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  On 6/1/2020 at 1:26 AM, VeniceBambi said:

i mean she is someone who wrote a song about dying her hair dark because the man shes inlove with likes spanish women. she has a spanish stage name. many times shes dressed as a chola. and when she was performing in spanish speaking countries she suddenly had a strong hispanic accent........ lol...




miss born to lose

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  On 6/1/2020 at 1:26 AM, VeniceBambi said:

i mean she is someone who wrote a song about dying her hair dark because the man shes inlove with likes spanish women. she has a spanish stage name. many times shes dressed as a chola. and when she was performing in spanish speaking countries she suddenly had a strong hispanic accent........ lol...


as far as i know spanish people are white? i might be wrong. but it's true about hispanic part i guess.

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  On 6/1/2020 at 1:26 AM, VeniceBambi said:

i mean she is someone who wrote a song about dying her hair dark because the man shes inlove with likes spanish women. she has a spanish stage name. many times shes dressed as a chola. and when she was performing in spanish speaking countries she suddenly had a strong hispanic accent........ lol...



I propose "Lanz and the Greatest Muscle Beach Babies" if she ever changes it

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Is there any danger to the man in the video she posted? should she delete it? genuinely asking, it looks like the man was posing for a picture or something like that but idk, i read people saying it's still dangerous

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  On 6/1/2020 at 2:10 AM, FredRed said:

OOPS I guess I spoke too soon. Fox News picked up on it. :facepalm:


THE DRAMA... "I'm done with you" - as if she needed a prick like that on the fanbase, it makes me laugh.


"I’m sorry @@lanadelrey but I’m done with you," another wrote. "I’m gonna be selling your vinyls and highly sought at coke necklace and merch and donating whatever I make to Black Lives Matter."


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  On 6/1/2020 at 2:06 AM, irvnex said:

Is there any danger to the man in the video she posted? should she delete it? genuinely asking, it looks like the man was posing for a picture or something like that but idk, i read people saying it's still dangerous

People are worried that protestors will go missing or be murdered.  It has happened with protestors from the Ferguson protests a few years ago. I don't think he was consciously trying to pose tho


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  On 6/1/2020 at 2:10 AM, FredRed said:

OOPS I guess I spoke too soon. Fox News picked up on it. :facepalm:



IMHO Fox news is THE Sh*t News , whatever they trend on that channel is absurd and TOTALLY Pro-Trump admiration and ass-kissing.


What I have just seen in that video (which is up on their website) which says is from Lana Del Rey, shows a discontented Afro-American man holding

up a sign which says " No Justice No Peace"  and Fox News labels it as ...

" Now, amid nationwide protests and riots, Del Rey is facing criticism for sharing up-close-and-personal video footage of looters. "


Does anyone see that man as a "Looter" ?

I do NOT see that man looting or vandalizing anything. He is standing on top of a burned car which has been already burned from the night before.

There is no smoke or fire coming from it. It happened many hours earlier. 

I also DO NOT SEE anyone on that street "looting" things around or any stores nearby.

WTF ?!?    Why all of this Misinformation ?


Is it because Lana Del Rey may not agree with Mister Trump and his "chemtrail(ing)" messages ?


Clearly Fox- News is taking a Low-boxing punch towards Lana Del Rey  t1949.gif   They are a bunch of Fox-IDIOTS


This video



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I’m hoping this doesn’t affect her career... will just have to see in September when the album drops and the sales come in. I also think she will lay a low profile and not even do interviews after all this bad luck she’s had. I’m hoping she’s staying in a good positive mind set though . If I was her i would definitely be crying. All we see is now hate bandwagon on Lana and when the album drops we could say she said something controversial and racist in the album to trick the locals into streaming it would work. I hope no celebrities she mentioned say anything negative about her now you never know it could her cause more stir her way. I also think her so called friends are fake asf only a few showed there support, but what major pop stars such as billie,Abel,Camila etc... it just goes to show they care more about there reputation then having her back

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  On 6/1/2020 at 2:59 AM, LustForDelRey said:

I’m hoping this doesn’t affect her career... will just have to see in September when the album drops and the sales come in. I also think she will lay a low profile and not even do interviews after all this bad luck she’s had. I’m hoping she’s staying in a good positive mind set though . If I was her i would definitely be crying. All we see is now hate bandwagon on Lana and when the album drops we could say she said something controversial and racist in the album to trick the locals into streaming it would work. I hope no celebrities she mentioned say anything negative about her now you never know it could her cause more stir her way. I also think her so called friends are fake asf only a few showed there support, but what major pop stars such as billie,Abel,Camila etc... it just goes to show they care more about there reputation then having her back

It's just ridiculous how people are dragging her, insulting her, they really don't care about how she feels. And some say they're fans... I honestly don't even know what to say


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  On 6/1/2020 at 3:08 AM, Lucas B. said:

It's just ridiculous how people are dragging her, insulting her, they really don't care about how she feels. And some say they're fans... I honestly don't even know what to say

the thing is literally everyone dragging did they even know who she was to begin with? Did they even listen to music? Yes it may seem like Lana is over but let’s not forgot she’s has a very dedicated fan base. People are making out her controversy and stretching it into everything she does wouldn’t be surprised if someone says one of her new lyrics is racist etc...

