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  On 5/30/2020 at 10:53 AM, Electric Body said:

Can y'all stop to act like she is a politician? If the statements pop-artists make on issues like that seem to be the most important thing on your agenda right now, maybe you should reevaluate your priorities.

Yes it would be cool if she posted a link for a donation or reposted a black perdons statement. No it's not a major catastrophe or flaw if she does not. Get a grip


if she were a politician i wouldn't be expecting anything, i would be demanding it: a clear statement & immediate action, to be precise. that's absolutely not what anyone's expecting from lana.


let's not pretend like we, who regularly frequent lb, don't care more abt lana than on a strictly musical basis. after all, i've never spent my time on any other artist's message board reading abt how their music relates to their presumed relationships, so i'm obviously not checking or care whether those other artists posted abt this issue or not. i care in lana's case, which is why i'm here. if you don't care abt her stance on fundamental issues, that's your prerogative, but don't act like that's where the rest of us should draw the line. 

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This is like, a genuine question. and to a degree, I already know what some answers are like but. what does Lana posting mean to you? 

Like others have already said, when it comes to looking at the bigger picture, no one's really gonna pay much mind to whether or not she says something, and w the whole week from before n what happened. and I get the platform talk, especially w isolation, and i'm not defending her for not, bc actually I'd like for her to mention something if anything, but is that her role?

But what does it mean to you? really?

Is it supposed to validate or renew your faith in her? your loyalty to her? is it about power, being able to be upset about her, so it gives you some kind of connection closer to her or something? bc not to be callous, but reality is, I mean fill in the blank. and if she doesn't, will it be some kind of end, burning the "stan" card? what does that even mean. can you handle it and look at yourself before you do? 

you're allowed to listen to her music and everything about being a fan doesn't have to parallel that. it's not forgoing ur principles, it's being wise enough to know that two things can be true. it's messy. we're human. we're all working on it.

is her not posting attacking your ego? is it shame that you're feeling for her, for yourself? who? does it make you feel a bit better to hurl responsibility towards someone else? can u direct whatever you're feeling into something more productive?

this is gonna sound so shitty, but I hope the message resonates in that when I say, you're upset about her, bc she doesn't seem to fill some kind of need that you'd like for her to perform, and project these things. the same woman people were surmising on whether or not she was mentally fit (there's concern, and then there's scrutiny), the same woman people critique as if those decisions were to enchant her into fulfilling those roles (I'm not different when I spew out ideas on the forum yeah, I get that, they're innocent for the most part for me) yet talking about her freedom, and who she dates for approval as if it mattered, speaking on the things she should do, shouldn't etc. is that fair? you can't have it both ways like that. at least not at the same time. fickle. 

truth is, we upset ourselves. at least to a degree. we can't touch her. and for a lot of reasons, that's a good thing. we're rooting for her, and I get the upset, it's can be dissonant having an artist that means a lot to you personally not fit in to what your expectations/values are. but reality is, is that hers for her shoulders to take alone? or did u impose these on her and then get upset bc she didn't. be upset I get it. but try to move past it and do better for yourselves. ourselves. we've all had or are having our share of hardships, let's not discount that one bit. she's fought hard for her life and probably went through what might break and have broken many.

we're here. she's there. that's it. if u really want her support, find a meaningful way to get her attention. I'm aware that I'm writing in length, but the sway of comments just come off in regurgitation. damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. 

I'm writing, asking this. because yeah this is a forum based on her career. but it just. it seems like some (don't quote me on this) are getting genuinely, deeply upset, and ok I can get that who am I to impose on your reality, but getting dependent on what this woman says or doesn't. not to make anyone feel bad, but. something seems disproportionate. 

all we can do is make sure we're doing what WE can for those we care about, working together as and with our communities. maybe she'll follow suit, maybe she won't. but please step back a bit, take a breath and try to not be so dependent on her like that. she's not a medium. she's another human being.

we all know what that's like, and sure, she's privileged, definitely, but she's also in a delicate sort of path of life, where literally she's got a lot to be responsible for on a personal basis. and the microscopes/magnifying glass' lasering at her in some room in her conscious. she's go to face so detachedly but still probably takes a toll. belonging to everyone and no one. can u imagine how alone that makes someone feel? i'm sure we all perform in our lives to a degree to maintain harmony. and if you know what that's like, could u empathize that magnification for her? 

