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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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2 minutes ago, EXODUS said:


She was cooler when she was more immature and understudied than now that she studied psychology and feels smarter enough to talk about "heavy stuff" that happends around the world and our society.


She used to be so unproblematic and deep within her more "everyday" themes, she didn't have to change that much, I really miss old Marina.

Well...she kinda was problematic. Didn't she have those controversial blogs about Britney and Lily Allen in TFJ era? And also she wrote Girls which is kinda problematic nowadays...


Despite the controversial themes, I love the catchiness of Girls


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Yeah she always been sort of... ~problematic, but back then she wasn't try to give her opinion over everything and trying to look smart "out of the bubble!".



I blame it on people who wanted Savages as a single.

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36 minutes ago, Embach said:

Well...she kinda was problematic. Didn't she have those controversial blogs about Britney and Lily Allen in TFJ era? And also she wrote Girls which is kinda problematic nowadays...


Despite the controversial themes, I love the catchiness of Girls


wasn’t she mocking with those lyrics? I took it as a criticism to the beauty/“good women” behavior standards

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48 minutes ago, Embach said:

Well...she kinda was problematic. Didn't she have those controversial blogs about Britney and Lily Allen in TFJ era? And also she wrote Girls which is kinda problematic nowadays...


Despite the controversial themes, I love the catchiness of Girls

she was very problematic in the tfj/pre tfj era (even using the t slur in a certain blog post) but she's been pretty vocal that she's realised how much of a bitch she was. I just hope she has a sudden epiphany realising she should just stick to making good music and not using her platforms to express her uneducated opinions.


i love her music tho and can't just return my FROOT boxset..

young, wild, free but most of all fucking crazy


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10 hours ago, LunaeManifestum said:


wasn’t she mocking with those lyrics? I took it as a criticism to the beauty/“good women” behavior standards

Maybe, I used to think that too at first but I somehow I remember her saying that those lyrics were problematic. Maybe I misremembered lol


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1 hour ago, Embach said:

Maybe, I used to think that too at first but I somehow I remember her saying that those lyrics were problematic. Maybe I misremembered lol


This did NOT age well

young, wild, free but most of all fucking crazy


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someone explain to me how Girls is anti-woke like an inept, because all i see is someone singing about how society and women withing themselves need to stop obsessing over how they think they should look like, especially from the fashion industry 

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9 hours ago, TRENCH said:

someone explain to me how Girls is anti-woke like an inept, because all i see is someone singing about how society and women withing themselves need to stop obsessing over how they think they should look like, especially from the fashion industry 

I think most of the song is fine, though perhaps 10+ years on we’re reading it in a different context?

the lyrics ‘you stick to your yogurt I’ll stick to my apple pie’ and this part of the chorus: Girls, they never befriend me cause I fall asleep when they speak of all the calories they eat all they say is, "Na-na-na-na-na" come across ‘not like the other girls’, like she’s better than them for not caring about food/calories. marina has admitted in a podcast she did have an eating disorder pre-froot so that’s an added layer, perhaps she was trying to deflect and act like she was above succumbing to the size 0 trend of the 90s & early 00s.

I think she did a better job in supermodel’s legs of getting her point across: Oh, women, men and in-betweens. Why don't you just stop dieting? Go bake, eat cake, go cheer, drink beer, worrying is boring

the ‘calm down’ demo lyrics are more ‘problematic’ but she removed them: I love your Botox bitch / Calm down, I'm not gonna steal your boyfriend. No need to brand him in between the eyes

also the ‘would you quit gossiping about me to hid your insecurities’ whilst having a blog she used to bitch on because she was insecure was such a self read:toofloppy:


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On 10/23/2023 at 11:26 PM, DinahLee said:

I blame it on people who wanted Savages as a single.

It was one of her most popular songs once pulled on Spotify, she quickly noticed that.


And Girls is iconic idgaf


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18 hours ago, AllForYou said:

I think most of the song is fine, though perhaps 10+ years on we’re reading it in a different context?

the lyrics ‘you stick to your yogurt I’ll stick to my apple pie’ and this part of the chorus: Girls, they never befriend me cause I fall asleep when they speak of all the calories they eat all they say is, "Na-na-na-na-na" come across ‘not like the other girls’, like she’s better than them for not caring about food/calories. marina has admitted in a podcast she did have an eating disorder pre-froot so that’s an added layer, perhaps she was trying to deflect and act like she was above succumbing to the size 0 trend of the 90s & early 00s.

I think she did a better job in supermodel’s legs of getting her point across: Oh, women, men and in-betweens. Why don't you just stop dieting? Go bake, eat cake, go cheer, drink beer, worrying is boring

the ‘calm down’ demo lyrics are more ‘problematic’ but she removed them: I love your Botox bitch / Calm down, I'm not gonna steal your boyfriend. No need to brand him in between the eyes

also the ‘would you quit gossiping about me to hid your insecurities’ whilst having a blog she used to bitch on because she was insecure was such a self read:toofloppy:


lmaooo ok i now see why some people have a thing with it;

oh god if the the calm down lyrics made it into the official, would've definetly clutched some pearls and she wouldve been dragged much more now 

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discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll. thank god every day i have the ability to consume media and make my own choices on what it is and represents to me without shitting my pants and cancelling it on twitter to my 10 followers. like, a majority of the problems regarding media (books, songs, etc) would be solved if people went 'hmm.....i don't like this!' and carried on with their day. of course there's nuance to this, but the internet fucked that up as well and is a topic for a different day. 