Also many celebrities Stan Lana and will continue to listen to Lana lowkey I would post a list but I’m to lazy to think of all of them

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I don't think we need to worry about her career. There are so many racist people in America - they probably love her even more now.  :diva:


In all seriousness, if/when her new album is released there's only going to be a minor murmur from this point of time from people who were following (Lana stans and Twitter). Almost everyone agrees she is well intentioned, but terribly and ignorantly executed - I think even the biggest critics here on Lanaboards would agree she didn't intend to cause harm (regardless of the aftermath) and anyone that thinks she is being malicious is delusional. My point is that people still listen to horrible people who have done and said far worse things, and Lana's music will continue to be listened to. If you can't quit her music but hate her now, it's time to separate the artist from the art. 


She was never part of the mainstream, so this isn't going to really push her out of anything . . .

I expect much later down the track she will do a number of interviews on this and will have the help of a writer to properly articulate her rationale and, hopefully, an apology and an acknowledgement of her mistake about positionality. It might seem like I'm dismissing this, but if you're basing it on the reactions of Lanaboards and Twitter uhhhhh they are really not indicative of the real world, and the average person will not care. If you look at her Facebook, which is an entirely different demographic, most of the top posts are people affirming her speaking out.


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People criticize the fact she was dating a cop...

News flash: you don't choose to fall in love, when you notice you're already in love with the person and that's it. Also she can date whoever she wants and no one has anything to do with this. Stop condemning her for who she dates or what she said.


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  On 6/1/2020 at 3:13 AM, LustForDelRey said:

the thing is literally everyone dragging did they even know who she was to begin with? Did they even listen to music? Yes it may seem like Lana is over but let’s not forgot she’s has a very dedicated fan base. People are making out her controversy and stretching it into everything she does wouldn’t be surprised if someone says one of her new lyrics is racist etc...

Also many celebrities Stan Lana and will continue to listen to Lana lowkey I would post a list but I’m to lazy to think of all of them



I would not be surprised either   :facepalm:    Some people will start to Nit-Pick Everything they can and drag that dead horse around until the dead horse is just bones !


I can just imagine how in a few months from now,  a few Congressmen-WIVEs from Washignton D.C. (with nothing better to do with their lives)

will demand Congress to have more "Special Labels" on records  - stating that "some lyrics are Racist" !


Because the present label...    200px-Parental_Advisory_label.svg.png   ... is not enough for the fragile American public to understand !   :facepalm:


I still remember a time when record covers used to look so beautiful and without warning labels.

When people bought the records , they understood what they were buying. If the lyrics were "provocative" we did not shut our ears in shock.


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  On 6/1/2020 at 3:24 AM, maxthehitman said:

I would not be surprised either :facepalm: Some people will start to Nit-Pick Everything they can and drag that dead horse around until the dead horse is just bones ! If this is just a pr stunt then there will be more through this summer. I hope during this time ben and Ed realize to just control Lana’s pages for a while


I can just imagine how in a few months from now, a few Congressmen-WIVEs from Washignton D.C. (with nothing better to do with their lives)

will demand Congress to have more "Special Labels" on records - stating that "some lyrics are Racist" !


Because the present label... 200px-Parental_Advisory_label.svg.png ... is not enough for the fragile American public to understand ! :facepalm:


I still remember a time when record covers used to look so beautiful and without warning labels.

When people bought the records , they understood what they were buying. If the lyrics were "provocative" we did not shut our ears in shock.

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Her career isn’t over lol, even if some people turn off her for good she still has many fans. Her insta has a lot of supporters in the comments, even poc.


Once this all settles (which it will), people will move on to the next social media drama. She has most definitely said enough though, this is clearly not an issue she can just freely talk about so if she has any brains she’ll step back from this bullshit for a while. Her first insta post and then second “explanation” were clear enough, but she kept going on and on trying to explain herself, made a video, ect. I get it, she was clearly trying to clarify everything but it really wasn’t working. People just don’t want to hear it, so she needs to stop.

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