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Kim Petras

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Girl cultural appropriation isn’t even real. Anybody can rap, plus you don’t have to work with black people if you work in the “rap” genre. This would have to apply to everybody & every genre & it’d be a mess. Nobody owns a culture or genre.

Omg what kind of mess.........:rip:

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I really don’t think Kim has crossed the line of cultural appropriation... like that’s a Katy Perry thing lol. Obviously she could benefit from working with more people of color, but it’s not like she’s out in her music vids with cornrows & watermelons. It’s still early in her career tho, like less than 2 years of releasing her singles + figuring her sound/image out, so I’m perched to see who she ends up working with down the road. These Dr. Luke singles are getting old. Homework + the other one aren’t doing as much for me.


I’m loving We Don’t Stop :flutter:


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She really feeds us so well. 123 is one of her best.


so what songs are we missing now that we know of?

none i could think of. there's only the other sophie collab "it's your life" which she posted a snippet of, but that song now belongs to a band or something so idk when it's coming out.

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All three songs are so nice! 1 2 3 days up is defo my fave but having her release 3 songs at once is gonna be really good for when I overplay it

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Girl cultural appropriation isn’t even real. Anybody can rap, plus you don’t have to work with black people if you work in the “rap” genre. This would have to apply to everybody & every genre & it’d be a mess. Nobody owns a culture or genre.



I’m Latino & Native American. You’re such a headass lol

She's just a pathetic troll using SJW tactics to get attention from people.

Ignore her

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Don’t know what that has to do with Kim walking a fine line of cultrual appropriation, borrowing from hip-hop/black culture all while working exclusively white creatives. I mean hell for her first rythmic single she chose a white rapper of all people to be the feature. Also the “let Ariana rap” tweet when the black community was having a conversation on white girls co-opting hip-hop culture and walking fine lines of appropriation, was a really bad look on her part.

you coming here literally full the sole purpose to start shit is really ugly. there's a fine difference between appropriation and appreciation and clearly you don't understand that


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Girl cultural appropriation isn’t even real. Anybody can rap, plus you don’t have to work with black people if you work in the “rap” genre. This would have to apply to everybody & every genre & it’d be a mess. Nobody owns a culture or genre.

Cultural appropriation is a thing... it’s not as bad as police brutality/etc but it’s still a thing. This doesn’t mean Kim is doing it

Which I don’t think she is

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Kim is absolutely not appropriating anyone’s culture. Do you even know what cultural appropriation means? It’s when you take/are selective of the aspects of someone’s culture that you like opposed to the rest of them which you don’t. For example, white girls wearing bindis because they like the aesthetic yet making fun of/bullying Indian women for other aspects of their culture. There are white rap artists too like Eminem and Iggy Azealea to name just two, so are they appropriating rap/hip-hop culture by making music belonging to that genre? Regardless of working with black musicians/producers. As a white person if I make a hip hop style or inspired beat all by myself and decide to rap over it in my bedroom because I really love rap and it’s my aspiration to become a rap or hip hop artist, does that mean I’m appropriating culture? Get a life. Also, people like Gwen Stefani have taken aspects of reggae and ska music and infused it into their own because of their love and appreciation for it. We can’t label a certain genre of music as only appropriate for people of certain skin colours to make or see it as only okay or acceptable if they make this music with black people. That’s actually a worse mentality to have if you ask me. Don’t restrict anyone’s creativity and let them be inspired by and pay tribute to what they want.

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cultural appropriation is REALLY a thing and can't be ignored. i just don't get WHY y'all are discussing this on a Kim Petras thread lol


i mean, she's a pop singer and all of her work is stuck with this genre and image. it's not like she's making rap and selling her image as a urban/hip-hop artist while making fun of black culture like Miley Cyrus, for example, she's just getting some inspirations just like every other pop singer right now

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I'm sorry I just had to defend Kim and the meaning of cultural appropriation because it is a serious issue and when these discussions arise, and you have the opportunity to educate people and help them to understand how what they're saying/doing is wrong, then you should, no matter the subject. Cultural appropriation is very real, I mean how does it feel (for those of you that are gay men) if you come across a straight girl using gay slang and talking about how much they love RuPaul's Drag Race (things that are a big part of gay culture), yet find gay couples gross and say that it's wrong for a man to be effeminate... 

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All 3 of these songs... kinda suck? If U Think About Me... is the best but it holds no candle to Kim's 2017 singles. She really fell off after Heart to Break (except for the Halloween EP)...

te deseo, cariño

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