mrborntolose 10,052 Posted November 4, 2016 i gotta go 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theviolence 5,877 Posted November 4, 2016 Yno seeing as she already has this schedule planned out means she's already thinking about promotion and would've explored the ways in which she could do so, so I'm 98% certain she'll debut SOMETHING at corona capital 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Escapism 6,182 Posted November 4, 2016 i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to picture discs/7in singles type of thing. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luminom 3,287 Posted November 4, 2016 this is me @ all the T being spilled 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missdelreyxo 3,786 Posted November 4, 2016 You also look at my last post to see that what you said is wrong. "Narcissism and entitlement" it's called not giving a fuck because when I actually cared and tried to be nice here, I was treated like shit. Some shitty people here used my niceness against me and attacked me. If you want me to be all rainbows and peace, it's never happening. So no, it's not "for the sake of it". Your behavior is narcissistic. This is a attention thing. Dangling things over people's head, blackmailing lana with her own work. I love the irony Same people who chastise Lana for not doing promo and appearances and stuff want more leaks, which of course don't have any promo, appearances and stuff Me, I just want more, more more music as much as I greedily can listen to All I want to do is get high by the beach or driving in my car, and cranking up the volume (now continue fighting) @atticus 1376- that is funny. It's never enough for them. 1-) I already explained that only two Lana related files were on the Neros website and they weren't unleaked. They were just HQ versions of stuff that were already leaked years ago. These terms aren't accurate: "Neros group" "music label manager" "active database" "multiple demos finals and snippet by Lana" Rick left his website open for a few months and many people got the Black Beauty batch and they leaked quickly... and songs from a website like you are claiming to have existed WOULDN'T leak all this time? I wouldn't leave any clues like that for everyone to trace it back. This is not some big discovery to take credit for, you just googled some file names. You so badly want to bring me down. It's not happening. The fact that you don't even know I'm not the leaker of the TIMWUG demo but you are still claiming I leaked "2 songs" from the "Neros database"... "Neros database" was just Peter Ibsen's website and the rest of the "20 songs" there were just his other productions for other artists. How would Peter Ibsen produce 20 songs with Lana? It's not realistic. I just saw the 2 Lana files (SERIAL KILLER HQ AND TIMWUG DEMO HQ) and downloaded them before they realized they left the directories open to the public. You are misunderstanding the facts and therefore stating/making up things that aren't true and acting like you know what really happened. "NEROS DATABASE" is not a thing. 2-) I am a minor myself and I can have any sexual relationship with any minor and that's none of your business. And I never gave any .21 seconds snippets for nudes. Receipts? 3-) I've been a fan since 2011. I have all of her albums + CD singles. She's my most listened artist on People from here know me before I got any unleaked (one example @@wraith) and how much I love Lana. 4-) Never happened. Receipts? 5-) Yeah because I never lied and I won't. I piss people off with my own ways, but I would never spread false info around for attention, I get my attention with real things, I don't have to make things up. 6-) If you actually paid attention, Lana only asked me to not leak her upcoming single. Which I wasn't going to and I won't. She doesn't even know anything about UV outtakes or anything. She didn't even know who I was until yesterday and now you are acting like I'm the cause of her depression. The overreacting. The exaggerating. The jealousy. The pressedness. "and is using her hard work and painful past as a failed pop singer as clout for online notoriety" Wow. Oh my god why am I arguing with someone who is spreading rumors about me to try and bring me down. Know your facts before you attempt to discredit me. I do NOT want to keep dragging this around but I want to know what exactly makes Eclipse a reliable person? What proof do we have that he did indeed search high and low on his own for those songs hes hiding? For all we know hes can have accomplices and he is just the release-r. What makes him a legit leaker when yet he only leaks 5 second snippets? ^oh ok wow he repsonded & clocked ha You don't even know how I talked to her. She said she will even consider doing a little Q&A with me about her music. She wouldn't have talked to me for hours and shared info about her upcoming album if I wasn't nice to her. Honestly I'll just ask her my questions about her old work and keep the answers to myself, maybe share it with a few people. This forum deserves nothing. Ok... @Tinythree just got a scalped and we just live witnessed it. When will your fave? Chances are LIB is on the upcoming album if she just flat out ignored the fact that you even asked bout it and moved onto the next question lmao lol you wish. Eclipse how can i discredit you for information in which you have no legal right to? Considering the circumstances in which you have and receive this information please don't be so brass in looking for "credit". The fact you have consistently taken intellectual property in which you illegally distributed and admitted to have or had and not having any legal repercussions is beyond me. Truly the mess in this situation. ANd please don't say your are a SUPPORTER of lana. You are merely an overzealous fan looking for praise from young boys online. If you actually gave a shit about her, during your infamous "twitter chat" you would've asked her how SHE WAS DOING? lol. Because she isn't just a cow you can milk out for more demos and info. She's a human. You o=and the majority of people on here supporting your actions have shown their standing in this hell warped "fandom". Enough said. You couldn't care less about her. ANd anyone can fake twitter chats. Including you. Considering how you get your information and music no, i would not consider you a "reliable source". This is the end of my response to this part of this topic. Im sure ill have feedback from people but i said my piece and that's that. After all this. The most hurt person must be Lana. People like you consistently bringing her down. Using her. I pray she gets you blood sucking leeches terminated. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wild One 3,306 Posted November 4, 2016 Don't know 'bout you guys but I need the full lyrics in the booklet on this album. