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LDR5 Ideas!

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Chris Braide pls


But srsly, idk what to expect from this album

I feel like it's either going to be Honeymoon 2.0 with a slightly more interesting production or something unexpected but not completely different.


do you guys have any predictions for the release date?

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i want more Trash Magic-like songs but with a rock influence.

and more spoken parts like the bridge in uv and trash magic

no more ugly pretensious monologues tho pls





and do a collab with indie queen halsey plss






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Something really far-out for her; I wouldn't mind her dipping and dabbing with new genres lmao. She can make a really cool fusion of different genres. 


Actually, I 100% expected Honeymoon to be the grand return of Popna, which I still feel a thirst for omg.


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Reanimator  ala the movie (or Rebirth or reborn) after an album called Legacy

and I will be happy if it is even s-l-o-w-e-r like once upon a time and as I hear there is a sequel to Maleficent, perhaps an original song by Lana in that movie this time

(either that or the Oscar's should add a best adapted song category like they have best adapted screenplay

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Honeymoon is still fresh to me, but I do have a few ideas as to what I personally would like to her from Lana on a future record... Overall, I'd have to say a more aggressive sound.


If I were to pick a song from each of her albums so far to influence a new album, I would say this:


A.K.A: "Mermaid Motel." Lana's sexuality at its peak. It's a stripper song, but it's also very unique and a bit creepy sounding. I love the way the song flows over the steady drum line. I honestly cannot say I've heard anything else like it.

BTD: "Off to the Races." Musically, this song always slaps you, especially compared to the rest of her discography. The synths wail and the percussion hits hard.

Paradise: "Cola." Because how much more blunt can you get than an opening line about your pussy? I love explicit Lana.

Ultraviolence: "West Coast." Basically I just need more psychedelic rock anthems from the Narco-Swing Queen. This is still my favorite Lana song. The guitars are perfect and Lana's slow, eerie vocals over the changing tempo are unmatched, in my opinion.

Honeymoon: "High by the Beach." Lana's personality here is why this song is so good to me. She may still be a victim in the song, but she is a victim who has had enough and I love it. She's honest and open and more lyrically assertive than ever before.

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Would kill for an album similar to James Bond theme songs, as 24 got really close to that sound. My favourite aspect of BTD was the sweeping violins, like in OTTR, Lolita and BTD - something that made her Nancy Sinatra-esque. In that respect, a cover of You Only Live Twice, as I can see Lana completely killing it. Maybe something like Velvet Crowbar? It felt very inspired by Sheryl Crow's Tomorrow Never Dies. 


I need Lana to do a James Bond theme song. It would be gold.


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