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  1. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lady Gaga   
    The Killah hate is crazy it feels like such an integral part of the album to me
  2. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    underrated tbh
  3. ChaoticLipster liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in ALLIE X   
    Girls I've got a few lyrics that idk about so i'd appreciate some corrections!! (I've put the parts i'm particularly unclear on in bold)
    John and Jonathan:
    Saddest Smile
    Staying Power
    Hardware Software
    Truly Dreams
    (I've been mulling over this post for 2 days because I know there could be a lot of mishearings above so please forgive any mistakes!!)
    It really is an excellent project and I feel for her it coming out unofficially so early. She'll certainly be getting my coins w the physical tho and they'll be richly deserved. Currently easily tying with Cape God as my personal fave but then to me she's never missed. She has an unimpeachable discography and this record doesn't let her down to say the very least. It's funny too because I wasn't too taken with Black Eye - I liked it but didn't think it was particularly strong, but with the context of this album around it I'm appreciating it a hell of a lot more. I felt similarly about Focus too though. Allie X forever!
  4. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in ALLIE X   
    Eeeek sorry I forgot about this  @Stormriver beat me to it, gonna post what I have written down though (open to corrections also)
    Hardware Software
    Saddest Smile
    Staying Power
    Truly Dreams
  5. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in ALLIE X   
    Girls I've got a few lyrics that idk about so i'd appreciate some corrections!! (I've put the parts i'm particularly unclear on in bold)
    John and Jonathan:
    Saddest Smile
    Staying Power
    Hardware Software
    Truly Dreams
    (I've been mulling over this post for 2 days because I know there could be a lot of mishearings above so please forgive any mistakes!!)
    It really is an excellent project and I feel for her it coming out unofficially so early. She'll certainly be getting my coins w the physical tho and they'll be richly deserved. Currently easily tying with Cape God as my personal fave but then to me she's never missed. She has an unimpeachable discography and this record doesn't let her down to say the very least. It's funny too because I wasn't too taken with Black Eye - I liked it but didn't think it was particularly strong, but with the context of this album around it I'm appreciating it a hell of a lot more. I felt similarly about Focus too though. Allie X forever!
  6. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in ALLIE X   
    Girls I've got a few lyrics that idk about so i'd appreciate some corrections!! (I've put the parts i'm particularly unclear on in bold)
    John and Jonathan:
    Saddest Smile
    Staying Power
    Hardware Software
    Truly Dreams
    (I've been mulling over this post for 2 days because I know there could be a lot of mishearings above so please forgive any mistakes!!)
    It really is an excellent project and I feel for her it coming out unofficially so early. She'll certainly be getting my coins w the physical tho and they'll be richly deserved. Currently easily tying with Cape God as my personal fave but then to me she's never missed. She has an unimpeachable discography and this record doesn't let her down to say the very least. It's funny too because I wasn't too taken with Black Eye - I liked it but didn't think it was particularly strong, but with the context of this album around it I'm appreciating it a hell of a lot more. I felt similarly about Focus too though. Allie X forever!
  7. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by Cherry Blossom in Carly Rae Jepsen   
    all the loneliest time hate in this thread as if it doesnt have Surrender My Heart, Bends, Go Find Yourself Or Whatever, No Thinking Over The Weekend, Keep Away, Anxious...
  8. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by Rico25 in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    Guess who was right 
  9. bia liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    "Love is mean and love hurts" is my all time favourite lyric i think
    Ugh and the way she delivers the line with like, venom and pain, oh god you can feel the angst like nothing else. 
    (((Special mention to "sometimes I get lonely, millions can hold me now")))
  10. larina liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in Because of You   
    It just leaked!!
