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ugggggh I can't get over how much I love Applause :/

None of the other songs really stood out to me but I think I'll like the studio versions of Swine and Artpop.  Not a fan of I Wanna Be With You 

She seemed so tired or s/t? Iconic lypsynching tho! [my spell check keeps trying to get me to correct 'lypsynching' to 'lynching'  :biblio: ]

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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please don't be on ARTPOP, please don't be on ARTPOP

please be one of the app downloads

i really REALLY think that gaga change azealia for angel haze lol (and thats why shes mad), plus TI is on ARTPOP and azealia hate him right LOL

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So let's chat.


ARTPOP > Swine > Aura > Sex Dreams > MANiCURE > Applause > I Wanna Be With U > Jewels & Drugs


But I really loved then all. SO FUCKING MUCH. Death at the "ARTPOP" hate--that might be one of the best songs she's ever written! I was sure "Sex Dreams" was going to be my favorite, and I still love it a serious amount, but "ARTPOP" and "Swine" both had me close to peeing my pants.


ARTPOP - Love the dreamy vibe, it reminds me of a more subdued "Heavy Metal Lover". The bridge is fantastic and "Free my mind, ARTPOP / You make my heart stop" is already such an unavoidable "yasssssss" moment for me.


Swine - I thought the live version was going to be a lot more angsty and rock than it actually ended up being but I'm pleased with the result! I'm really surprised DJ Whiteshadow did this because it seems like such a Zedd anthem. Hopefully not the second title because the title alone comes with some skepticism. But it works. And the performance was crazy.


Aura - Honestly hasn't gotten old yet and I've played the hell out of it.




MANiCURE - The backing track "man cure!" is where it's fucking at, man. Also single worthy!


Applause - Great ARTPOP mission statement, one of the best choruses, will be the perfect album ender--maybe not more than The Edge of Glory but close.


I Wanna Be With U - Cute, basically. Sad to see it will probably boot "Princess Die" as token ballad because it's less depressing. But whereas Hair and Y&I should have stayed piano ballads, I hope this one gets the huge production treatment to fit in with the album and get rid of the same chords she always plays.


Jewels & Drugs - Could actually slay the GP! It will serve it's jamming purpose no doubt. Very The Fame, which I love.



Bradley's review, it's pretty interesting, I might be here for ARTPOP tbh




Not listening to the live version cause I wanna wait for the album to leak :creep:


This reminded me of you: "If you want, you can continue to pick her apart. (Hi, Azealia Banks!) However, in my opinion, that’s a boring hobby best left to Twitter trolls, and it’s really no longer relevant. Genuine criticism is one thing (if a song’s no good or a performance sucks, then by all means, let’s hear the argument), but in my eyes (and ears), she’s doing no wrong musically."


:omfg: I kid (sorta). Hope you do give the album an unbiased chance.




please don't be on ARTPOP, please don't be on ARTPOP

please be one of the app downloads


I'm so annoyed with Azealia but this makes me excited that it'll end up on the app at least because at the end of the day of course I wanna hear their song.

Sounds...not great, though. Always loved that instrumental, though.

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Sex Dreams was amaziiiiinnnngggg!!

ARTPOP was really a surprise i didn't think the song ARTPOP would turn out this way! 

I Wanna Be With You is sad i love it so much!

Swine was Incredible! RockGa in action!

MANiCURE was the fantastic RockGa too but was legendary!!!

Jewels and Drugs was such a surprise i loved the 3 rappers's appearance!!!

Applause Was Perfect like the rest of the show!!!


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Artpop and Swine are the only songs I love from the new songs. Sex Dreams is a failed commercial attempt, and the trap song doesn't work for me. I Wanna Be With You is vague...


because radio would totally eat a song up that's blatantly about cheating, masturbation and sex acts.



I don't really know what you've expected from her this era but it seems like it was impossibly high.


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