like it's so easy. so. why does it mean so much to you personally? 

and if she let you down, so what? I hope u find whatever u need in yourself to press on. bc the world's not gonna stop spinning tomorrow (unless there was like a meteor i don't wanna trail off), telecommunications granted, likes, media follow thru. do u do it to defend? great- to shout into the void? also great, let it out, but try to be smart about it. but I'm thinking there are more important things that we could all be doing. even Lana-veined. I ask bc I genuinely wanna know.

and this is gonna sound so cheesy but I really think it matters so I'm just gonna say it but, what I hope you take from this is, whatever impact you decide to make. I hope it's a positive kind, from a place of love and mindfulness than anything else. and that ur acts of kindness ripple into the collective, and that you genuinely touch others' souls and that it awakens something in them to want to perpetuate that synergy, appreciation, and love. if u can be the bigger person, please do it. I get that it's hard, really. but try to be better than those who failed before. we need it. 

there's a saying that goes like. yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I'm wise, so I'm changing myself. (edit: I thought it was gonna be like a philosopher like Socrates or something but it was Rumi loooooool but still). Have you looked into yourself today? are there things that you should be fixing for yourself first, so that maybe society has a better chance to follow suit? I get the write off's and I decided to write this long because maybe some people might've gotten something positive out of it, truly. It might be hard, don't bullshit yourself, but it pays off so much. and I hope it aligns this kind of resilience to you that renews you and what's it's like to be human. 

What's at least one thing, that u can practically do to move that positively forward? 

I've obligations to continue. and answers don't need to be upfront. just think about it. 


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  On 5/30/2020 at 11:23 AM, Jane B said:

she has almost 17 million people following her and more than a million idolizing her..the ammount of donations we could get from that audience would make such a difference :rip: really baffled at the fact that she uses her audience in the worst way possible

You can donate all you want if you feel so up for it, it would certainly be a better use of your time than bitching about a star online about something she does not have to do.

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lana shouldn't get a pass for ignoring something like this because she needs to heal the wounds she practically gave herself when she wrote that post that was not well thought out at all. and as a fan of anyone: you don't have to agree with everything thing they do.  That's not being a fan thats being an idolizer.


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I don’t comment much about her when it’s not her art involved because I feel it’s her own life.

On the recent events, do American artists comment much on it / take a stand? I don’t follow any other artist than Lana, to be honest.

It might have been mentioned earlier, but Sean is a cop and he said they were still friends... Can she take a stand without shading him?

And it’s true that her shitty week with that now infamous post kinda was fucking bad timing.

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  On 5/30/2020 at 2:39 AM, Lucas B. said:

Wow, I didn't knew she and her family are obliged to have black friends/boyfriends/parents... Wow, I didn't knew that having only white people in her circle (which isn't a wrong thing) makes her and her family a racist.


I thought you guys were fans of hers, but it seems you're just a bunch of trolls who are here to criticize Lana and her family. Just f*cking stop, please!

If you wanna talk about BL or how you guys think she's racist, go to some b**** forum.



Yeah i'm by her side no matter what - and you all should do this too - and I'll only be against her if she proves herself a homophobe, that's the f*cking truth!

shut up bitch

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  On 5/30/2020 at 9:24 AM, slang said:

So is Sean Larkin is silent about this? I mean he has more of a moral obligation to say something than LDR, given the nature of his two jobs (the 2nd one especially). On the upside, him not commenting (about how 4 cops were incapable of arresting one unarmed POC, suspected of a non-violent crime, without killing him), should make him much less appealing to her.

he’s a supporter of blue lives matter so i doubt he’s gonna say anything

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  On 5/30/2020 at 12:22 PM, gasstationkween said:

I’m sorry but people shouldn’t need a celebrity to prompt them to down or support the movement

Definitely not but some people get prompted to listen to what's going on, consider it, donate etc. People are really getting themselves caught up trying to excuse her silence. When she wrote a song about being at Coachella and feeling like she was at Woodstock, writing a song about wanting an America without gun violence (just before dating a cop lol), calling out Kanye West in his comments and a song, doing spells against Donald Trump she was your woke queen, but nah, just after calling people dragging her on twitter a "race war" it's fine that she stays silent and doesn't post donation links or anything to suggest she cares. And it's unreasonable that people are pissed about that apparently. This happens every single time I swear to god.

