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Am I the only one who misses the old Lana who would tell people to go fuck themselves on facebook?. I hope the "its coming you little bitch" Lana makes a comeback, she's been too calm for the past couple eras. Let her be angry and let her fuck shit up we love to see it  :party:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Am I the only one who misses the old Lana who would tell people to go fuck themselves on facebook?.

I hope the "its coming you little bitch" Lana makes a comeback, she's been too calm for the past couple eras.

Let her be angry and let her fuck shit up we love to see it  :party:



I agree !   :gclap:


She makes such great songs when she is angry.


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Why would this ruin her career?  :rip:

idk dude people have had their career ended for stupid small reasons before,, didn’t winona ryder get booted out of hollywood bc she shoplifted like once? it was a whole thing

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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The way she ended that rant with "btw, new album Sep 5th and reparations from my poetry proceeds going to Native Americans xx" is sending me :deadbanana:


It's like her managers told her to promote her new poetry books and albums on social media and she sat up all night thinking what to write for maximum attention then went "fuck it this will get attention" :oopna:  :creepna2:  :creepna3:

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If next up there's gonna be paparazzi pictures released of her with huge fucking boffount hair, red talons,5 stacks of lashes and her 2012 beat decked in Gucci I'll be absolutely ended luv x


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idk dude people have had their career ended for stupid small reasons before,, didn’t winona ryder get booted out of hollywood bc she shoplifted like once? it was a whole thing


for a few years and then stranger things happened


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Lana said baby you never liked the way I said it, If you don't get it, then forget it so I don't have to fucking explain iT. PERIOD


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The women are legit GETTING PLAYED. U think that the men and marketing execs don't take into consideration how female empowerment has to be SEXY? Like hell yes POWER TO THE WOMAN FEEL URSELF I STAN. But sex sells, marketing 101. But when a woman wants to express her feelings, mind u, from a genuine, deep rooted place, she gets HELL for it?? What does that say about society? Ur only allowed to be an accepted woman if ur considered SEXY??? It wreaks of all sorts of situations where women are written off, put in a box for having FEELINGS??  Wtf


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Lana said baby you never liked the way I said it, If you don't get it, then forget it so I don't have to fucking explain iT. PERIOD




if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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idk dude people have had their career ended for stupid small reasons before,, didn’t winona ryder get booted out of hollywood bc she shoplifted like once? it was a whole thing



No. no.

Her career will just continue, if she wants to continue singing.


Look at Robert Downey, Jr.. He was a convicted drug addict and then he went off to make "Ironman". His career skyrocketed.


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Remeber when Kanye was wildin with the slavery comments? I thought his career would be affected but it wasnt.... theres a chance it could hurt her but also a chance it wont


I know im comparing apples to oranges here but still

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No. no.

Her career will just continue, if she wants to continue singing.


Look at Robert John Downey, Jr.. He was a convicted drug addict and then he went off to make "Ironman". His career skyrocketed.


Speaking of, he did blackface in Tropic Thunder and everyone seemed to forgive him


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Lana will always be an outsider and I think she's just had that revelation. Not matter how hard she tried playing the game for the last two albums she still wasn't truly good enough for them. She lost AOTY Grammy to a child, someone that literally re-branded and re-packaged Rey's style for a younger generation. That must've fucking hurt.


To top it off she had a female critic imply that she suffered some sort of abuse as a child. Like who the fuck dose that. Do you think she would have said that if Lana was a man?


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Lana will always be an outsider and I think she's just had that revelation. Not matter how hard she tried playing the game for the last two albums she still wasn't truly good enough for them. She lost AOTY Grammy to a child, someone that literally re-branded and re-packaged Rey's style for a younger generation. That must've fucking hurt.


To top it off she had a female critic imply that she suffered some sort of abuse as a child. Like who the fuck dose that. Do you think she would have said that if Lana was man?




if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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