this isn't pointed at any member on here btw lol, i understand why people don't like the song. i actually don't like the song that much either lmao! i'm just bored and wanted to add to the discourse xoxo






leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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4 hours ago, Party Favor said:

discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll. thank god every day i have the ability to consume media and make my own choices on what it is and represents to me without shitting my pants and cancelling it on twitter to my 10 followers. like, a majority of the problems regarding media (books, songs, etc) would be solved if people went 'hmm.....i don't like this!' and carried on with their day. of course there's nuance to this, but the internet fucked that up as well and is a topic for a different day. 


this isn't pointed at any member on here btw lol, i understand why people don't like the song. i actually don't like the song that much either lmao! i'm just bored and wanted to add to the discourse xoxo

Just to add to the discourse, I’m sure nobody even really cares that much about the lyrics of Girls. I guess we all just acknowledge that the lyrics are a bit cringe and problematic (I don’t even want to say problematic because that’s too strong of a word) because Marina pointed about how shocked she is that she wrote a song like that. We all just took it as silly and camp but since she’s on this LA influencer journey, she made a big thing out of nothing



In general, I don’t think the discourse around getting rid of things you don’t like is necessarily bad since unfortunately a lot of people can’t look away and move on whether it be because they’re mentally ill or they’re young and don’t realise the impact of what they’re seeing. Does it go overboard? Absolutely yes but I’d rather the internet and the world in general be more sterile than have it be what it was like 10-20 years ago. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for people to be more sensitive even if it does get annoying A LOT of the time. I’d prefer overly sensitive than what past generations were like. Just my two cents :slayty:


Everytime I try to fly, I fall

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4 hours ago, Party Favor said:

discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll. thank god every day i have the ability to consume media and make my own choices on what it is and represents to me without shitting my pants and cancelling it on twitter to my 10 followers. like, a majority of the problems regarding media (books, songs, etc) would be solved if people went 'hmm.....i don't like this!' and carried on with their day. of course there's nuance to this, but the internet fucked that up as well and is a topic for a different day. 


this isn't pointed at any member on here btw lol, i understand why people don't like the song. i actually don't like the song that much either lmao! i'm just bored and wanted to add to the discourse xoxo





I agree this is nuanced, and being nuanced on the internet is near impossible as people always want a ‘correct’ side.

I still listen to girls and the ‘problematic’ lyric doesn’t ‘bother’ me as I’m not going to be influenced by a song to start having that opinion. however I can see why people are up in arms about (specifically) teenage/vulnerable girls reading ‘problematic’ romance books and perhaps not knowing that the type of relationship in the book isn’t aspirational in anyway. it might be ‘obvious’ to us that a man practically stalking you under the guise of love is a major red flag but for an ignored teenager that might just seem like dedication and them ‘proving’ how special they are to them. it can leave them open to future abuse. (no I don’t think I’m being over dramatic)


I don’t believe tiktok will solve that though, better education in schools about how to spot a narcissist and gaslighting (but actual gaslighting, not just ‘this person recalls it differently’ I swear I want to take this word away from certain sites)


that all being said we can’t ever ‘ban’ a piece of media (unless illegal) because it never works (people usually go to seek it out) and it’s a slippery slope as someone or something has to be the authority to do that which historically has not been a great thing. for all (not you specifically) the complaining about cancel culture it rarely cancels anyone/anything and never consistently, it’s usually just a hit in revenue for someone who can absorb it and after a break it’s like nothing ever happened.

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For some, Girls is problematic, for some it isn't. At the end, I don't really care about it because Marina has kind of acknowledged it and I still listen to the song. I really love the song's production, it sounds so catchy and it sounds like a quirkier parody of a circus music or something like that. The production makes the song kinda unique hahah. And the lyrics are funny for me, sorry, I don't care again that they're "problematic", her delivery in it makes it funnier. I can actually really relate to those lyrics if I was a child like in 3rd grade because I had that same attitude like in that song lmao. 


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I simply find TFJ a bitter reflection of teenage years and why would anyone expect a teenage girl to write non problematic songs. Seriously people have too much freetime and love to find dramas with more clever artists while commercial singers, men especially, go on doing the most idiotic or offensive stuff and nobody cares.


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On 10/25/2023 at 10:55 PM, Party Favor said:

discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll.


I *HATE* to say what I'm about to say and bOtH sIdEs this, but it reeks of the same energy right wingnuts apply to book banning. "I don't like what this says, and it goes against MY BIBLE, so this needs to be taken out of schools and public libraries." This constant trend of reviewing old media through the lenses of either strict modernity or strict morality on both the creators and the consumers is so fucking tiring.

Like unless a piece of media is literally, actively, unabashedly and directly advocating for harm, violence, genocide, racism etc., it should stand. If you consume a piece of media, and in the process it makes you uncomfortable, THEN THE LESSON IS IN IDENTIFYING WHY SOMETHING MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, AND THEN THEREFORE DECIDING ON YOUR OWN EITHER TO CHALLENGE AND CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS TO ACCOMMODATE, OR WALK THE OTHER WAY IF YOU THINK THE CONTENT IS 100% AGAINST YOUR VALUES.

"Singer wrote a song with some meeeeh lyrics 15 years ago, how horrible. Cancel them!" Okay but like...where's the room for growth? Where's the allocation for change? Where's the acknowledgement that the artist has (or hasn't) moved on from those viewpoints and perspectives? If it was something truly horrid, where's the pause and assessment if any kind of restorative justice has been served or not? "Nah, skip to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200$."

Just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I hate being old on the internet.

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