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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Poll  

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  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

    • The Grants
    • Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
    • Sweet
    • A&W
    • Judah Smith Interlude
    • Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
    • Jon Batiste Interlude
    • Kintsugi
    • Fingertips
    • Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
    • Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
    • Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
    • Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
    • Fishtail
    • Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis)
    • Taco Truck x VB

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My thoughts on this are that this album is the rawest, the most sincere, the most personal thing she has ever put out. There’s so much to relate to or to think about, whether it be family themes, trauma, love, loss, friendship, observing the world, evolving, building one’s life. It’s just so heartfelt and this is why the vast majority of us love it. In 2021, literally none of those 80 minutes existed and she managed to craft them all. It’s incredible because of how much emotion there is in every single minute of that record, it’s incredible to think all of this could have never been created and it still was. I think it’s not moving in the exact same way as her older work was, because I think what she used to do was simpler and maybe more directly impactful so it got more to the point: I think the structures were more clearly delineated, the melodies too, the lyrics were less enigmatic, there was definitely more world-building, and I miss this older style too sometimes. It’s hard to explain, but I think we can all agree she doesn’t make songs like Old Money or Dragonslayer anymore, without being able to pin down what it is exactly there used to be and there can’t be anymore. But her new music has a lot of qualities and I think more of us will be glad she took that path when the undeserved Chemtrails / Blue Banisters hate fades away. I personally hope she’s going to continue to explore whatever she feels like exploring because I’ve been satisfied with and deeply moved by all of her albums. I would also love for her to go back to her lower register, to starting electric guitars again, or to do songs that have bridges with a different chord progression than the verses (an element that used to really enrich the songs up until the Honeymoon era), but I think it’s important to realize the worth of what we got and to be thankful for it and for the unique path she has taken. There’s so much we got (including her unreleased work) and so much that we’re going to get and we can not even imagine yet.

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BTS footage of Phoenix & Jack playing the synths on Peppers 



"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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1 hour ago, wilting daisy said:

yeah actually i would consider all of the songs you listed at least a little bit surf influenced. i'd also add mariners apartment complex, how to disappear, & happiness is a butterfly. afterall, she very specifically said she didn't mean surf like dick dale which ironically is what everyone seems to think she means by surf.

We need songs with surf guitar like boarding school :xgiggle:

Video games is the best surf rock song 

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5 hours ago, Favorite Ever said:

for me, since btd, i've kinda noticed how her music themes from, well simply put, a lot of life themes. personally, nfr was where things connected on a deeper level, so up to chemtrails' searching, to blue banister's healing to now this album's kind of resurgence and release, it's honestly been so beautifully cathartic. the album just came out but the sound, the atmosphere, the themes, it's all just so promising. 

as a pisces (hey water siiiigns), this album's lyricism jumping and swinging between sentimental to more sensual feels on point to personally, a piscean's kind of duality, complexity and abstractness. the sea themes too, just perfect. 

Very that! Big water sign vibes and she is just very blunt about all her feelings, i feel its the most vulnerable shes been. 

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5 minutes ago, Offtotheraces01 said:

Very that! Big water sign vibes and she is just very blunt about all her feelings, i feel its the most vulnerable shes been. 

Hope from nfr, wfwf, and for this record, I love how it almost feels liberating for her to sing about everything. There’s a feeling of assurance, and it makes me feel happy for her to be able to do so, and so beautifully too. Like a higher vibration


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5 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

They have shared stems and dozens of recycled melodies- the overall sound is more folk driven but yeah I’d argue they are siblings 


I’d argue Ocean contains more NFR melodies/samples (A&W circles back to NFR title track, Fingertips/Bartender, Let The Light In/Love Song, etc) and references (Sweet tracing back to The Greatest’s line of “doing nothing at all”, etc).


