see that there are some other UK stores selling the dark green vinyl now, but I've already ordered from FNAC and they will ship to the US (some of the UK stores will not ship out of the UK). Tower Records UK store has the dark green vinyl and a store called Townsend Music (though, Townsend Music might ship outside of the UK, not 100% sure).


Same, I've ordered everything and have almost all the variations and formats of her previous albums.


There's only a couple I don't have, and I've started ordering them online, but yes they get super expensive once they're out of stock. I paid over double the original price a few weeks back for the clear Lust For Life vinyl.


I think the nicest version of Violet is the green vinyl, but from an international point of view, the UO blue might be rarest, since it's only available from one retailer in one country? Depends on how many they produce I suppose. The red Love/Lust For Life vinyl was pretty limited (5,000 units), but since they didn't say in the product description, the blue Violet vinyl probably isn't as limited.

Yo, when are we getting the Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant re-release?  :cuteface:

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  On 7/25/2020 at 5:39 PM, lustforlife said:

So... We dont have any russian site to leak the duration of all songs?

Lol we don't even need a sketchy site. This is the biggest tech retailer in Germany & apparently the 7 min. SportCruiser is true but most are very short: https://www.saturn.de/de/product/_lana-del-rey-violet-bent-backwards-over-the-gras-b%C3%BCcher-cd-2667681.html

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  On 7/25/2020 at 6:52 PM, Lemonade Tears said:

Lol we don't even need a sketchy site. This is the biggest tech retailer in Germany & apparently the 7 min. SportCruiser is true but most are very short: https://www.saturn.de/de/product/_lana-del-rey-violet-bent-backwards-over-the-gras-bücher-cd-2667681.html


Can u write down here? I can ser nothing

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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