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Ok, I wrote a little note with my opinion





this shit been delayed since april wym 


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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You know I hope she fully goes over the deep end with the next album. Go back to OTT music videos, go back to the glamour and tear everyone that has a problem with it and her, apart.


Write an album that fully shows how badly the industry and media treated Lana so that she can finally shut them down her way, with style. It should be dripping with the darkness of UV, the opulence of PD and lyrical maturity of NFR.


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And in the middle of the mess, she unfollowed Larkin... lol :lmao:


OMG iconic! She is just fucking DONE with everything. Burn it down, Lanz! :scream:


New album incoming: "Not Through Love, But Through Revenge"  :hooker: I have this mental image of Giant Lana from the Doin' Time video just stompin' everything in her path.

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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I have not watched this yet. Be gentle Anthony.


im very surprised that he wasnt more critical of her, its a very fair take on it



even if he misread the double negation "not not feminist" part



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when i found out anthony fantano was significantly left-wing i remember being shocked lmao, he really doesn't strike me as the type


uninterested in hearing his take tbh, i find his opinions typically derive from those of others anyway



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She is for me. At #2. 1.4M tweets.


the way she had dropped to #16 before but no she had to bring it up again rip.gif


she truly set herself up with this entire thing and the only thing to blame is her stupidity and stubbornness 


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It was obviously poorly worded and handled, there are things to criticize about the message at hand, but I think her being angry and lashing out is valid. She's fucking had it.


I honestly wonder how many mere LB users would've cracked under the pressure she felt early on in career, back when indie music critics and Tumblr/Twitter stans, made a sport out of hating the good sis. They were legit trying to drill her a new asshole and were always on her back on a daily basis. Judging by what happened today, apparently she's still feeling this way today. It's so easy to judge people behind your keyboard and hide under a pseudonym/username and try to act hollier than thou, but truth is most of y'all would need psychiatric help had you been through what she has been through.


I do sincerely wish she had shut up and didn't comment all those cringy comments, but she's had it with the haters and I'm living for her LIVING her Brooklyn Baby fantasy!

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Stamping page 444 to manifest an actual album on September 5th with NO delays or obstacles.

when i found out anthony fantano was significantly left-leaning i remember being shocked lmao, he really doesn't strike me as the type


uninterested in hearing his take tbh, i find his opinions typically derive from those of others anyway

hes actually come a long way in terms of broadening his pallet and he very much regards Lana as a misunderstood genius.

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I have not watched this yet. Be gentle Anthony.



It's actually a really good analysis, he doesn't drag her that much, he does mistake her as a not feminist tho.


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