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Lanaboards Book Club (First Book Announced! Lolita!)

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I really want to get back into reading, I've felt so time poor and unmotivated the last couple years so this would be a great way to help me form the habit again.


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4 hours ago, Mer said:

Oh btw I filled out the survey sorry forgot to mention. Why is there not a general "fiction" for the genre? 


Hmm Idk, I didn't really think of it as being it's own genre, but you're totally right so maybe I'll add it or we can just add in that genre. i guess at the time, i was thinking of general subgenres to really get a feel for what people like, but general fiction is a good idea, bc there's things like Lolita and a few others that people have mentioned already that aren't really those (*although, it's not marketed as horror, Lolita almost feels like a psychological horror in some ways, just bc of it having the weird pedophilia themes throughout but that doesn't deter me from wanting to read it) 

2 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

there’s a book coming out soon about what if Hades fell in love with Persephone’s brother instead and lemme tell you

im BUYING that shit SO fast


ooo wait, what's that called and who's it by!!?? i'd be into that

7 minutes ago, YUNGATA said:

I really want to get back into reading, I've felt so time poor and unmotivated the last couple years so this would be a great way to help me form the habit again.




tbh i have this fuzzy feeling when i think of more people joining this to get back into reading or to start reading when they don't :crai: my internal nerdiness is jumping


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Just now, Hydroponic Weeds said:


Hmm Idk, I didn't really think of it as being it's own genre, but you're totally right so maybe I'll add it or we can just add in that genre. i guess at the time, i was thinking of general subgenres to really get a feel for what people like, but general fiction is a good idea, bc there's things like Lolita and a few others that people have mentioned already that aren't really those (*although, it's not marketed as horror, Lolita almost feels like a psychological horror in some ways, just bc of it having the weird pedophilia themes throughout but that doesn't deter me from wanting to read it) 


ooo wait, what's that called and who's it by!!?? i'd be into that

King of Immortal Tithe by Ben Alderson



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1 minute ago, godsmonster said:

King of Immortal Tithe by Ben Alderson


i'll have to look that one up!!


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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So I'm thinking we could start submitting books now, start a vote this Sunday (August 14), if that works out for everyone? Once we start, we can then meet back every Sunday to this thread to discuss what we've read? We can also come back any time in between still too, obviously, but Sunday would be the days we'd come back and talk about the part we read? OOOO AND I CAN MAKE A SPOILER LIST AT THE TOP OF THE THREAD ABOUT EACH BOOK that'd be so cute


Also, I think a fair way to do it is to have a submission box/open requests form that'll stay open on the main post and what I'll do is when we have a large selection of titles (ten or more), I'll put them all into a randomizer, the first six chosen will be part of the vote and then we'll do a new vote every time we finish a book? If the book you request doesn't get chosen, it'll stay in the pool to be chosen another time! And all the books that don't "win" will still get a chance to be read too, they'll stay in too. That way we'll eventually get through the books everyone is interested in. And even if you choose not to participate and want to read a different book, that's fine too, I'd just be happy to know someone is reading something <3 my feelings won't be hurt at all lol but this seems like a fun way for people to participate. Also, remember, there are ways to get books for free if you can't afford them or can't get to a library (libgen) check Reddit for the links/directions on how to navigate it (i'm a frequent flyer of that website :awkney:)


Link to the book submission This will also be added to the first post too, just to make sure it's findable 


I'd like to have a horror/thriller theme for October if that's possible lol but who knows what'll get picked. When we're in between books, we'll do voting then, it'll start the Sunday we finish and end the following Sunday, then start the next Sunday so that way it gives people a week to find the book/buy/borrow from libraries and start it. IIf more time is needed or less time, let me know and we can figure it out. I'm just making this up as I go, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :oprah3:


my favorite part about this is I've gotten 10 submissions already on the original quiz, which means there's 10 actual people who want to do this with me and i can't believe it <3 thank you guys for being interested and doing this, i think this'll be a fun thing, especially while we wait for LDR9 and then LDR10, etc. I wanna keep the book club going for as long as we can. Eventually, after the first couple of books, if we've been reading too much maybe we can take a few weeks of a break, then come back and start a new book or something? That was kinda why I thought 2 weeks between ending a book, voting and starting one seems fair but idk. Please give feedback!!!!


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Not directly releated but I really want to read some of Rupi Kaur works I picked up a book at the bookstore of hers and opened it and it opened onto the poem (it is nsfw) where she says  

"the very thought of you
has my legs spread apart
like an easel with a canvas
begging for art"

and now that is art I gasped but it is actually a great poem like I need more of her poems :defeated:


~Mon amour,  je sais que tu m'aimes aussi ~

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7 hours ago, Ace of Hearts said:

This actually sounds amazing and I've recently wanted to read more books so this is really cool. And i'm glad to hopefully be able to join in on this :party:


6 hours ago, lili said:

Count me in, too! 


y'all please join!!! it'll be better the more people we have for discussions and suggestions!!! plus i'm hoping it'll help make the wait for LDR9 better and who knows, maybe in a couple months after we've read our first or second book, Lana will have dropped the title and release date. but until then.... we have books to read lol i just hope this becomes a success for the forum, it feels like a very community-driven thing and that's the whole point of a forum you know? 




if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Ok I sent my submission but i forgot to say I'm also super into reading I'm glad my mom died, I don't wanna do it alone bc it'll be so depressing :icant:




last.fm: dope_n_diamonds // twitter: lovinglydelrey

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25 minutes ago, niandra lades said:

Ok I sent my submission but i forgot to say I'm also super into reading I'm glad my mom died, I don't wanna do it alone bc it'll be so depressing :icant:


I don’t think celebrity memoirs should be considered because they are almost always ghostwritten


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i would be in but i read so damn inconsistently bc i'll like. really be in the mood to and then finish a book and never want to read again until months later :defeated: wishing y'all all the best tho <3


also i will admit a fondness for young adult and children's fiction bc the stories in those age categories are so broad........however i agree that a lot of the heavily-marketed stuff can be really poorly written or executed and also i'm tired of being force-fed greek mythology retellings like that's the only set of legends and lore in the world. adult fiction isn't free from problems (especially in the I'm A Sadman Deadwife, My Spouse Is Cheating On Me, I Don't Know How To Communicate Problems spheres) but at least the horror takes more chances



sumer is icumen in, lhude sing cuccu

groweþ sed and bloweþ med and springþ þ wde nu

sing cuccu!

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50 minutes ago, niandra lades said:

Ok I sent my submission but i forgot to say I'm also super into reading I'm glad my mom died, I don't wanna do it alone bc it'll be so depressing :icant:




1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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On 8/11/2022 at 4:15 AM, Pretty On The Indide said:

But under almost no condition should YA be allowed. I don’t want us to be snobs but we should have some standards. Also it would be cool if we got to most of rhe books lana references in her work ( this has its own thread)

This is exactly what I was going to say. I think it would be awesome to explore the works that Lana references!

And also I cannot stand any more YA. 

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