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5 hours ago, EmptyPromises said:

I dreamt that Legends had a video with a bunch of dead celebs and MJ and Bowie show up at the end. It was v corny but honestly it would give her so much free promo if she pulled a stunt and had him in a video 

And then she shows MJ's 13 year rotten body at the end of the video :krylie:

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I can't believe we're going to bear another week right after this. 

We've been waiting like... forever???

Seriously she clearly gives us nothing.


I do know that there were some specific things that she wanted to do for the releases but... release a teaser and then release the single after a month... l

Like I said before, as if we we're waiting for an eternity

But anyway...



But what the actual f :defeated::lolliney:


It has to be REALLY worth it. 


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3 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:

It has to be REALLY worth it. 

Oh it won't, but we'll still eat it up when it comes out just like we ate up Downhill Lullaby and expected the album to drop soon after :true:

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if she really wanted to premiere the song & video simultaneously then she shouldn't have been running her yap months ago in the first place because then there wouldn't have been an expectation for a march release which forced her to post the teaser prematurely and consequently let the hype die. she should have just bit the bullet and released the single a week after the teaser and the video later when it was ready



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3 minutes ago, lonely lonely night said:

if she really wanted to premiere the song & video simultaneously then she shouldn't have been running her yap months ago in the first place because then there wouldn't have been an expectation for a march release which forced her to post the teaser prematurely and consequently let the hype die. she should have just bit the bullet and released the single a week after the teaser and the video later when it was ready






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4 minutes ago, backseat said:

Maybe to help mildly cure the Sky drought, Hatchie is releasing an album tonight produced by Jorge Elbrecht who Sky has been working with on Masochism! I’ve already listened and it is so good + making me even more excited for the album that may or may not exist :defeated:

Co-signing this, her debut album Keepsake is also pretty lovely!

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This has been said so many times in the thread before and I know sometimes it’s “in good fun” but speculating whether an artist is on drugs or not is really inappropriate, especially if it’s to make a mockery out of the person. Addiction is a sensitive subject and if a person is abusing substances, they should be met with compassion. 

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