    On the streets of LA, Where the future is now, We dance like nobody is watching us, And we live like we want to. But it can all get a little crazy, Unless there's something to hold onto. For me, that was true love.   I was a young girl, selfish and wild, Like a fire in LA. Hot like the summer and mean like a child, Who keeps crying till she gets her way, (Like a true star).   There were roses in my hair, Rock and roll and blaring, I was in trouble, No one could rock me, like you could, I was a bad girl gone good.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, And it brought me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   (You know what I'm talking about).   It was a mad world, we lived for fun, And we got shit for free. Had a face like an angel but inside my heart, Was as black as a broke movie screen, (It was pretty sad).   But when I saw you standing there, Like a millionaire, give me your number, Call me before I get stupid. Make me uncrazy, like you did.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, But you brought me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   It isn't hard to see you've got a hold on me, Give me your money, love me to death. Talk like a baby, 'cause I'm so elated, He tell me that I ain't seen nothing quite yet.   I don't wanna lose it, I'm in love but I didn't choose it.   Roses in my hair dancing in the air, Feels like I'm flying. Tell me you love me, boy, do it. It's just like I thought, I just knew it.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, You bring me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   Yeah, it's all because of you.
  11. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Lady Gaga   
    Someone should leak Living On The Radio I mean like who is still checking for this gorgeous ass song.
  12. takemybreath liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in Lana Del Rey Wiki AKA Lanapedia   
    I'm that third admin, I may not look like I do too much editing these days but I follow nearly every page on the site so every time there's an edit I get an email about it and I check, especially when it's a new or anonymous user. I've been consistently active on the site since Jan 2013 (9 years!) so pls don't think I'm not invested! I'm also the one who's been doing all the themes for every era, and the biggest project I did recently was converting all the infoboxes to the new Fandom standard which was a huge headache 'cause despite everything I'm still not actually that good at the technical side of editing lol.
    I think it's a great resource and over the years we've had some really excellent contributors come and go to make the site what it is today. Also thank u for making this thread, I love Lanapedia and it's great to see that other fans like it and use it. 
  13. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Just to clarify on the inclusion of the two Warren versions - my understanding is that they were legitimately created by one of the musicians working on the track. While they were created under false pretences, they are genuine (in the sense of "not fanmade") versions of the track. Please correct me if I'm wrong! That being said, where fanmade creations are particularly notable, for example where they precede the official version and are rightly or wrongly treated as official by the fandom, they will usually get at least a cursory mention for clarity for people who may have those versions in their collection. 
  14. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  15. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  16. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Just to clarify on the inclusion of the two Warren versions - my understanding is that they were legitimately created by one of the musicians working on the track. While they were created under false pretences, they are genuine (in the sense of "not fanmade") versions of the track. Please correct me if I'm wrong! That being said, where fanmade creations are particularly notable, for example where they precede the official version and are rightly or wrongly treated as official by the fandom, they will usually get at least a cursory mention for clarity for people who may have those versions in their collection. 
  17. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  18. Southern GOTHIC liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  19. takemybreath liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  20. the ocean liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Just to clarify on the inclusion of the two Warren versions - my understanding is that they were legitimately created by one of the musicians working on the track. While they were created under false pretences, they are genuine (in the sense of "not fanmade") versions of the track. Please correct me if I'm wrong! That being said, where fanmade creations are particularly notable, for example where they precede the official version and are rightly or wrongly treated as official by the fandom, they will usually get at least a cursory mention for clarity for people who may have those versions in their collection. 
  21. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by ImenaOphelia in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    yesterday & earlier: 
  22. ImenaOphelia liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Fair point and interesting to think about, thanks for your help. 
  23. Stormriver liked a post in a topic by BlackoutZone in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Yes I can agree with that, I'm just showing that he remains someone who isn't actively involved with these songs. Notice how I mentioned the Something Real fiasco happening later on, this very much means he was not even talking to Rick outside of his invoiced requests to even know what they were actually working on if he didn't realize the email was fake and they actually aren't working on YTH/YG/FC at all.
    They are still notable versions until real Rick demos leak at least
  24. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
  25. Glitter Boy liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Thank you for the points you've made here. I think just to counter your point vis a vis your hypothetical of me DMing a random producer with a demo, I do personally see there being a distinction between that situation and the one surrounding PW's SYTH edit. The edit was done by a notable producer who has worked with Lana in the past, and in my mind that does affect whether or not it's seen as a real demo. In the mind of PW, from what I understand, he genuinely produced it under the impression that it would be under LDR's (or her team's) consideration as a legitimate demo. The inclusion of elements of Rick's original production I think also bolster it's status as official as you say.
    All that being said, if the LDR fandom decide the inclusion of PW's edit as an official version is not correct, it'll be removed. A difficult grey area and (hopefully) one we won't have to traverse again!
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