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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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I finally listened to the new album. 

i Love the production and how upbeat it is (even the ballads). 
The lyrics are a bit too much on the nose and a bit too much « wOkE pOp » (the contradictions are way too easy to find out lol), but the beats and prod are able to salvage the weaker texts. 
i really love her voice, how reminiscent of her early albums it is. 
really like it, and Lorde’s as well, at the moment. I needed some lighter and poppier stuff to begin summer with, and as much as I love the three Lana singles and how they form a sorta EP, it is very heavy in terms of content (I call it the Trauma EP haha), and Marina’s newest one is a breath of fresh air in-between Lana’s albums. 

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The lack of Pink Convertible hurts. This album needed another track about white privilege of a rich person thinking about Nikes instead of racial prejudice or environment. It would've made a message of the whole record stronger.


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I listened to album and this is her best album, ADIML top even Froot:defeated:

Production is so good, done really excellent. I can't choose now the best song cause everything is perfect. Venus issa totally bop. ILYBILMM, ADIML, PTP is one of her best songs she ever made. New America, Man's World and Goodbye are really great songs too. Her voice sounds so so good. I really loved huge 80s, new wave/dance-pop/pop rock influences. She did THAT and it's a fact.

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Daaaaamn, she really did THAT :defeated:!!! 

My top 1 of hers for sure. Favourite songs: Venus Fly Trap and I Love You... .My only critique is that I wish she could've chosen a different order for the tracklist cause it kinda feels as 2 EPs mergerd together, other than that, she's back :krylie:!! 

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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Been listening all night and wow do I love this project ?

The second half of the record is really beautiful, Goodbye really got me :’) Think the tracklist needed to be switched up because it feels unbalanced in pacing, but maybe it will settle with time.

Cant wait for this tour!! Hope she announces soon, and the rest of the vinyls :wub:

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I would rather not betray myself just to keep your love at any cost :wowcry:

All the happiness you lo-o-o-ost :krylie:

And now my future gleams, with colors bold and bright :bebe:

And now I'll never know what parts of your love were for real and what parts were for show :lange:





I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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  On 6/10/2021 at 4:25 AM, cory said:

I didn't order a CD from her webstore but we can assume that they'll be sold at like, Target right? 

ive never seen her CDs in Target, only at my local record stores 

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Finished my first listen and those are my initial impressions:


ADIAML - One of my favorites. The message is very 60's and 70's, something that I was missing from today's music. Only the beats that are kinda repetitive and the sound doesn't evolve.

It's too square compared with the songs from her previous albums. 7/10



VFT - The millionairess line killed the song for me. It's a little bit meritocratic and meritocracy only works in stabilized societies. It could have been a cute song about the law of action and reaction, but it was ruined when she inserted monetary compensation, even if it was just a line.          8/10


MW - I didn't like it when it first came out, but with the album context is a highlight. I felt that it lacked some organic instrument within the instrumental in some parts.           9/10


PTP - It's less square than ADIAML. Fun song, some people may found tone deaf.        8/10


HEP - She killed the song putting between PTP and NA. I think that it would fit better next to MW. I see myself crying to this song when I feel overwhelmed by my emotions.        9/10


NA - It's the less square upbeat track. The superficiality is what makes this song top-notch. It's like telling a joke with some truth in it. This song needs a music video, but I don't think that Marina has the budget for it.  The national anthem in some part of the song (maybe at the end????) could have been a nice touch (cliché, but it's Marina. Cliché works for her).         9/10


PB - Cute song, with a lot of emotional luggage to unpack. 8/10


ILYBILMM - This replaced A Whole Lotta Woman on my break-up playlist :hair:       7/10


Flowers - I would put this song before ILYBILMM. Calm instrumental and my favorite conjunct (sonically) from the whole record.        9/10


Goodbye - My favorite track. Marina's last tracks are always my faves, don't know why. I feel like I'm listening to a song extracted from a musical and I love it.             8/10





It's definitely one of my favorite records of 2021. I love the political tracks, even though it's too much on the nose. The only problem is that I feel like I'm listening to 2 different records. The tracks and subjects don't flow well together. I think that I could have enjoyed it more if ILYBILMM and Flowers were replaced by Pink Convertible and Happy Loner (maybe I'm Not Hungry Anymore?).


The only reason why it's not messy, it's because Marina was always camp and this style suits her. So even that the tracks feel displaced, it still feels like a Marina album.


Those are just my initial impressions, because I only listened to the record once. It all can change in a day or even in an hour. 


Overall score: 74, 8

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The Venus Fly Trap video is one of her best. She is beautiful, the clip is short but there is so much going on that you can't get bored! The song is not one of my favorites, but the title is really good and goes very well with the rest of the album. This way of rising from the ashes, Marina did. You couldn't ask for more. It is perfect for the retro and modern atmosphere! :party:


Let's move on to the album that is FINALLY released today. So what can I say, unsurprisingly I knew this album would be very good and it is. I am so happy to find her again, the effort she has made for us is incredible. :worship:


We go through all of Marina's phases here: happy, committed, neon, a little rocker, melancholic, light, sad and perfectionist. She lives in California but she will always remain that colorful and original little englishwoman who conquered us over 10 years ago, notice here. :sluttybunny:


I would like to underline the excellent production of each track, chosen, rearranged, we feel that she has put her heart, time and pride into this record in which no track is to be thrown away. FROOT's little sister. And thank you for incorporating beautiful guitars, bass, to believe that in 2021 there are no more instruments in pop music. 


My only complaints will be its length and the number of songs (too short) but the most perfect albums are also the shortest aren't they?
The lyrics sometimes wobbly but I don't blame her for that because we know that she has changed since L + F, she continues to be consistent in her work as an artist and that is what matters most.
The lyrics about her breakup are heartbreaking, when we know she struggled to save Goodbye :crai:


The quality is at the rendezvous and it did not disappoint us. I like this way of taking a step back and listening to the opinions of the fans to improve and give everything.

My new favorite song here is I love you ... it's really a Marina that reminds me of I'm a ruin that touched me so much in 2015, it's a pretty sad feeling that I have with that. :rollin:


Everything is perfect here. Probably the best album of this year, she did a good job.


If Lana could be this passionate and enthusiastic but I wouldn't cry if she released a boring record, Marina is there.

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