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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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8 hours ago, revadece said:

this is not unpopular at all lol

Just testing the waters.


I lied. I want Born To Die/Lana Del Ray/Lizzy Grant realness. Like I need more songs that sound like playing dangerous.

god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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Inside the labyrinth of L.D.R 's Magical Mystery Tour.

In her Honeymoon mansion......VI

According to Acid Dreams, a history of LSD, John Lennon wrote the Lyrics. Research the so-called P.I.D. theory [Paul is dead hoax.]

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Random Information I gleaned from the Arpanet some years ago:

Rob Grant former Executive copywriter at Grey Advertising [also known as the Grey Group] on Madison Avenue.

Ben Mawson associated with SSB, practicing lawyer.

Ed Millet associated with the London-based Crown Management.


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On 9/13/2022 at 10:02 PM, ultravyvanse said:

hate when she puts a feature on songs, when i listen to lana i ONLY want to hear her, its a experience that i rather not be interrupted by someone like asap rocky or the weeknd

love how u didnt mention barrie:flutter:


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On 9/14/2022 at 8:49 AM, bluechemtrails said:

If someone said COTCC was Lana's best album acoustically, I wouldn't deny it. :hair:

Title track, For Free, BUS, DBJAG and even LMLYLAW are just immaculate in acoustic terms, so not that far fetched!

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L.D.R. backing band, the Rich Whores may , perhaps, maybe could have been involved with the A.K.A. album. Who has more information? The remnant myspace of the effort indicate Lana Del Rey had full control of the band, as in: she was the front woman and the manager of the band. Only the former members of the Rich Whores can provide more Info.


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1 hour ago, AnarKissed said:

L.D.R. backing band, the Rich Whores may , perhaps, maybe could have been involved with the A.K.A. album. Who has more information? The remnant myspace of the effort indicate Lana Del Rey had full control of the band, as in: she was the front woman and the manager of the band. Only the former members of the Rich Whores can provide more Info.



they have versions of yayo & brite lites, but these live sessions differ quite a bit from the album versions

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7 hours ago, AnarKissed said:

L.D.R. backing band, the Rich Whores may , perhaps, maybe could have been involved with the A.K.A. album. Who has more information? The remnant myspace of the effort indicate Lana Del Rey had full control of the band, as in: she was the front woman and the manager of the band. Only the former members of the Rich Whores can provide more Info.


influences.jpg :wtfney:

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As someone who loves Lana's spoken lyrics in songs (HBTB ending, Burnt Norton, Ultraviolence bridge), it's weird that I don't like Violet very much, except for Sport Cruiser. 


I still wish we'd get the instrumentals though. I'd play the shit out of them. 

On 9/18/2022 at 7:03 AM, bluechemtrails said:

influences.jpg :wtfney:

I never realised she'd listed Radiohead! R.I.P. 

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7 hours ago, Doll Harlow said:

I know the lyrics for Beautiful aren't masterful or anything but I don't get the hate for that song. :pft:

Me neither. She has way worse songs for sure. Like Coachella or Hapiness Is A Butterfly :tea:


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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Blue Banisters is the only Lana album I avoid with the exception of a few songs like WW, LL, Text Book, BBS… the others are just so lifeless and boring. Out of all the unreleased gems she has stored like Hollywood, Fine China, Wild One, Yes to Heaven etc she dusted off the most simple and uninspired songs to fill in the album.



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Okay so Guns & Roses is a really good song. Usually, when our opinions about songs differ, I can see where the other person's coming from but I simply disagree, like I get your point. But for G&R I genuinely don't see the point...? 


The lyrics are beautiful, the humming in the beginning, the bridge is nice. @Surf Noir (sorry didn't know if you wanted to be tagged or not if I'm talking about you) called it mellow in their status which I think is really fitting. It's relaxing and warm and hazy, like a summer evening by the glistening ocean. I love lying in the sun and listening to it. 



Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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6 hours ago, BlueINK said:

Okay so Guns & Roses is a really good song. Usually, when our opinions about songs differ, I can see where the other person's coming from but I simply disagree, like I get your point. But for G&R I genuinely don't see the point...? 


The lyrics are beautiful, the humming in the beginning, the bridge is nice. @Surf Noir (sorry didn't know if you wanted to be tagged or not if I'm talking about you) called it mellow in their status which I think is really fitting. It's relaxing and warm and hazy, like a summer evening by the glistening ocean. I love lying in the sun and listening to it. 



no worries, thanks for the mention! :heart: lol yeah i don’t get it either, i know some don’t like it’s mellow vibe in general, or the repetitive chorus, but i don’t feel like these things are any worse than other lana songs with these similar traits?

guns & roses is such a nighttime song for me, i just imagine hazy, rural landscapes, haunting premonitions, black skies and gray clouds… it’s almost like a more ghostly interpretation of the story of yayo!

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