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Ariana Grande

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the more i listen to this album, the more i love it. and guess what... the way she uses trap sounds here is like excellent, not cheap & annoying like Positions, and dare i say, the trap beats sounds even better than Thank u next

in terms of songwriting and lyrical content, if you say she wrote all these songs herself, this is her story, her honesty, her authenticity, i'd fucking believe it because this is the first time i feel this raw, this real and "human" in an Ari's project. While thank u next is not as convincing to show me the songwriter that she is.

Yeah, i think i have to put this album on the same level with sweetener - her magnum opus.


we cant be friends should be nominated for SOTY or i will riot.

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I have been listening to Eternal Sunshine almost every day since it came out. The only complaints I have are: it's a bit too short, Yes, And? shouldn't be on the album (it doesn't fit with the rest of the songs on the album). The concept is great. The lyrics are great. The music video for We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) makes me cry everytime I watch it (it's my favorite music video of hers). I might go back and really listen to her other albums. I started listening to her albums when Sweetener came out and I only liked a few songs on it (it was the same with Thank You, Next although I like Thank You, Next a bit more than Sweetener).  I like a few songs on Positions as well.

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This album is just her best by a mile. So beautiful and easy to listen to. I listen to it almost every day and it keeps on getting better and better. I kinda agree Yes, and? doesn't really fit but still is nice that is there. Is one of the weakest though.

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i feel like the only person who doesnt even mind yes and. i like the outro and the alternate mix or whatever is really good with those whistles in the back


Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her 

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i have a feeling the only reason she made yes, and? the single was to try to recreate a "thank u, next" moment but it didn't really translate. she even said that we can't be friends would be more well received by the public and pretty much admitted it would've been a better lead single choice :tiffany:



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They definitely tried to recreate the thank u next music video moment with the intro in the yes and music video, it was a little bit too on the nose to be honest.


I honestly think that if yes and wasn't the first single it wouldn't have been judged so harshly.

There was too much expectation for Ariana's comeback. The song ultimately did not live up to that but it isn't bad.


I really do think if it had been a surprise and first listened in context of the album, half of the gays talking bad about the song would have been tweeting like:
"YES AND????!!?!?!!? OH MY GOD ITS GIVING 90s HOUSE DOWN BOOTS!! *fan clacking drag queen gif*


Looking back though, it was kind of smart to do a sort of throw away single while the general public was at her throat. By the time We Cant Be Friends video dropped, the hate train kind of died down a bit and this video really made a lot of people come around to the album overall.

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1 minute ago, Anonymcomenter said:

The album is not that bad but those of you pretending it’s better than Dangerous Woman and Thank U Next… :bebe: 


the only BOP Ms here are Bye, Supernatural, We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) and The Boy is Mine… 

Couldn’t agree more

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the boy is mine getting the most love and its soooo boring i feel like eternal sunshine's is sweetener's more mellow less talented and only sometimes enjoyable sister






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