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted November 4, 2016 i honestly hope she does some nice record releases this time around like she did with the btd/paradise era. i mean UV and HM missed out on that imo when it comes to picture discs/7in singles type of thing. That reminds me that I still need the Blue Jeans and National Anthem picture discs. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lust 4,031 Posted November 4, 2016 this is me @ all the T being spilled off topic sorry: what's the story behind ur signature 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wynwood 19,968 Posted November 4, 2016 Don't know 'bout you guys but I need the full lyrics in the booklet on this album. ugh i was so disappointed when both uv and hm didnt include them, i would spend hours reading, listening, and bopping to btd and paradise 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missdelreyxo 3,786 Posted November 4, 2016 ugh i was so disappointed when both uv and hm didnt include them, i would spend hours reading, listening, and bopping to btd and paradise i believe theres fan made ones on ebay let me check off topic sorry: what's the story behind ur signature theres an insta called @satan and he tagged lana in something and she commented that 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lernerderrey 2,429 Posted November 4, 2016 i believe theres fan made ones on ebay let me check theres an insta called @satan and he tagged lana in something and she commented that @moy might be able to help with a lyric booklet 5 i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
#glimmeringdarling 4,629 Posted November 4, 2016 @moy might be able to help with a lyric booklet Yeah but only if you don't want to receive the physical copy and donate money to his Apple needs 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viagra 1,642 Posted November 4, 2016 She finds out someone has her lead single and could leak it. Instead of taking legal steps (like any singer would do), she shares every info about her new album with potentional leaker. Does it make it sense to anybody ? Its not like they know each other. Eclipse claimed himself "She didn't even know who I was until yesterday ". 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoxavel 938 Posted November 4, 2016 Eclipse how can i discredit you for information in which you have no legal right to? Considering the circumstances in which you have and receive this information please don't be so brass in looking for "credit". The fact you have consistently taken intellectual property in which you illegally distributed and admitted to have or had and not having any legal repercussions is beyond me. Truly the mess in this situation. ANd please don't say your are a SUPPORTER of lana. You are merely an overzealous fan looking for praise from young boys online. If you actually gave a shit about her, during your infamous "twitter chat" you would've asked her how SHE WAS DOING? lol. Because she isn't just a cow you can milk out for more demos and info. She's a human. You o=and the majority of people on here supporting your actions have shown their standing in this hell warped "fandom". Enough said. You couldn't care less about her. ANd anyone can fake twitter chats. Including you. Considering how you get your information and music no, i would not consider you a "reliable source". This is the end of my response to this part of this topic. Im sure ill have feedback from people but i said my piece and that's that. After all this. The most hurt person must be Lana. People like you consistently bringing her down. Using her. I pray she gets you blood sucking leeches terminated. #FINISHHER. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Constantine 4,078 Posted November 4, 2016 She finds out someone has her lead single and could leak it. Instead of taking legal steps, she shares every info about her new album with potentional leaker. Does it make it sense to anybody ? Its not like they know each other. Eclipse claimed himself "She didn't even know who I was until yesterday ". That's Lana for you. It's kind of hilarious. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Greatest 8,805 Posted November 4, 2016 She finds out someone has her lead single and could leak it. Instead of taking legal steps, she shares every info about her new album with potentional leaker. Does it make it sense to anybody ? Its not like they know each other. Eclipse claimed himself "She didn't even know who I was until yesterday ". To be honest, I was wondering about this. It's weird decision making on her part, but maybe she figures if she opens up to him he is more likely to keep her info in confidence? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted November 4, 2016 Here we gooooo.....AGAIN 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viagra 1,642 Posted November 4, 2016 Sorry not everyone is here 24/7 and has time to check all 79 pages to find out what has already been discussed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted November 4, 2016 She finds out someone has her lead single and could leak it. Instead of taking legal steps (like any singer would do), she shares every info about her new album with potentional leaker. Does it make it sense to anybody ? Its not like they know each other. Eclipse claimed himself "She didn't even know who I was until yesterday ". Well you're right, of course she could've taken legal steps, but this might've led him to actually leak it. Instead she's being nice and sharing some tiny information. Would you leak something if Lana personally asked you not to and even gave you hope to do a little Q&A in the future? I know damn well I wouldn't. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missdelreyxo 3,786 Posted November 4, 2016 Sorry not everyone is here 24/7 and has time to check all 79 pages to find out what has already been discussed. To be honest, I was wondering about this. It's weird decision making on her part, but maybe she figures if she opens up to him he is more likely to keep her info in confidence? That's Lana for you. It's kind of hilarious. #FINISHHER. She finds out someone has her lead single and could leak it. Instead of taking legal steps (like any singer would do), she shares every info about her new album with potentional leaker. Does it make it sense to anybody ? Its not like they know each other. Eclipse claimed himself "She didn't even know who I was until yesterday ". I just want you guys to just give both opinions the benefit of the doubt, would lana really do this? Also if she did is it right that hes telling us? Although she begged him not to? Thats all i am saying. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites