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Really wouldn't have expected Limbs to be such a trend on TikTok already, while the snippets that were clearly targeted towards TikTok almost seem ignored. It kind of says something about what people are wanting from this era I think.


As far as the cringey videos, I'm just glad to see people doing something creative and skilled instead of some shitty off-beat dance in the middle of a Wal-Mart. It's refreshing honestly

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11 minutes ago, ButterflyBones said:

Really wouldn't have expected Limbs to be such a trend on TikTok already, while the snippets that were clearly targeted towards TikTok almost seem ignored. It kind of says something about what people are wanting from this era I think.


As far as the cringey videos, I'm just glad to see people doing something creative and skilled instead of some shitty off-beat dance in the middle of a Wal-Mart. It's refreshing honestly

I don’t think I’m on Melanie TikTok because I’ve seen none of the videos on my FYP, but I think the whole album will be fairly successful on TikTok. She’s got tons of young newer fans who will eat it up. At least it seems we are getting some longer tracks, which typically the made for TikTok songs are short as hell. 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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8 hours ago, Pop The Balloons said:

Being a Melanie fan is so tiring but exhciting at the same time. On one hand there's some cool ppl like you guys and then you've got the Twitter and insta cry babies..... And it's exciting because Melanie is incredibly talented and can do good things (not so much lately) and the snippets def keep us on edge but are tiring. 

I've always considered lanaboards the cream of the crop when it comes to crybabies, only people who are meant to find this place find it. The annoying ones don't know how mostly 

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I got beef with Twitter and Instagram. This place is better than Twitter and Instagram from my experience. You have limited characters to type on Twitter. Nonexistent customer support service happens on Instagram. But on here, you can type more and there's a "Contact Us" page. Feel like I can have better discussions on here about Melanie Martinez.

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4 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

has it leaked? From the title I was expecting a Pacify Her 2.0 


no but someone has posted the lyrics on wiki and they're about a black child that has been kidnapped and the police won't do anything? lol

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3 minutes ago, 13 Bitches said:


no but someone has posted the lyrics on wiki and they're about a black child that has been kidnapped and the police won't do anything? lol

Is that for sure? We already know some Crybabies get off making shit up :bebe:


if the source is real, once the lyrics are out I suppose it will leak soon 

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1 hour ago, 13 Bitches said:

so Erase Her is the unknown racism k12 outtake AND the song flashing back to tag you’re it? i suppose it was one of the og bonus tracks along with Notebook

The alleged Tag, You're It flashback song is fanon. That was a completely unrelated rumour someone added to Melanie's Wiki page in 2017, which never had any actual basis to it.


However! Erase Her is real — and it's leaking soon, so don't worry about that. The song is about police racial bias in missing peoples cases:

"Who cares if she don't look like you?

Karma will come back to eat you

Why does she have to be white to be seen as a fucking equal?

You erase her, the radio news and the paper!"


Sessions for K-12— the original, standard album— started out in late 2015 and were confirmed to have been completed in very early 2017. Following this, she kept writing more songs (Erase Her/Trophy/Notebook all date back to around June of 2017 I believe) for a planned "deluxe," and so this eventually turned into the After School EP.


Melanie's own wording:


I do it just to amuse me 

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16 hours ago, 132 said:


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if you dont get it dont google <3

i still can’t believe I referenced her in a rap i wrote high as hell one night :rollin:

I’m skinny but I’m fat 

Like a pit bull 

Don’t call me late for supper 

Cause u know that my plates full 

Eating up these biches 

Like Golden Corral 

Snap, crackle, and pop in the chocolate fountain 


Got u heifers 

Turning molehills into mountains 

sliced up like potatoes au gratin

Don’t play azealia in the bathroom 

Go suck on a tampon, 

giovanna plowman 

Also if i could put a couple of the demos on the album I’d pick mother of Pearl, N&T, and Leeches. Those 3 spoke to me the most even tho DB is cute and catchy she hits the drama club repetitiveness



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1 minute ago, Jack said:

i still can’t believe I referenced her in a rap i wrote high as hell one night :rollin:


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I’m skinny but I’m fat 

Like a pit bull 

Don’t call me late for supper 

Cause u know that my plates full 

Eating up these biches 

Like Golden Corral 

Snap, crackle, and pop in the chocolate fountain 


Got u heifers 

Turning molehills into mountains 

sliced up like potatoes au gratin

Don’t play azealia in the bathroom 

Go suck on a tampon, 

giovanna plowman 

Also if i could put a couple of the demos on the album I’d pick mother of Pearl, N&T, and Leeches. Those 3 spoke to me the most even tho DB is cute and catchy she hits the drama club repetitiveness


the last name plowman makes me chuckle icl 

what if the cockroaches have psychedelic pussy?

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1 minute ago, 13 Bitches said:

pretty sure we're getting a new snippet today

schedule has been monday - wednesday - friday if im remembering correctly :toofloppy: lets hope we get the hq version of a snippet faster than last time lawl

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