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Lana at the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, CA - January 26th, 2020

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I completely agree and if anyone comes with the pregnancy rumours because of her normal fucking physique, I will fight. Taylor Swift said just the other day how harmful those are to women, so take note, and don't do it.


seriously!! it's so irritating when people think a woman is pregnant because she has a little bit of belly fat, nearly every woman has some fat on their lower stomach, we have organs in there! it sets such a weird and unrealistic expectation. 


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Full interview with Access, she mentions the Poetry album!


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I have to respect how she just gives zero fucks, and I'm not being sarcastic--you know designers fight to dress the nominees and it's a huge product placement for them. For her to have all the biggest designers available and be all, "nah, I got this at the mall and it's comfy"...the balls. Mad props  :legend:  :thumb3:

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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notorious lanaboards fashion critic has arrived (woke up)


everything about this look falls just a little flat. it's shapeless. the empty space at the bottom of the gown irks me since it makes it look unfinished to me. wouldn't even be surprised if the dress was unfinished since the tailoring looks wonky. the shoes are BAD but literally nothing about that statement is surprising at this point. the random stripes along the waist are not only just a weird choice but also really unflattering because they're fucking horizontal stripes. her hair is also a disaster in its own that's in desperate need of structural soundness and just some volume. someone save her please


i really like the keyhole detail on the dress. only part i fully like



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seriously!! it's so irritating when people think a woman is pregnant because she has a little bit of belly fat, nearly every woman has some fat on their lower stomach, we have organs in there! it sets such a weird and unrealistic expectation. 

i mean yeah but that doesnt mean it cant be toned, have ya'll seen britney spears? its not unrealistic to have a flat stomach, then again im not shaming lana at all, i was shaming her dress, but i dont think its fair to call people that keep fit "unrealistic"



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notorious lanaboards fashion critic has arrived (woke up)


everything about this look falls just a little flat. it's shapeless. the empty space at the bottom of the gown irks me since it makes it look unfinished to me. wouldn't even be surprised if the dress was unfinished since the tailoring looks wonky.

Just letting you know, she said she got it from the mall so it most likely wasn’t tailored to fix her properly after she bought it. :)

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[Lana] revealed that she almost went with another dress for the GRAMMYs when she spoke with ET's Lauren Zima on the carpet Sunday evening: "I had another dress and then my boyfriend and I were getting a belt for him at the mall and I saw this and I loved it, so this is a last-minute dress. But I love it!" I love it too, but...she got it at the mall?! What was the other dress? Pour one out for the custom Gucci  :lmao:  :rip:

jesus fuck it's all so painfully real. no wonder it's falling apart, weirdly fitted, and just lacking necessary drama



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imagine being so *obsessed* with a woman's looks that you scrutinize every aspect of her body that you feel doesn't align with your definition of beauty. lana is wearing what she is comfortable in and is embracing her beautiful natural figure, why shame her? its lit rally so embarrassing that some people on here are getting worked up about her belly fat (did people forget your metabolism slows down when youre in your 30s...), or the fact that she doesn't look youthful... get a life maybe?


also -- women in media are constantly looked at through a magnifying glass and picked apart for simply existing. I cant imagine how exhausting and nerve racking it must be trying to live up to these insane beauty standards, especially as a woman in their mid thirties. give her a break.

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^ That was a fucking serve. It's fine to get a dress at a mall but she should've worn ^ that today, and the silver dress yesterday.


Whatever, though.


Everything, whatever

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Sean watching Ariana's performance's thinking he just accidentally walked into a bordello. 


It's times like this you're reminded how classy Lana is. 



^ That was a fucking serve. It's fine to get a dress at a mall but she should've worn ^ that today, and the silver dress yesterday.


Whatever, though.


Everything, whatever


She got the days mixed up. lol


Yesterday's dress was also stunning and could have been great tonight too. 

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