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5 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

Very likely to be a publicity stunt imo ... not a drag, because it's kinda clever

Seriously, even if it's not intentionally one (despite her connections) it is super cute! An alboom coming out where she's doing break up songs, on Bumble and being relatable. It makes her look accessible and just like the rest of us dregs. :fabcat:


4 minutes ago, wild caged animal said:

But i guess it's cute that she uses an ordinary d***** a**

I really thought you were writing 'dirty ass' :delicious:


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3 minutes ago, wild caged animal said:

I wish I'd have never seen that screenshot. It makes me feel very uncomfortable somehow:uncomfortable:

But i guess it's cute that she uses an ordinary d***** a**


just found out lana doesn't use grindr. no one talk to me :ohmy::crying5:


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1 hour ago, new gods said:

seeing her put her name as elizabeth is kinda weird considering she hardly acknowledges it, also weird to think her friends and family probably call her elizabeth when she's known as lana to millions of people


no wonder so many artists have crazy depersonalization, everyone you're close to calls you by your real name then you have all these fans screaming a completely different name at you in public or at a show 

iirc in an interview she mentioned only her parents call her Elizabeth/lizzy at this point. Maybe she went with Elizabeth so people wouldn’t think she was cat fishing lol.

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21 minutes ago, MAX DEL REY said:

I honestly wonder how Chuck feels knowing the better half of this fandom hates on her work with Lana? :eek:


When she posted the alternate cover of NFR, all of her top comments were hate.  :awk: 

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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5 hours ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

I need someone to make the following post make sense: 



So okay...you knew it was wrong to post the Bumble photos from Lana's profile, but did it anyway.... but then.... you realized how "insanely weird and invasive" it was to post anything from Lana's dating profile, so you took them down after a "split secind"....:usrs:


Just own it. Be a fuckwad all you want, but just own it. There's nothing I dislike more then people who leak shit just to take it down because the person gained a conscious.



??? I didn’t leak those. I posted it with the caption “Bye who found these wtf?” and then right after I posted it I realized that is weird so i took it down. Then, I made a separate post about it to address my own fault of posting it. 


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Ugh I feel so bad for her that her dating profile pics got leaked. But can I just say she is SERVING in them pics. Like even just plain selfies she took for her profile she still looks stunning. Here’s hoping she finds a really sweet guy who isn’t aware of her fame or isn’t bothered by it. She deserves the BEST! :nails::krylie:


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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u know what. that's just like messed up. isn't there an app that demi exposed or something for celebrities? but then i also get how she'd like to date a guy not in those spheres. 

also. if she was going to have a profile on these, I'd definitely go for the honeymoon hair with the meme one of her missing on a milk carton or something hahahahahahahaha ah 


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I came here to mention how I found it super cute that Lana is rasing chicken's only to find someone leaked her Bumble Profile....





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57 minutes ago, Say Yes to Heaven said:

??? I didn’t leak those. I posted it with the caption “Bye who found these wtf?” and then right after I posted it I realized that is weird so i took it down. Then, I made a separate post about it to address my own fault of posting it. 


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3 hours ago, 99centlips said:

she definitely used Elizabeth so people wouldn’t google her lol 

It's her real name...to use a fake name wouldn't work anyway. Eventually the person going on a date with her will know who she is.

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