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LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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"I have so many more exciting things to tell you"

I try so hard to make my expectations low but this is really testing me  :icant: is it really as exciting as she hypes it to be? find out on the next episode of dragon ball z


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"I have so many more exciting things to tell you"

I try so hard to make my expectations low but this is really testing me  :icant: is it really as exciting as she hypes it to be? find out on the next episode of dragon ball z

I know right?!?!? However, I don't even know what to expect anymore, so I don't have much of an expectation, which I'm happy about :party:


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Where are people getting the idea bar is a uv outtake

someone posted it on like facebook or twitter. i wouldnt be suprised. infact i hope it is so that there one more song on ldr5 we havent heard

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I heard a small 7 sec snippet of a song called that but idk if it's a scrapped song from UV or something else but it's an amazing 7 seconds 

Morricone? More fake shit?

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I'm a hairstylist and today I had this like 70 year old guy in my chair. We got to talking about music and he asked who my favorite artist is. I replied with the obvious answer and he said he just randomly downloaded Ultraviolence the other day and liked it. Told him to download Love and look out for the new album! Doing my part lol


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Is this fake?


It looks like her. It got posted on ATRL a few min ago



looks more like lindsay lohan to me lmao. Her hair is too light, unless this picture wasn't taken like a year ago


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