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Good morning! The good, the bad and the truth!


When I first saw her talking stripped bare of the Lana essentials of hair and makeup, I got nervous that we may see a bizarre irrational rant like someone with some mental illness in the middle of an episode. Or at the very least that she might sound medicated, not high or on drugs but medicated. After watching the whole thing I don't think either was the case. That's good.


Unfortunately the rant is a bit scattered and and I don't know if the world has been calling Lana to task on these things (pre initial meltdown) especially lately. So odd at this point that stripper girl, bad girl, broken girl, runaway girl, younger woman etc. thing is still so important to her. The kaleidoscope of what it is to be human and specifically a woman is so much larger than these themes she is obsessed with. "The difference is when I get on the pole people call me a whore, but when Twigs gets on the pole it’s art." Is this actually a concern at this point?? The point may be valid but Lana gets a ton of respect in the world and for those that don't give her respect fuck off. This is the bad.


The truth is it really is like the Wizard of Oz. It's all right here in front of her and she can't see it. Millions of people genuinely love her work, buy her albums and pay to see her in concert. Why are the opinions of some alt singers or critics more important than ours!! Let us love you.


I have a top secret connection that told me this in confidence. When told her next album was to be called "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" the record company, management, everyone all breathed a sigh of relief. Then Lana showed them a basic mock up for the cover with the title.


                                                                         "Chemtrails over the Cuntry Club"                                    

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For fuck sake will her managers or label intervene and take her phone away. I can't believe I woke up to another ill judged post. Just say sorry and move forward before you really do some damage.


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I'm definitely projecting, but I could see it being a reaction— Idk if you're crazy or not, but I am lol, when I am triggered badly in my attachment trauma, I will push everyone away even if they didn't do anything, because I anticipate their rejection or am unwilling to accept they they could possibly like me. I'm probably being way too deep about it tho haha

I’m like that too. But I have a feeling they’ve actually reached out and questioned her about it and she hasn’t liked what they’ve said - I feel like she hinted that in the video maybe?

I have gold in my veins

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"God bless and FUCK OFF if you don't like the posts", though


This was my only "oo you should not have said that" opinion on that video lol

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I swear, every time I'm just forgetting about that post (as I'm sure many others are), I get an insta notification and bam she's there with another "one last thing"... I understand she's upset and feels like she's been wrongly accused of being a racist. But this is the social media age and a time where we all have to be aware of our words and actions as well as maintaining a level of political correctness. It's unfortunate that her words have been misinterpreted by a mass audience but that's her responsibility, she wasn't misquoted or taken out of context. It was her post on her platform.


At this point she should just move on and let it go. Or, release a statement (get it proof read Lana) apologising for the tone or misinterpretation of her last statement and clarifying what she wanted to say in a clear and concise manner. Don't be saying stuff like "but they called me a white bitch", accept your privilidge and be more clear in the future.


Plus, I think it's in poor taste that every time she addresses this issue she somehow manages to announce a new poetry book, or album release date or album title. Don't let people think you're doing this as a form of hype or promotion either Lana.


On a side note, after the controversial post and the whole racism scandal. I think it's probably for the best that she doesn't call the forthcoming album White Hot Forever.

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i thought she looked really cute, i love the tomboyish look she has going on :noparty:

I almost always wear stuff like that when I'm at home BC it's comfy. Outside I do make a effort but there's no need to when you're just being lazy and doing your thing.


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Some of what she says is valid, but she's still failing to realize that these other women have been criticized as well. But the response to the recent post is also proving her point - people are so quick to jump on her just for expressing a few opinions that they don't agree with.


The most hurtful part about this is to see people attacking her music. She had gained so much respect as a musician and artist and now she's being made fun of again. 

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I'm really confused. I've been around since BtD and I don't recall anyone calling Lana a whore or her having a "slutty" image. Like, when? She has so many things she could actually complain about in terms of how she is perceived but that's not one of them.

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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