Chemtrails and NFR have similar production values but their themes are inherently different: NFR has a more widespread, bird’s eye view of the world in which Lana is sometimes a mere spectator/narrator of everything around her (much like she was already being in the back half of LFL) while Chemtrails turns inward and leans heavily on the Midwest country-folk aesthetic and sonic sensibilities. NFR is grandiose and majestic while Chemtrails is shy, timid and more introspective. It’s too easy to dismiss the latter as a collection of B-sides when in reality there’s a clear purpose and thematic approach in Chemtrails that an album like, say, Blue Banisters doesn’t quite possess - that purpose is to me strong enough to distinguish itself from what she accomplished with NFR which is why it’s always been strange to me that so many fans insist on both sounding the same. I just for the life of me can’t see it.


Its also diminishing of Chemtrails importance in her discography. Chemtrails traces the very first impulses in Lana’s of-late tendencies in delving deep into her past (White Dress alone is a testament to that) while also manifesting a very anti-fame/desire to escape everything mantra that NFR quite simply didn’t even touch. Regardless of when each track was recorded and/or written, both albums feel very distinct to me - as practically all Lana albums are in my opinion. Blue Banisters is my least favorite precisely because it’s the one Lana album that is decidedly more fragmented and unfocused, deliberately so.


With Ocean she’s made it obvious that she wanted to touch every single one of her last eras as far as sonority goes which could make for an abrasive and chaotic experience but that ultimately succeeds because of the specific songwriting and lyrical concept. 


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Lyrical connections time:

  • The Grants -> Title track ("memories", "don't forget me")
  • Title Track -> Grandfather ("Handmade beauty sealed up by two man made walls", "It took somebody else to make me beautiful")
  • Title Track -> A&W ("Fuck me to death, love me until I love myself", "It's not about having someone to love me anymore")
  • Sweet -> Kintsugi ("hiking up Griffith", "Daddy I miss them, I'm in the mountains")
  • Judah Smith Interlude -> Peppers ("It means quit lusting after your neighbor", "Dance naked for the neighbors")
  • Judah Smith Interlude -> The Grants ("That's a heck of a life!", "It's a beautiful life")
  • Judah Smith Interlude -> Grandfather ("You're the star creator, you're the ocean maker, etc.", "Some big men behind the scenes")
  • Paris, Texas -> Margaret ("When you know you know," used in both songs)
  • Kintsugi -> Let the Light In ("that's how the light gets in", "let the light in/turn your light on,")
  • Margaret -> Fishtail ("Red flags", "Stop painting red flags green")
  • Fishtail -> Peppers ("Don't you dare say that you'll brain my hair", "You can braid my hair, do a fat criss cross in the back somewhere")
  • Fishtail -> Peppers ("Skinny dip in your mind", "Skinny dip in my mind")
  • Peppers -> Taco Truck ("Me and my boyfriend", "My boyfriend tested...")
  • Fingertips -> Candy Necklace (Suicide references...)




Other off-the-album song references:


  • A&W -> UV/20 other tracks (Obvious long running Jimmy references throughout her discography, especially Earthquakes here.)
  • Taco Truck x VB -> (interpolates NFR's piano chords, VB obviously sampled)
  • Fingertips -> This Is What Makes Us Girls ("What the fuck's wrong in your head to send me away never to come back?", "I was waiting on the train platform, crying cause I know I'm never comin back")
  • Fingertips -> Serene Queen ("And go back to being a serene queen", "They call me the serene queen")
  • Grandfather -> Happiness Is A Butterfly ("Three butterflies to know you're near," "Happiness is a butterfly, try to catch it like every night")
  • Let the light in / Kintsugi -> Cruel World Tour Intro
  • Peppers -> Video Games - The Angelina Jolie reference is about Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. This is light, it's a movie reference really, but just thought I'd point it out. It's a small, probably unintentional nod to Video Games
  • Fishtail -> 
  • Taco Truck -> Black Beauty. This one is interesting, she calls herself Lanita, where in Black Beauty she says "You like your women Spanish, dark, strong, and proud"


Possible connections:

  • Taco Truck x VB -> The Weeknd's After Hours. "Carlito's Way" is a book with a sequel called After Hours, both are made into a movie. It's just an interesting reference here.
  • I don't really want to get into this, but the r*pe lyric may be some sort of a connection to Harvey in Cola. It is what it is. I won't say much more about that. You can google all of that...


If yall can think of more I didn't add to this list, point them out, I know I'm missing a few


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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