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Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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Maybe a stupid question, but did Lana ever said anything homophobic? Cause I read an article which pointed out the difference between her and her idol Cobain (religion etc) and one example was that he was against homophobia.

Seemed strange to me, since she gets along well with (openly gay) Woodkid and if I remember right she postet something about a gay pride parade on her old twitteraccount ...


I don't think she is homophobic nor has she said anything homophobic...she would be ostracising a huge proportion of her fanbase if she did so. The song 'For You' appears to be about someone coming out, which could mean that someone close to her is LGBT+. I think the difference between Cobain and her is that Kurt Cobain actively spoke against homophobia, whereas Lana hasn't really done so. She doesn't appear to be homophobic, but she just hasn't said anything promoted LGBT+ rights.


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Maybe a stupid question, but did Lana ever said anything homophobic? Cause I read an article which pointed out the difference between her and her idol Cobain (religion etc) and one example was that he was against homophobia.

Seemed strange to me, since she gets along well with (openly gay) Woodkid and if I remember right she postet something about a gay pride parade on her old twitteraccount ...


Rob tweeted not too long ago supporting gay marriage, and Lana has worked with plenty of gay men, etc. The difference with Kurt Cobain is that when he was speaking out against homophobia, the world, and particularly the rock world, was much worse than it is today, so he was actually being brave. (A lot of people at the time assumed that he would have to be gay or bi himself if he was standing up against homophobia). If Lana came out and made a statement about it now, she would get shit for it for taking on something that now seems like a 'motherhood' issue, particularly in the entertainment world. There was a lot of crap written recently about Macklemore not being the 'right kind' of pro-gay artist, and knowing how people respond to LDR, she'd get the same, or worse.


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Does anyone know what the official Sirens tracklist is? I found two different ones and I wanted to know which one is the official. This one and this one (I use the latter)

I think we can be pretty confident about the correct track order (see the "All Lyrics" thread) since that Team Hellions guy KRISTOFFRABLE appears to have been jamie311's source despite his denial of having anything to do with the leaks. His copy of the album had no track titles nor did rips that circulated privately before it leaked publicly with guessed track titles. However, there are two track titles we can be pretty sure about: "Junky Pride" because it was listed that way on her old MySpace account, and "A Star for Nick" because Sean from Nefarious Bovine Radio said it was called that on his podcast. (Of course, this assumes she never changed the names which we all know she has a habit of doing.) Also, according to @@Trash Magic, an LDR.FM mod also said that "Bad Disease" and "Out With a Bang" "were streamed online a long time ago under these titles", but I've never seen any receipts for that. Some people also speculate that "River Road" is the real title of "Next to Me", but as far as I can tell that's based solely on the coincidence that the title "River Road" was scrobbled with the same track length as "Next to Me", but that seems pretty thin to me, especially considering the propensity of certain assholes traders to scrobble tracks under different names and since the title "River Road" bears no relation to the lyrics. More recently, a number of Sirens tracks also surfaced on albums leaked as From the End and Quiet Now under different titles (and in higher quality). Here's my take on that situation:

FWIW, I think the track titles from FTE/QN should be considered a little more credible than the Sirens titles since we know those were guesses, but the person furthest up the chain of custody of FTE & QN claims they came to him titled that way. However, because there's some doubt about those titles, and because we don't know whether Lizzy titled them the same for Sirens, and because they've been known for years under different names, I've advocated labeling the overlapping tracks with the titles they leaked under with their respective albums, as I feel it's the most neutral. And that's the convention the forum has followed. For example, in the "All Lyrics" thread "For K"/"Drive By" is listed as "For K" under Sirens and as "Drive By" under From the End. Both link to a thread titled "For K / Drive By". Of course, everyone is free to label their own personal music library however they wish, but this is how the forum is treating things for the time being. This is subject to change in the event of more definitive new information.

Also, it should be noted that when Sirens leaked publicly the invented title "I'm Indebted to You" was misspelled "Indebited".



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Do we know where the name 'Westbound' emerged for Dear Elliot? With the other tracks on Sirens, the fanmade titles were created from lyrics in the songs (Next to Me - Would you like to sit next to me?), yet this song doesn't have the line 'westbound' in it at all.


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A question, but the extra bonus "Is This Happiness" and "Flipside" on that album-ep belong?

I don't know if this is what you're asking, but "Is This Happiness" is an iTunes exclusive bonus track, so we doesn't have that one phisically. "Flipside" can be phisically found on the exclusive version for Target USA of Ultraviolence, the Japan edition and as a bonus one-track disc for the french store FNAC. Digitally "Flipside" is available on iTunes Japan. :)

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I don't know if this is what you're asking, but "Is This Happiness" is an iTunes exclusive bonus track, so we doesn't have that one phisically. "Flipside" can be phisically found on the exclusive version for Target USA of Ultraviolence, the Japan edition and as a bonus one-track disc for the french store FNAC. Digitally "Flipside" is available on iTunes Japan. :)


Thanks, now I understand :)

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Why in the Deluxe version of Ultraviolence is not present Flipside? :defeated:

We don't know, really. It might be because Lana preferred the other tracks on the deluxe, but there's no true reason as to why it's a Target/French/Japan exclusive.


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