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  On 5/30/2020 at 11:07 AM, Jane B said:

are you seriously saying that she shouldn't speak up on an innocent man's murder......... bc you're afraid she's gonna receive hate?.... y'all are living on another planet

What I’m saying is that she received unnecessary and brutal backlash for what she said and I understand if she feels self conscious about the situation. She might be assessing it before doing anything rush or whatever. We don’t know what’s going on and we have no right whatsoever to demand anything of her nor anybody else for that matter. It’s totally rude and gross of people to spam her , @ her and her dad and Ed with demands. It’s just shocking, some people think they are owed something. News flash, they don’t.

  On 5/30/2020 at 10:43 AM, bummersummer said:


they're right.


she doesn't need to write a personal post - in fact, it's better if she doesn't. this isn't about her. RT posts written by black people & posting donation links would be more than enough. it's not even *just* about making her stance clear in this literal "with us or against us" moment, but abt using a huge public platform to amplify black voices & thus actually help the movement.


and i can't @ people here justifying her silence with "she's taking a social media break" & "but people would just criticize her more". if indeed that's the reason, do you realize how selfish that makes her? that she's just out there sulking via social media blackout & putting her own feelings above human rights?


They are not right man. No one has a right to spam, @ or @ her dad or Ed demanding that Lana speaks up. It’s not anyone’s place. People don’t own people. They are not allowed to demand of them to do things they deem appropriate. Considering what happened recently I fully understand IF indeed she might be taking time to assess the situation or whatever. My point stands, it’s gross and rude to demand that she speaks up. People should focus on doing something themselves instead of asking someone else to do it for a start.

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I just think it's kind of interesting that she clearly likes the aesthetic of woodstock, the beat poets, idolises Bob Dylan etc but if she had been an artist at that time there's been little to no indication she'd be anything but a sell-out that people like Dylan would hate for their inactivism lol.

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@ This is pretty long so I’ll keep it under a spoiler.


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  On 5/30/2020 at 11:07 AM, Jane B said:

are you seriously saying that she shouldn't speak up on an innocent man's murder......... bc you're afraid she's gonna receive hate?.... y'all are living on another planet


Speak up for what? So that she'd get called a hypocrite? Or faking that she cares to "clean up her image" and have the whole thing thrown in her face? The best thing for her to do is go write some music or poems and say nothing because either way she'll get a attacked. Her job is singing and writing and that's what she does best. Her not posting about BLM isn't going to cause a catastrophe. The entire world knows what's going on and what happened. 


After what has been released today about George Floyd's pointing a gun at a woman while robbing her and his long criminal record:




Lots of famous people are going to start backpedaling now. 


For the record, George didn't deserve to died the way he did. Those cops need to be arrested. However, a lot of people are changing their opinions on George after his record of crimes have been released. Especially pointing a gun at a woman while robbing her. Wow.  :(




Knowing Lana's luck, she'll be the first one attacked if she posted something.  


People also need to remember Breonna Taylor. This kind of protest should have started when she was murdered by cops weeks ago. 

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  On 5/30/2020 at 12:35 PM, mergirl said:

Speak up for what? So that she'd get called a hypocrite? Or faking that she cares to "clean up her image" and have the whole thing thrown in her face? The best thing for her to do is go write some music or poems and say nothing because either way she'll get a attacked. Her job is singing and that's what she does best.

who the fuck cares if people call her a hypocrite. its the RIGHT THING TO DO.


and newsflash: she has a platform because she's a singer. just because that's how she makes her money doesn't exclude her from using it to help support social change.


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  On 5/30/2020 at 12:35 PM, mergirl said:

Speak up for what? So that she'd get called a hypocrite? Or faking that she cares to "clean up her image" and have the whole thing thrown in her face? The best thing for her to do is go write some music or poems and say nothing because either way she'll get a attacked. Her job is singing and that's what she does best. 


