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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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28 minutes ago, Liz Taylor Blues said:


tHeRe WaS oRiGiNalLy 30 tRaCkS bUt LaNa BeLiEvEs HeR lAsT sEvErAl ReCoRdS wErE tOo LoNg So ShE cUt Em

ShE hAs mAnY fIlMeD mUsIc ViDeOs FrOm PaSt eRaS jUsT sItTiNg tHeRe ShE iNteNdEd tO rElEaSe BuT nEvEr dId Bc "ThEy"rE sO SpOiLeD n ThEy LeAk EvEryThInG AnYwAy

LaNa Is An InFoRmAnT fOr ThE FbI eXpOsInG tHe InDuStRy......2025 wIlL bE iNtErEsTiNg........rEaD qFtC aGaIn ItS rEvElAtOrY

sHe Is ReLeAsInG hEr UnReLeAsEd AlBuM tO CeLebrAtE tHe JuBiLeE yEaR (aLl pRoCeEdS wIlL gO tO tHe CaThoLiC ReLiEf ChArItIeS 2 hElP tHe GlObAl PoOr

ShE wAnTs To tOuR aFrIcA aNd AsIa AnD tHe CaRrIbBeAn On HeR wOrLd ToUr bUt TeAm iS uNsUrE aBoUt ThE lOgIsTiCs

ShE iS iNtReStEd iN hEaVy MeTaL aNd BoTaNy fOr ThE nExT rEcOrD

SeE yOu L8eR aLlIgAtOr HaS bEeN sCrApPeD :( iT wAs PsYcHeDeLiC n ToTalLy RaD

I didn't want to read this so I didn't but this is like the brain damage of fonts I just had to say it. 


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thanks chatgpt


there was originally 30 tracks but lana believes her last several records were too long so she cut em

she has many filmed music videos from past eras just sitting there she intended to release but never did bc "they"re so spoiled n they leak everything anyway

lana is an informant for the fbi exposing the industry......2025 will be interesting........read qftc again its revelatory

she is releasing her unreleased album to celebrate the jubilee year (all proceeds will go to the catholic relief charities 2 help the global poor)

she wants to tour africa and asia and the caribbean on her world tour but team is unsure about the logistics

she is interested in heavy metal and botany for the next record

see you later alligator has been scrapped :( it was psychedelic n totally rad


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The scarf emoji is probably in reference to a lyric. I just noticed her caption said “a few songs before Stagecoach” which means more than 2 singles before April :dua:. I think the only thing we’ll be getting this month is a Christmas post. Something’s coming early January, though, I can feel it :charli:


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On 12/12/2024 at 11:08 AM, PipeDelRey said:


While waiting for the new album, I couldn’t contain my excitement, so I designed a cover inspired by the aesthetic I’d love the album to have! :ahh: (My edits IG acc)






It’s beautiful but also I was just reading about Ethel Cain’s new album, “Perverts,” and I 1000% read that font as “The Right Pervert Will Stay” :omfg: 

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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15 minutes ago, BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou said:

The scarf emoji is probably in reference to a lyric. I just noticed her caption said “a few songs before Stagecoach” which means more than 2 singles before April :dua:. I think the only thing we’ll be getting this month is a Christmas post. Something’s coming early January, though, I can feel it :charli:

My prediction/guess is first single January-February and second early-mid April so it’s in time for stagecoach :clapback: I know she’s typically late, but I feel like we’ll get at least one of the singles before stagecoach so she’ll be able to promote her new singles and album. 



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11 minutes ago, shadesofblue said:

My prediction/guess is first single January-February and second early-mid April so it’s in time for stagecoach :clapback: I know she’s typically late, but I feel like we’ll get at least one of the singles before stagecoach so she’ll be able to promote her new singles and album. 

She could also realistically rollout the pre-save, album cover, track list around Stagecoach if the album comes out in May. 


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28 minutes ago, Embach said:

365 country girl


When she's going to pull a brat for the album cover. My edit though!

Yeehaw, 360

When you're in the barn, do you like what do you see? 

When you're riding your truck, you're just looking at me

I'm everywhere, I'm so cowgirl, ah ah ah

When you're at the barn, l-l-lassoing those horses

666 with a cowboy kink

He's everywhere, he's the right person who'll stay

Ah ah ah


Lassoin' em

Lassoin' em

Lassoin' em

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6 hours ago, jaesana said:

she is interested in heavy metal and botany for the next record




𓇼 ⋆.˚  𝒪𝓃𝑒, 𝓉𝓌𝑜, 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒻𝓊𝓃
𝒟𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𓇼 ⋆.˚


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6 hours ago, Embach said:

365 country girl


When she's going to pull a brat for the album cover. My edit though!

rock candy sweet cover was her brat cover

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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10 hours ago, Embach said:

365 country girl


When she's going to pull a brat for the album cover. My edit though!

I lowkey could picture her doing this with that picsart app lol but now I don’t think she will because Charli did it first

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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