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LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!

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its been brought to our attention that it is Lanaboard's tenth anniversary today. :party:

and that calls for a celebration :oop:

there will be games, performances, and lots and lots of drinking (if you are of-age, of course!)

what are your favourite memories of LanaBoards? members? meltdowns? threads? leaks? sound off below!





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for me, one of my fav moments was when Deluluking was banned and had his meltdown on the leaks site *which shall not be names* and was swiftly taken down several notches by Queen Elle :dance:

Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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I only came here in 2020 I think which was too late, like what took me so long?! I've been a fan since 2012. 

Well I love it here because the vast majority of y'all is cute and all the insane posts and status updates really make me laugh sometimes.

Favorite threads are any pre-release thread and Pictures of you (because I'm nosy af) and I love reading the status updates.

I also really appreciate @Elle as the boss. You always think of fun threads for special occasions and really put in the effort if there's technical issues etc. You're appreciated (but you also know that).

Edited by BlueINK
Praising Ms. Elle


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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2 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

Elle, can you merge the thread of @The Siren with this one? :heart: 


Yes, I've merged them! @The Siren

It actually touches my heart that another user thought to create a thread for this too, as it just shows how important this place has been to so many of us :xcry:

I'm looking forward to reading all the memories people share about being a part of LanaBoards - this truly is such a special place x


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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21 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

I only came here in 2020 I think which was too late, like what took me so long?! I've been a fan since 2012. 

Well I love it here because the vast majority of y'all is cute and all the insane posts and status updates really make me laugh sometimes.

Favorite threads are any pre-release thread and Pictures of you (because I'm nosy af) and I love reading the status updates.


Why is this me LMAO :eartha: 

I’m so grateful for this site because of the people here, everyone is so ratchet and crazy and funny and hot 🥵 The volatility of this forum sends me every time; one moment we’re celebrating and the next we’re starving. I live for the gif gates, the l34ks, the sudden sc4t, and the annual Lipsters cause everyone gets so creative and the results are always hilarious. Above all I’m thankful for the friendships, bonds, and relationships that I’ve formed with so many of you :heart:

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So happy that you (@Elle) continue to keep this site running—one of the most supportive communities I’ve been around, even if virtually :)

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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Happy birthday to this site that we’ve all found a home in! Can’t believe it’s been 10 years. I love this community so much and feel such a kinship with everyone here. It’s pretty crazy that we are all united by our love for Lana and have connected in other ways too. Here’s to 10 more amazing years (and many more)! <3 thank you so much @Elle for keeping this site alive and running for us all, we truly would not be in this space without you and your generosity of spirit. 

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you’re all chaotic af but i can’t imagine my daily routine without logging at least a little bit, having people search for everything lana related, seeing people thoughts processes and meltdowns, and of course get to know some amazing people! cheers to that, now lemme open a bottle of vodka and roll a blunt 

[Hold me, love me, touch me, lanadel.gif

honey, be the first who ever did]

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So happy! Lanaboards' birthday is here! I remember when I joined in 2017, a little less than a month before Lust for Life came out! I have the name tattooed on me and Lanaboards is a part of that time of my life. I came back in 2019 (and I felt so welcome) and enjoyed the NFR Pre-release so much :icant: this is a fun, interesting and amazing page to be in and I love to read you all and to talk about the artist I love the most in the world! I was just thinking that when I have a daughter, I'll come read this forum while I wait in the car for her to get out of school. LMFAO 



last.fm: dope_n_diamonds // twitter: lovinglydelrey

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HAPPY 10 YEARS! :party:


lanaboards is such a happy & joyful part of my life, it’s a place where i can flourish socially with people who love the same artist that i love so, so much, it’s such a friendly, tight-knit community, & we have so much fun together :wub: i love the chaotic & energetic pre-release eras, chemtrails was my favorite, i love how we all have the same unhinged sense of humor, it’s never a bad time here! :heart: as well as celebrating leaks, although this side of the fandom does come with it’s own controversy, anticipating & hoping for leaks is something we all do together & relate to, i just love how this forum has given me (& everybody else) a place to love & laugh :wub: here’s to 10+ more! i’ll see you all in the pre-release thread for ldr25! :kiss3:


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Happy bday, LB!!! 
we’re a crazy bunch for sure, but when we work together and put our FBI skills at task, it’s completely crazy the amount of info we’ve been able to gather with each pre-release era. Love browsing for Lana news everyday and exchanging with you guys. 

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