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About smoledman

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  1. Is it possible to change the forum theme? There is poor contrast with the background and light text in the header/footer areas.
  2. I need to re-listen to the whole discography, but one thing I can say is the bridges on BtD were next-level.
  3. I get a picture of a girl who is so into romance and totally nuts. Hence the multiple stays at Rikers Island.
  4. I feel like she was never as creative as on the first album with Off to the Races with all those ridiculous references like Lolita, Cristal Champagne, Bacardi Rum, Rikers Island and Chateau Marmont.
  5. What evidence that she's not going to release the album? I can see her postponing it if her poetry book is a bigger priority at the moment.
  6. So what is the consensus on this album, great or not?
  7. Honestly I think the real issue is 90% of her songs are not fit for these large auditoriums and festivals with thousands of people. The best venues are radio stations and small clubs for the intimate style of these songs. I mean you don't want her singing Fordham Road at the Staples Center right?
  8. Not saying she's on the level of Kate Bush or Leonard Cohen with her lyrics. But in this current era of shit, she's a goddess!
  9. Give me Hallmark One dream, one life, one lover Paint me happy and blue Norman Rockwell No hype under our covers It's just me and you http://www.mtv.com/news/3099857/lana-del-rey-venice-bitch-norman-fucking-rockwell/
  10. Yeah let me know when either one of those write lyrics as amazing as 'Off to the Races'.
  11. I'm referring to the Fan Since: .... part. I can put a member title.
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