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LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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What do you guys think of the idea of a surprise release? I feel like it she could drop the alboom on a random day without telling anyone because a. she doesn't care about the sales b. I can't think of anything Lana or her label is waiting for


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What do you guys think of the idea of a surprise release? I feel like it she could drop the alboom on a random day without telling anyone because a. she doesn't care about the sales b. I can't think of anything Lana or her label is waiting for


Lana Del Rey is not Beyonce.


That would not go well.


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Lana Del Rey is not Beyonce.


That would not go well.

But as they said in their post, Lana doesn't care about sales. If she did do a surprise drop, then I feel like she'd just be aiming for her fans reactions. Not the general publics.


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I can't back it up rn, but I believe she once said it will be a 'traditional' release, meaning pre order on itunes, singles, etc.

I'd love a surprise release but super unlikely.

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The problem with a surprise release, in Lana's case, is that it won't go directly to her fans: it will go to the super stans who follow her every move on social media and are waiting every second for the album release. And those are not enough to bring the album up to the charts. Things like singles, interviews, live performances, videos before the album release help to build up hype so that those who do not know what Lana is doing can get time to be informed that she is coming out with a new album and to be excited about it. 

beyonce's release (going with her self-titled one, since that was the start of it all) worked for a number of reasons, but the main ones were that she is a global superstar who had been in the public consciousness for roughly 15 years before she dropped the album and managed to both record an entire album with an accompanying music video for each track without a single person leaking or discussing it beforehand. The novelty of the album release was also a major talking point, because no artist at her position had ever done something like that before, which meant free promotion from every major news outlet.

Lana does not have those connections. Music outlets would most likely cover the release, but those articles would be competing with all the other artists who released albums that day/week, artists who most likely went with the traditional release strategy and had prepped fans to expect an album by the day of release. With that competition, it's quite likely Lana's articles would be mostly or entirely overshadowed by those other articles and all the more casual fans who could have listened to the new album will miss the opportunity to do so (at least in the first few weeks). 

Those first week sales are still a pretty big deal, even if it kind of sucks. Because again, for a lot of casual fans (and not even fans of Lana, necessarily, but music fans in general) the number one place to find new music is looking at the what's trending/top ten lists. If Lana's new album isn't in that list---there goes that opportunity. Yes, Lana and her label could then try to boost the album through post-release promotion, but they would then be competing with other, major artists releasing hyped albums, which is always dangerous. And Lana's label is probably going to be less likely to, say, promote more (which extends beyond interviews and goes into things like budgets for music videos) if they don't think that they are getting that investment back. 

If Lana's music video is anything to go by and she seems interested in trying to make a bit of a public comeback, a surprise release would really hinder, if not totally sabotage, those plans. 

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would u guys prefer a uv or a btd type of album ?

btw lana wasn't released   an album in 19 months 


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Tbh ngl I really wish there weren't any collabs on the album. I just feel like she's worth a bit more than that? She's never had to use collabs before, I feel like that's a bit of a sales tactic so she reaches out to the fans of the artists on question, maybe. But if it is I don't blame her. She's not exactly had the BEST sales since BTD, regardless of how good the albums have been since.


Idk man, I feel like I prefer lana appearing on other peoples albums rather than vice versa. Just because she's never had to do a feature in any of her previous albums.


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I'm not expecting anything tonight, or even in the next week. But it would be great if Lana would prove me wrong.


To be honest she's definitely been posting more recently. At least once every couple of days recently. It's getting to the point where is actually a probability.


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