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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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I just ordered LFL in a local music store, on their website is says it will arrive on Friday,

but on the phone the guy who works there said he don't know exactly when it will arrive and he doesn't believe it will be here on Friday... :defeated:

At least I ordered it lol :P


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Guys, I've been busy at summer research school all day, came home around 7PM/19:00 and have already finished my frozen pizza - I thought we'd be past page 2000 by now?? :crossed:

I'm just joking, I love y'all. Can't wait for the post-release thread! :kiss: Now I can join the 2000-party too! :party:

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I pre-ordered it on iTunes :/

Oh well in that case I don't know. According to this article, "For pre-orders, you have to wait for Apple's email telling you the item is ready. Apple does assure that the email will come the same day the content is released." and they also recommend to actually not pre-order anything if you want to gain access to the content right away when it's released, but instead to just check it out when it's released and buy it then without pre-ordering. So basically if the article's true, it might become available on your iTunes at midnight your time but you might have to wait to get the e-mail meanwhile people who haven't pre-ordered it can buy and download it straight away.

Personally I don't pre-order anything digital on Google Play for example, it's not like they're gonna run out or something. The only time I pre-ordered something I had to wait half an hour to get the content to download so I've basically been following their advice ever since. If I were you I'd try to cancel the pre-order and just buy it when it's out.  :)

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wish there was something else to talk about than these YouTube "celebrities" ( :toofunny:), can't relate at all. :pft:

I already feel terrible thinking about how boring this forum will get once the hype post-release has calmed down and there's nothing else to look forward to than the festival shows, and after Lollapalooza we already know most of the setlist for sure, so it's just the outfits most of us will be here to see since a majority isn't going to one of those few shows. I hope members in Paris and Norway will keep their eyes open for her, I need that spottings section to be active around the time she's coming over here lol. I've been a member since 2012 but only now did I actually get active around here, I've spent so many hours here it's going to feel weird when nothing really happens. Although without doubt I'll also most likely just fade away once my show's in the past tense so I can't blame ya.


Oh look, someone who definitely doesn't have the actual album is trying to attract attention by talking about leaking something which eventually won't even happen.



Depressing and good, this post reminds me of a Lana song :krylie:

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