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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

296 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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Violet and NFR truly complement each other so beautifully. After listening to them together a few times in the mixed and rearranged tracklist I posted on the last page, I can really see the synergy between the two - how each poem enhances its sister song and makes for a wholistic understanding of Lana’s headspace and perspective from ages 32-34. The little parallels and lyrical/poetical continuities between both projects make me smile. I am so grateful we have this gift of Lana’s writing and I hope she never stops. I can’t wait to listen to Chemtrails in September and develop further insights into that record’s narrative when Behind the Iron Gates is released in March. I hope she continues to release music and poetry that coincide with each other, as I feel we get to see a side of Lana that we don’t with her music. It takes a great deal of vulnerability to reveal all that much more in another medium and I feel like even though we don’t personally know her, we all probably feel a lot closer to her.

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Violet and NFR truly complement each other so beautifully. After listening to them together a few times in the mixed and rearranged tracklist I posted on the last page, I can really see the synergy between the two - how each poem enhances its sister song and makes for a wholistic understanding of Lana’s headspace and perspective from ages 32-34. The little parallels and lyrical/poetical continuities between both projects make me smile. I am so grateful we have this gift of Lana’s writing and I hope she never stops. I can’t wait to listen to Chemtrails in September and develop further insights into that record’s narrative when Behind the Iron Gates is released in March. I hope she continues to release music and poetry that coincide with each other, as I feel we get to see a side of Lana that we don’t with her music. It takes a great deal of vulnerability to reveal all that much more in another medium and I feel like even though we don’t personally know her, we all probably feel a lot closer to her.

This sounds amazing, I've been loving all your latest posts btw  :$ I'm sorry to be an annoying tech noob but I would just love to experience this - how did you get the poems into AM or a place where you can mix it with NFR? Thanks  :wub:

nice cocc bro

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This sounds amazing, I've been loving all your latest posts btw :$ I'm sorry to be an annoying tech noob but I would just love to experience this - how did you get the poems into AM or a place where you can mix it with NFR? Thanks :wub:

Aw, thank you so much! <3 and don’t worry about it!


What I did was copy Violet from iBooks to my Mac’s desktop and then I changed the file’s extension from m4b to m4a. Then I had to import it into my iTunes library and adjust the starting and stopping timestamps to sync with each poem’s length. However, because it imports as one long 40 min track and not by each poem individually, I had to adjust the track to LA Who Am I to Love You’s length and starting and stopping timestamps and then go back and add the 40 min track again but this time adjust it to The Land of 1,000 Fires’s length and starting and stopping timestamps, and so on with the other poems. Just remember that each timestamp is relative to the poem that came before it! Let me know if you have any issues and hope this helps! :)

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Aw, thank you so much! <3 and don’t worry about it!


What I did was copy Violet from iBooks to my Mac’s desktop and then I changed the file’s extension from m4b to m4a. Then I had to import it into my iTunes library and adjust the starting and stopping timestamps to sync with each poem’s length. However, because it imports as one long 40 min track and not by each poem individually, I had to adjust the track to LA Who Am I to Love You’s length and starting and stopping timestamps and then go back and add the 40 min track again but this time adjust it to The Land of 1,000 Fires’s length and starting and stopping timestamps, and so on with the other poems. Just remember that each timestamp is relative to the poem that came before it! Let me know if you have any issues and hope this helps! :)


Thank you so much, this helps a lot <3

nice cocc bro

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Huh. I feel like the reviewer sort of missed the point of Violet. First calling all her music the same, so this should be as well, but then stating that it ruins the "camp" of Lana, citing lines from Salamander. I think Salamander is one of the most bombastic, and yet because of its theatrical aching, it reveals who Lana may actually be. Isn't this why we love her? An artist who 100% believes in her convictions and statements and way of life, even if they sound bleeding heart, or "camp". Also their statement that LA is the best poem is just a No. Its an incredible opener but to dismiss everything after it is just lazy writing.


One thing I loved about this project before it released was Lana's plaintive nature about it. "Theyre not trying to be anything more than what they are, and im especially proud because the nature in which they were written was very authentic" This was Lanas way of saying they are what they are, and sort or sucking the wind out of any accusation of pretentiousness. If you don't like them, shes fine with it. Lastly, yes NFR was gold because it took Lanas stories and set them to an America on fire. Violet is not that project, and it wasn't supposed to come out in the heat of the country falling to pieces. So for the reviewer to suggest she's a newb poet for focusing on herself? Please. Shes a mysterious legend already and her fans got some serious peeks behind the curtain here and we love her for it. Woof, rant over.

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The way the person who wrote the article didn’t understand her poetry at all and took every opportunity they had to bash Lana. Disgusting. Who are they to tell Lana that there are more important things than herself, when she’s just writing her thoughts, about her OWN experiences?? Who are they to say that she’s rich so she shouldn’t say she values feelings more than money??

I’m not sorry to say that this review is a pile of shit and I can’t use any other word than that.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Such a trash review - they will never give her a good review bc of their bad blood. It's cringingly obvious that they just don't like her. Has nothing to do w her work.


Patiently waiting for a Pitchfork review. 

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why isn't the album on spotify yet?

Probably because it’s going to charity, but idk. Some people have said audiobooks come out Spotify on Friday’s like a week or two after the initial release but idk bc I’ve never waited for one. Some people think it’ll go to streaming in October though when the physical copies are released. But they might wanna keep it exclusive since it’s connected to a charity though. I actually like that it’s exclusive to book apps atm though because it keeps the haters/trolls away unless they wanna pay for it.


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I just heard it again, eyes closed, still on my bed in this winter morning. I listened to carefully. This is a masterpiece. I love her, I love her so much. I'm so glad she did this. She let us enter a deeper level of her world.


I once wrote a song, back in 2015, which featured the line "There's strength in me but I'm weak", and that's exactly what this project is making me feel. Lana feels this way.

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a line from a poem in Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution has just leaked!


It reads, "Fuck the guardian"


I was standing before the Big Ben

What it portrayed wasn't synchronized with my own timeline

And none of us can go back to London

Fuck The Guardian

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