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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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Sit naked in the dark with your headphones and you will know what I know. It's a perfect album.


(Although I guess it depends on what you average music taste is. I think it has something for everyone.)


I can imagine you getting distracted right in the middle of "Oh Say Can You See". Am I right? That one takes some time. At least develop some love for "Mermaid Motel".


Yes, actually. Exactly. :defeated: I just need to force myself into it, I suppose.


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So now we know Sitar sits naked in the dark with his headphones on singing give me the brite lights just like me. Fuck it, wanna touch dicks in the dark sometime?

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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....If she could perform Off To The Races in a different fashion than the Concert Prive performance (although I give her a pass for that because it was one of her first televised performances and the material was newer then), I think it could definitely be a crowd-pleaser and add a little life to her show.


Except that "Off to the Races" was written in Spring 2010.

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Because not every girl puts love first and cry about it with their Bambi eyes. And yes dumb.


Yeah, I'm sort of tired of the whole 'catty girl' stereotype. I get what she was trying to say though and the 'this is why we rule the world' in the demo gives me life

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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"Million Dollar Man" really does it for me, and I see a lot of people hate it/prefer the demo. It's the most appropriate use of the Auto-Tuned Loon and it's so atmospheric.

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So now we know Sitar sits naked in the dark with his headphones on singing give me the brite lights just like me. Fuck it, wanna touch dicks in the dark sometime?


Don't leave me out of this! I'll do anything!


I'll make you chilled avocado soup!



I'll buy you maple syrup lemonade!



I'll even refrain from calling SitarHero basic! okay i can't really promise you on that one


I'll actually do something as a moderator!


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It has taken months for me to get into Body Electric. I didn't start to appreciate the live version until this past week. The bridge is great. I think the studio version is going to slay my soul. From the snippets I envision Lana having a picnic at psycho-carnival


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I love Dum Dum as a song except for the fact it's called Dum Dum. I don't know why that bothers me so much.


It aggravates me more that it isn't registered. Every other one of Justin's songs that have leaked were registered, so I feel betrayed that this one wasn't. :troll:

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It has taken months for me to get into Body Electric. I didn't start to appreciate the live version until this past week. The bridge is great. I think the studio version is going to slay my soul. From the snippets I envision Lana having a picnic at psycho-carnival


Haha the video I made for it used clips of the ghosts dancing from Carnival of Souls. Funny you used that description.


Anyways, Live or Die is overrated. In the words of Lana, it's just bad bad bad.

Also Prom Song isn't too amazing.

Meth slays all.


EDIT: And Push Me Down and Moi Je Joue are so groovy. Underrated leaks from that night TBH.

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So now we know Sitar sits naked in the dark with his headphones on singing give me the brite lights just like me. Fuck it, wanna touch dicks in the dark sometime?


Fuck the forum skipping ahead past unread posts, how did I miss this? Three days old :defeated:


The answer is a resounding yes. As long as can also eat some cake while we're doing this :creep:

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