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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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1 hour ago, Frangipani said:

The 3 singles would've been a complete surprise without BoZ and Eclipse so it'll be interesting to see how Arcadia goes after their vow of silence.

Does anyone remember when BoZ said to 'give her a few weeks'?

Ok so that was 23rd August. Judging by that, I'm hoping we'll have something by the end of next week, whether that be a single/pre-order or just an announcement. Anything after that and it would be a 2½ month wait since her 4th July post...

I never care too much about delays but not having a specific date to look forward to really sucks out the fun of everything. :bored:

At least the music's always good :party:

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I hope this time we get post-album release MVs even if it's just homemade ones cause I sense we're only getting 1 or 2 max (one with the preorder and one on release week) :crying4:

She can just film herself doing random things with a vintage filter on (like in the HIAD MV) and I'd be happy


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We know that the album is 100% coming this year so that leaves us with 4 possible months:

- September is too early (unless she releases everything 2 weeks apart or something but I don't see them doing that, also I don't think the vinyl are ready)

- October may be the month (maybe we'll get a 1 month preorder like she used to do). I can see a late october release.

- November it's my best bet (the 5th or 12th bc Taylor)
- December is out (unless it's the first week) cause no one usually releases close to the holidays (unless it's a Christmas album or a compilation)


In the most realistic scenario that she releases BB on the 12th of November the rollout should be starting soon and we'll have 2 very packed months. Assuming she does the bare minimun promo (using Chemtrails here as reference) things should be coming pretty quickly one after another: We'll have new singles, MVs, the tracklist, photoshoots and interviews all coming in in quick  succession. 

We'll be finally getting fed this fall :hype:



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7 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

We know that the album is 100% coming this year so that leaves us with 4 possible months:

- September is too early (unless she releases everything 2 weeks apart or something but I don't see them doing that, also I don't think the vinyl are ready)

- October may be the month (maybe we'll get a 1 month preorder like she used to do). I can see a late october release.

- November it's my best bet (the 5th or 12th bc Taylor)
- December is out (unless it's the first week) cause no one usually releases close to the holidays (unless it's a Christmas album or a compilation)


In the most realistic scenario that she releases BB on the 12th of November the rollout should be starting soon and we'll have 2 very packed months. Assuming she does the bare minimun promo (using Chemtrails here as reference) things should be coming pretty quickly one after another: We'll have new singles, MVs, the tracklist, photoshoots and interviews all coming in in quick  succession. 

We'll be finally getting fed this fall :hype:


At this point she better releases in October. Adele is strongly rumored for November 5th and Taylor comes the week after. I know she does not give a damn about sales and competition but I bet Interscope does.


Is that insider reliable?

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11 minutes ago, Moon River said:

Someone on Popjustice claims the album is dropping next week on September 8. I want to believe it but it seems way too random to be true. :awkney:


Unless they're mistaking it for the single?

Friendship ended with atrl now popjustice forum is my best friend :blush3:

Someone said in that thread that they are reliable and I'm stalking their profile to see if that's true :thumb3: (they seem to get songs early so there's that).

I'm sure it's not the whole album but a wednesday seems a pretty normal date for Lana to release a single (also, it matches the few weeks thing boz said). Maybe they mistook the preorder with the album.

Now we wait for the official announcement but I doubt there's one if it's that close. The other preorders came out of the blue right? Except Chemtrails that for some reason was announced a month before.


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22 minutes ago, Moon River said:

Someone on Popjustice claims the album is dropping next week on September 8. I want to believe it but it seems way too random to be true. :awkney:


Unless they're mistaking it for the single?

I really really hope so, I just can't stand this wait anymore. 

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2 hours ago, The Siren said:

I think it's the reverse. 

You walk in expecting news and leaving disappointed


You see, somewhere far along this road, I gave up on expecting news when I visit :fabcat: I tend to come here pre-disappointed and go straight for some drinks from the delulu fountain with the gals :w8ing: I leave like:sluttybunny:and return when reality is sobered back to :stareney:

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4 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:

(I'm trying to get more info from them. Just hold on tight, luvs.)

Don't get arrested ?

Manifesting long stress free life and clear skin :legend:

1 minute ago, cru3lworld said:

baby i dont have enough money for this album to come out in 6 days :toofunny:

No one normal does :godlaugh:

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