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House of Gucci

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Just saw this movie it was kinda shit tbh but Gaga absolutely killed it & I hate Jared Leto. Anyways overall I liked it. Was it good? No. Was it bad? Kinda! But I was entertained. I feel like the movie took itself too seriously cause it was based on true events & an actual person died. If they went all the way with the over the top soap opera approach this movie would've been so good. What are y'alls thoughts?



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6 minutes ago, Peace said:

I thought that Jared Leto easily gave the best performance in the film


It was too over the top for me. It would’ve fit well if they made the overall movie more over the top (like I thought they would’ve) but his performance felt jarring at times.


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Yeah I saw it on Monday and was so ready to like it but it was so boring and disappointing. I think it was soulless and sterile, it didn’t make me feel anything whatsoever. And the colour grading was really ugly. Overall it felt like a made for TV film and the acting was subpar all round 🤷‍♂️ It felt overdone but still boring 

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Some thoughts not covered in the thread yet


- Adam Driver and Lady Gaga don’t have much chemistry. Lady Gaga had much better on-screen chemistry with Bradley Cooper

- I don’t think this movie was very faithful to the irl characters one way or another. Tom Ford wrote a piece about the movie and shaded the characterizations. I hate Jared Lego’s direction with Paolo. Paolo Gucci irl was not an idiot; he was behind the double G logo we see on Gucci today. 

- Adam Driver was so hot in this movie. I usually don’t find him very attractive but his styling in this was :sluttybunny:

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it dragged in some parts– def could have been shorter– but overall i enjoyed it. it gave what it needed to give (camp), the fashion was great, gaga gaga-ed. agree that it wasn't terrible and wasn't great, but it was fun (people actually harmed aside). i do love gaga's whole movie star persona and hope she does more films.


btw i went to a 10:30am showing and there were two middle-aged women drinking glasses of wine which made me lol; perfect way to see the movie (i was stoned).


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I still can't decide if I want to see this. It's getting so many mixed to bad reviews... Some people are saying that it's unintentionally funny and campy though so I probably will. :oopna:

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I saw this at like 10pm on thanksgiving and since then ive tried to calculate my thoughts on this movie but every time my mind literally goes blank :toofunny: like I have no feelings or thoughts towards it really which feels strange to even say?? like it was the most subpar movie ive seen in a while but Gaga did great I forgot at times that it was her and thats a good thing imo :true: considering his death is the main draw of the film I wish they had him assassinated in the second act and had a giant courtroom scene as the third act but I get that they had so much material to cover. would've been better as a short series or something idk 

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havent seen it. Should i get my expectations lower? Since A Star Is Born was unexpectedly good.

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24 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:

havent seen it. Should i get my expectations lower? Since A Star Is Born was unexpectedly good.

yeah… Gaga’s acting was great but the editing and dialogues were like 4/10, it was also too long

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