Speak up to show that when she said she cares about the black community she really meant it and didn't just say it so people would stop accusing her of being racist.


By the way, i know that fact that shes not gonna and i know her only real job as a musician is to make music, but fact also is she doesn't give af about black people.


people are always gonna talk shit no matter what you do, but if she really cared for the cause, none of that would matter. 


Also I think it's funny how she spent her entire career doing the same thing even when everyone was bullying her, calling her problematic, sappy, etc. She even herself said you have to stay firm and stand your ground. But now we're acting like she's not speaking on it cause she's just so afraid of criticism? nah. she's not speaking on it cause she doesn't care


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  On 5/30/2020 at 12:35 PM, mergirl said:

Speak up for what? So that she'd get called a hypocrite? Or faking that she cares to "clean up her image" and have the whole thing thrown in her face? The best thing for her to do is go write some music or poems and say nothing because either way she'll get a attacked. Her job is singing and writing and that's what she does best. Her not posting about BLM isn't going to cause a catastrophe. The entire world knows what's going on and what happened. 


After what has been released today about George Floyd's pointing a gun at a pregnant woman while robbing her and his long criminal record:




Lots of famous people are going to start backpedaling now. 



now i understand where you're coming from.  so you mean to tell me, even though he paid his debt back to society, its all of a sudden okay that a white cop (THAT KNEW FLOYD, they were coworkers) suffocated him for damn near 10 minutes until he died even though he was not resisting and begging him to let him BREATHE because he was accused of paying with a counterfeit $20 bill that was actually real... you need to educate yourself TRULY 


and if any famous people actually backpedal because of that please let me know 


AND EDIT: these protests are for breonna taylor, george floyd, ahmaud arbery, regis korchinski, and ALL VICTIMS of excessive force. 


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wow guys relax. Heart attacks are ripping at the younger age .


Anyways, Hope is a dangerous thing post apocalyptic lyrics are pretty much explaining the whole situation atm Lana is taking of

[Hold me, love me, touch me, lanadel.gif

honey, be the first who ever did]

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  On 5/30/2020 at 12:46 PM, pawnshopdarkblue said:



now i understand where you're coming from.  so you mean to tell me, even though he paid his debt back to society, its all of a sudden okay that a white cop (THAT KNEW FLOYD, they were coworkers) suffocated him for damn near 10 minutes until he died even though he was not resisting and begging him to let him BREATHE because he was accused of paying with a counterfeit $20 bill that was actually real... you need to educate yourself TRULY 


and if any famous people actually backpedal because of that please let me know 


AND EDIT: these protests are for breonna taylor, george floyd, ahmaud arbery, regis korchinski, and ALL VICTIMS of excessive force. 


I'm not arguing with you. I said what I said and it's my opinion. Don't start attacking me. You're hysterical at this point. Calm down. If Lana doesn't want to say anything it's her right not to say anything. 

  On 5/30/2020 at 12:42 PM, ArtDecoDelRey said:

ben is defending her in his comments... and he misspelled fascist




He's right though. Lana's not the enemy here, the racist cops are and that guy in the white house who's name I never type out. 

  On 5/30/2020 at 12:04 PM, Creyk said:

You can donate all you want if you feel so up for it, it would certainly be a better use of your time than bitching about a star online about something she does not have to do.


The hysteria of some on here saying Lana needs to say something. After what happened, I don't blame her if she left social media for good. One singer not posting about the riots isn't going to make a difference. Ben is right about that. 

  On 5/30/2020 at 12:43 PM, sexyslutboy said:

Speak up to show that when she said she cares about the black community she really meant it and didn't just say it so people would stop accusing her of being racist.


By the way, i know that fact that shes not gonna and i know her only real job as a musician is to make music, but fact also is she doesn't give af about black people.


people are always gonna talk shit no matter what you do, but if she really cared for the cause, none of that would matter. 


Also I think it's funny how she spent her entire career doing the same thing even when everyone was bullying her, calling her problematic, sappy, etc. She even herself said you have to stay firm and stand your ground. But now we're acting like she's not speaking on it cause she's just so afraid of criticism? nah. she's not speaking on it cause she doesn't care





I'm going to bed. 

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