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The Official Apple Thread

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i really, really love apple's products. i have 3 ipods and an iphone 4s. they're easy to use and i get to use garageband and stuff which is convenient, and they're undoubtedly the best when it comes to music players. 


seriously, blackberry? who the fuck would use a blackberry? i had one a couple of years ago and it was abysmal but i was on a contract so i was stuck with it ugh.


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..Well, when I had some problems with the products I had, they couldn't help me and were pretty much useless. I may be dumb but their newer versions of iTunes aren't that easy to use imo like the earlier ones were. 


Customer service makes a company,afaic. Just saying my personal experiences with them...




i have to agree with the itunes thing, gotta say. 


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That's funny. I hope all your blackberry devices break (which they will, because they are plastic and have a poor build quality) and for you to try an contact blackberry for replacements. They won't reply.


Excuse u.


You know nothing about Blackberry. 


And yes, when my blackberry phone was broken and I contacted Blackberry (internet chat), they replied **fast hairflip**



Customer service makes a company,afaic. Just saying my personal experiences with them...


I think a company should build products who are flawless and easy to understand. 

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Customer service makes a company,afaic. Just saying my personal experiences with them...


I think a company should build products who are flawless and easy to understand. 

that's impossible, bas. customer service can be very important

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Excuse u.


You know nothing about Blackberry. 


And yes, when my blackberry phone was broken and I contacted Blackberry (internet chat), they replied **fast hairflip**



Customer service makes a company,afaic. Just saying my personal experiences with them...


I think a company should build products who are flawless and easy to understand. 


yes that's possible


No. I know a lot about RIM. I have a broad knowledge of current technology (not that blackberry is current  :omfg2: )


Customer service is very important. The main aspects of a business:


  1. Production
  2. Human Resources
  3. Marketing 
  4. Customer Service 
  5. Finance 


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Apple is not Apple without Steve Jobs. That's what everybody should've realised. The company is still really big and powerfull but if you take a look on Apples share (prices) 

You might want to take that back, if ANYTHING, apples share prices have INCREASED since Steve's death. 





Blackberry shares:







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i do not miss my blackberry one bit


iPhone 4S and my next phones will be iPhone. 


There is seriously no comparison when it comes to Blackberry and Apple. It's pretty obvious. I couldn't even use Kik messenger or even the text message service on my Blackberry.  :facepalm:


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iOS 7 it's so horrible, looks like a shitty Android (I h8 Android so I'm kinda hipster? :hooker: ) If I was Steve Jobs I would die again :emma:


I have an iPhone 5, ipod, ipad mini and a MacBook Air. Love them very much, I find (found* rn, with this iOS7 release) them good looking and very easy to use. :) I dunno how to use Android stuff or Windows Phone #blonde


I still can't get over iOS 7 srry :umadney:


I don't use emoticons cuz I only know the codes for those ones lol

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I love Apple because of its simple yet powerful products.kyYtpHY.gif


My old second generation iPod bought in 2009 still works perfectly and so does my MacBook that is nearly 4 years old.kyYtpHY.gif Unless people can take care of their computers for more than two years without having any trouble with them, that's fine if they complain about the price. But having to buy every two years a computer that's 500 dollars is the same of buying a 1,000-dollar computer that can last five years.kyYtpHY.gif

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I don't really have much of an opinion?


I've owned two iPhones and both have been from the previous update. For instance, once the iPhone 5 came out, the iPhone 4 plummeted in value so it was really easy to get without shelling out a lot of money. (I'm usually a pretty cheap person.) I can't see myself ever getting ~the most current~

I just like how easy and convenient they are, not so much the culture they create.


Mac computers, on the other hand, confuse the fuck out of me and can stay faaaaar away from me.


Last but not least, my iPod classic is one of my most prized possessions because it stores A LOT of music and is very easy to use--it still has buttons and such. I think the most staunch Apple naysayer can appreciate the benefits of the storage on that thing. It's also very durable, unlike many of their current products. I was once walking in front of a church and I tripped and fell on the pavement, God smiting me or something, and my iPod of all things helped breakmyfall.mp3 :hoe:

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This. Also, something that bugs me a lot is when people say you're spoiled or rich just because you own a Macbook. I agree that their prices are somewhat arguable, but there are still plenty other cheap ways to buy one. I bought my current MacBook Pro for like 1/3 of the original price. Like, does that make me a brat?  :uh:




But seriously, I find it pretty annoying when people complain about Apple and their customers acting all elitist. Sometimes it seems to me as if they are compulsively trying to oppose Applemania. I don't really understand why. Is it the price of the products which makes users look, like you said, spoiled? Or is it that their products look a certain way? I just don't get it. Yes, there might be a bunch of starbucking idiots that feel a sense of superiority when using their latest iPhone/iPad/iPhone/iWhatever but I just can't understand why some people are desperately trying to fight against Apple and Apple users. Where's the point? It doesn't come off as anything but jealous and dare I say it... pressed. It's childish, immature and retarded


"My mmmy is better than yurs!"

"N, yur mmmy is a fat cw!"

"But my dad says that yur mmmy isn't as nice as she always acts. Actually, she's a deceitful bitch!"



I am so sick and tired of being looked at like  :wtf:  whenever I take out my MacBook Pro at uni. Why the hell are people acting like I am intentionally trying to piss them off by "viciously showing off how much money I have." Funny, that money has been worked for, saved and earned for two years and I am far from being sorry for being 100% satisfied with any Apple device I have ever used in my whole life. Yes, that's right, Windows! I have not encountered a single bug so far in all those years while "other" :pls: devices were simply counterproductive to my entire workflow. 

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Oop, I genuinely thought this would be a Fiona Apple thread. :awk:

I hate all apple products 8) what kind of overrated status symbol!


It's not even that anymore since everyone and their dog has an iPhone/iPod now. But I do agree that they're overrated and, most especially, overpriced. Their products' quality is undeniable imo but you pay a fuckton for branding & design. Also, fucking iTunes. :woot:


Never bought an Apple product (both my iPods were gifts) & I'll sure as hell never own an iPhone (Android >>>>). A while ago I was seriously tempted to buy a Mac (I'll have to buy a new laptop soon, probably still this year) but now I'm unsure.

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