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Lana Del Rey Albums as _______

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Born To Die - Roses & Ivy

Paradise - Sunflower

Ultraviolence - Hydrangea

Honeymoon - Hibiscus, Lavender, Lilac

Lust For Life - Cactus & Daisies

Norman Fucking Rockwell - Clover & Violets

Chemtrails Over The Country Club - Tulips & Baby’s Breath




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born to die - tiger (the music video)
paradise - snake (tropico imagery)
ultraviolence - wolf (wolves howling in fmwuttt)
honeymoon - flamingo (music to watch boys to)
lust for life - dove (outro of get free)
norman fuckign rockwell - butterfly.. duh

born to die - tiger (btd music video)

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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  On 8/10/2020 at 8:51 PM, wild caged animal said:

Can we please do animals instead...

Born To Die - Tiger

Paradise - Snake

Ultraviolence - Alligator

Honeymoon - Flamingo

Lust For Life - Mustang

Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Butterfly

Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Cat

Imma do this bc I'm too uneducated and it's easier to me lel


BTD - Lion

Paradise - Tiger

Ultraviolence - Shark (yeah...)

Honeymoon - Flamingo

Lust For Life - Hawk

NFR! - Pelican

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Born To Die - Alligator (Blue Jeans MV)

Paradise - Eagle (American imagery)

Ultraviolence - Lizard ("I'm a dragon, you're a whore")

Honeymoon - Tiger (Honeymoon MV)

Lust For Life - Mustang (White Mustang, the horses lyric in GBA)

Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Butterfly

Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Cat

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Born To Die - Face Off

Paradise - Golden shower

Ultraviolence - Doggy style

Honeymoon - Missionary

Lust For Life - 69

Norman Fucking Rockwell - Masturbation

Chemtrails Over The Country Club - Orgy



into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I’ve got one


Lana Del Ray - The Magician

Born to Die - Strength

Paradise - The Devil

Ultraviolence - The Hanged Man

Honeymoon - The Hermit

Lust for Life - Temperance

Norman fucking Rockwell! - The Empress

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - The Moon

Chemtrails Over the Country Club - ....The Tower?


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  On 8/10/2020 at 10:33 PM, recklessdaughter said:

I’ve got one


Lana Del Ray - The Magician

Born to Die - Strength

Paradise - The Devil

Ultraviolence - The Hanged Man

Honeymoon - The Hermit

Lust for Life - Temperance

Norman fucking Rockwell! - The Empress

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - The Moon

Chemtrails Over the Country Club - ....The Tower?

Too early to define COCC but if it's less apocalyptic then we're expecting I feek like NFR deserves The Tower for the global warming theme

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  On 8/10/2020 at 8:09 PM, bored said:

I mean, every era kinda has had a flower of sorts, I think it just became more subtle and with Norman it wasn't part of the album packaging, probably cos of the nautical theme but it was on the merch.


Born To Die - rose

Paradise - bird of paradise

Ultraviolence - hydrangea

Honeymoon - begonia (or summit - like the little red flowers)

Lust For Life - daisy

Norman Fucking Rockwell - lily

Honeymoon: pelargonium

Norman: hydrangea



The legacy

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  On 8/10/2020 at 11:39 PM, Ryusei said:

What‘s every era‘s body part :crazy:

Born to Die: Neck

Paradise: :pussypower:

Ultraviolence: Hands

Honeymoon: Lips

Lust for Life: Teeth

Norman Fucking Rockwell: Eyes

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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