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LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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3 minutes ago, Vertimus said:

'Mezzanine' would actually be a pretty cool name for LDR9, especially after 'Blue Banisters.'


It could have symbolic associations too, "a low story between two others in a building, typically between the ground and first floors," as in, "I'm in a mezzanine phase of life, neither here nor there, neither in the past nor the future, neither where I want to be and don't want to be." 


Also, Cancer = Water sign, yes, but 'water' in astrology symbolizes feeling and emotion, so water would not necessarily be used in depict Cancer, no more than a crab might be. 


I'm an Aquarius only 6 hours into Aquarius out of Capricorn, and have loads of Capricorn in my chart, but Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer, even though it's an Air, or Thinking, sign. 


Astrology is all checks and balances. 


I'm actually digging this, she can re-use & explore more the witchy, spiritual original concept that was once meant for Lust for Life

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30 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:


I'm actually digging this, she can re-use & explore more the witchy, spiritual original concept that was once meant for Lust for Life

I'd love that for LDR9. 


Though I'm a big fan of most of LFL, it's neither 'witchy' or 'Blade Runner-esque,' (even if the latter was only intended for one song).


Maybe she should have asked Stevie Nicks for 'witch' lessons, as Stevie introduced witches into rock n' roll with 'Rhiannon' (though she later retracted Rhiannon's association with witches, which actually was incorrect), and later seemed to write about them again on 'Sisters of the Moon' (which some people think was about Nico). 


As I've noted before, Lana once said, with apparent disdain, that she 'grew up in a kind of Carly Simon household,' and it's funny how influences get under the skin, because, to me, a good deal of BB sounds like Carly Simon, especially BBS, IYLDWM, VFR, SC, and 'Arcadia.' And the same for some of the songs on COCC, like LMLYLAW, WAH, DTWD, and WD. 


I would like to see Lana break free of her 'confessional' period, if only for fans' sakes, for at least one record, and give us something 'revved up,' like 'Serene Queen,' one of my all-time favorites of hers, released or unreleased. 


But, as always, I'll take whatever she serves up. Some real aural surprises would be nice, though. 

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Last night I finally dreamt about LDR9(Some of my dreams do tend to come true so...:blush3:)

I don't remember much, but the album came out around September/October & the cover was B&W. She barely teased the album so nobody knew what to expect, but she released a high-budget MV with the album's release(I don't remember what it was about, I just remember it being really strange, the album was a big transition too.)

Carmen GIF by Lana Del Rey

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Time to manifest LYTAN on LDR9… (it’s interesting that Honeymouns only heard it long ago and doesn’t have it). And he says RCS = LYTAN, but Lanaism is saying the opposite… so what is the truth? 

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She should drop Jack Blandtonoff, leave her comfort zone and explore & draft new music with distinct genres for this album. I want ha to make an ARTPOP-inspired album with loud synths, heavy beats and sexist/sassy lyricism. That could be an instant 90 on Metacritic. 

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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21 minutes ago, Venus Fly Trap said:

She should drop Jack Blandtonoff, leave her comfort zone and explore & draft new music with distinct genres for this album. I want ha to make an ARTPOP-inspired album with loud synths, heavy beats and sexist/sassy lyricism. That could be an instant 90 on Metacritic. 

ARTFLOP? lmao puhLeaze!! Gaga killed Lou Reed!! Nah. Pass. Jack has sick chords. I'll let him stay. He's cute in a Hotistic way. I would like to see some sexism on the album though. On that we agree.


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My Guides put me on timeout after my antics on here in the last six months so I haven't had any dreams or visions. Apparently one is not supposed to use the Sight to grandstand and troll on lanaboards. Well, whatever, atleast I had fun.


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20 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

We're almost halfway through June and I'm starting to think the single is not coming this month :icant: (unless she pulls another surprise release or announces it the day before)

Maybe on her birthday tho :gasp:

Manifesting a cake with the album cover on it

Carmen GIF by Lana Del Rey

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7 minutes ago, sadhotforever said:

Manifesting a cake with the album cover on it

Yeees!! or a post on her birthday with some information about the new album too:hype::hype:


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1 hour ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Time to manifest LYTAN on LDR9… (it’s interesting that Honeymouns only heard it long ago and doesn’t have it). And he says RCS = LYTAN, but Lanaism is saying the opposite… so what is the truth? 

What do we have in terms of info, lyrics, or snippets of this song? Not sure if we have condensed info about this track posted somewhere? Of all the unreleased we know of this one intrigues me the most. The title is honestly so beautiful :trisha:

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