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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lostindarkparadise in April 11 - Las Vegas   
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Grand Prairie April 23rd - Who Is Going?   
    Here's Lana and my signed Born To Die.
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana Pre-Show Music   
    From fan accounts, I know they have played:
    Wicked Game-Chris Isaak
    Bang Bang-Nancy Sinatra
    Fade Into You-Mazzy Star
    I love that she shares my exact taste in music.
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mister Hepburn in Who else is going to the Ryman in Nashville?   
    I've uploaded my video of Ride to YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/ride-ryman
    I'll try to post the others in the next few days. :-)
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    My back hurts.
    I got in line two hours before the show, which I deeply regret. I wish I was in the front, but whatever...
    The problem is, this show is not made for that big of an audience in such a big venue. There was 11 500 people and there's an intimate feeling to her performance that didn't work at that big venue. The sound was so-so. She was a bit more than an hour late I think. My poor back lol...
    Her performance was very good though. Pretty much what I expected from the review of her previous shows. The highlights for me was the guitar solo on Bel Air when she hugged her guitarist, it was amazing. Then, in part of one song (damn, can't remember which one) her voice was very different than everything I heard from her before. She was belting and her voice became very intense, I wish she would sing a bit more like than in her songs in the future
    I cried at Video Games.
    She looked great in her white dress.
    Seriously, I felt like I was in another world in some part of the show and I don't remember everything...
    One thing that was special to me was to feel her torment and complexity during her performance. She is a very unique and lovable human being.
    (These are not my pictures, but I think they look great!)






    (and 3 videos I made... they suck, but I wanted to live the moment by focusing on the show itself, not the camera)
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by CokoKilos in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    I bet they were basic bitches who only know about BTD
    No but seriously..Whenever I see a girl with a flower crown I want to rip it off a bitches fuckin head,
    Only one girl can actually pull that shit off.
    Ya when I went there last year every thing was in French and smaller font was English, stores close at like 7
    except buying alcohol at corner stores close at 11
    Apparently any place you go to has good poutine (some guy on tumblr told me) ??
    I luv poutine so wherever I went was pretty good.
    I hope I get a ticket too
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    Lana must be so happy (?)
    Watch out Barrie, your name doesn't echo. 
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by JhnMabius in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    iKhaled I envy you.
  9. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    her little jump at the beginning lol so cute

  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by wthebluemascara in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    It seems that there was something
  11. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    This fan site has all the videos uploaded from the show. Starts with the intro

    I thought the intro was Jim Morrison reading his poetry from An American Prayer album. The voice spoken sounds like Jim Morrison to me but I don't recognize the poem. I'm not sure.

  12. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    So hot

    And her voice at the end 
    Is that her sex voice?        tbh
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    Wow some members reaaaaally need to learn to add "In my opinion" to each of their sentences. It's amazing how some feel entitled to ... Well... No one quite knows what.
    There are OTHER types of attendants at a concert: hardcore fans who know every (un)released songs, casual listeners and people who never really paid attention to her. So it's up to her to balance it out and try to please everyone.
    Now if SHE prefers to sing more BTD songs than you like and that upsets you because you spend your days trying to bash this album, welp: build a bridge and get over it.
    OR get rich real quick and ask for a private concert where you can chose your own setlists but until then...
  14. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    GURL IM JUST JUMPING TO THE EXACT SAME CONCLUSIONS UR MAKING ABOUT LANA.. just because she is a "celebrity" doesn't make ur theoretical (and kinda rude imo) criticisms anymore accurate than my assumption about ur job... 
    Honestly we don't know that much about her personal life.. but i'd say its p clear she does have anxiety issues, on top of that in 2014 she basically admitted she was so done with life at the time that she wouldn't mind dying.. and then the media hopped on her ass about it and criticized her to hell for it, instead of taking a decent and basic human approach and being supportive.. people like you lose sight of the fact that she's just a normal lady, who sings and makes music. 
    Also her being lukewarm and her music sucking is  simply your opinion.. and gurl she's still more successful than u..   i find her a good amount more exciting than you(obviously).. but from a standpoint that really doesn't take into account her personal issues, her past, and her like 10 years of previous work.. yea she is being kinda low-key and disappointing 
    but if you take into account that there could be lots of other stuff going on behind the scenes, you calling her an unprofessional diva, is honestly kind of rude. ..she is a usual person.. she makes that SO CLEAR, and you hold her to a much higher standard and act like for some reason she should actually adhere to it? 
    i honestly think that a lot of the btd excitement was because she sort of had to do it bc of her label, plus at the time she may have been in a much better mental state and may have felt a lot more passion for her career. 
  15. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    i feel like she's made it pretty clear tho that she doesn't want to be a superstar type.. no matter how popular she is .. she obviously doesn't have to be held to any standards except her own..  honestly i feel like you don't take into consideration the huge amount of work she's already done to get to where she is.. in my opinion she probably felt like she was at her pinnacle during the btd/p era.. and now she's sort of just relaxing on basically what could be considered a career honeymoon. She does her work, makes music (which i think at this point is really what she enjoys and cares about), she goes out and does some promo and then some concerts. 
    honestly what the fuck do u do?  prolly work some part time job and come home to whack off to scat p*rn and then bitch about how you don't think lana is taking her ICONIC career seriously..  hunty She's been working on this music thing for like basically 10 years at this point.. she's been thru having HUNDREDS of her songs leak (honestly must have been devastating) and LOTS of criticism from the media (which obviously still impacts her today imo considering she made a video like hbtb i think she obviously still thinks about it)  she's worked her lil ass off to get this far DESPITE all of that.plus maybe she didn't even want to be as big of an artist, but was basically pushed into it by her label at first..     leave the lady alone.. she has every right to do what she wants with her career and if thats barely anything then thats fine. 
     to be fair, I totally understand from a fan aspect, that her being sort of low-key about her career is somewhat disappointing.. but honestly don't lose sight of the fact that she is just a usual person..i honestly don't believe that simply because someone has a successful music career they should be held to an ultra high standard.. you have to take into account she's already done a lot of music work from the beginning of her career untill now.. on top of that she has a personal life and all this other shit too.. let ha live
  16. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    But Lana has never been the type of performer that amazes people on stage. For that you need to go to a Florence Welch concert. She sings and stands around, just like Adele. 
    I don't see anything wrong with her re-wearing the same clothes.
    The songs set list need to be arranged differently and add some new songs. That I agree with. I'm still shocked about her doing pre-recorded instrumentals of High By The Beach. She has a good band and I'm sure they must have had enough time to figure out how to do a band version of HBTB.
    She plays piano and guitar, so why not play a little piano or guitar on stage? She use to before. That would give her performance a little change.
  17. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    thats funny bc when i realized she was doing it i was SHOOK  lolita was and always will be a bop and I'm glad she's acknowledging its existence for once since 2012
  18. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I'm honestly amazed that so many people here talk so much trash about Lana to be "fans" of hers. I get that she's not perfect, and it's totally okay to critique her, but a lot of you all seem to take this authoritative tone with it. @@Flipflopfan, I'm sorry, but your post really rubbed me the wrong way for those reasons-- why can't everyone be thankful she's performing, instead of being petty and saying she has "no excuses"-- uh, I think she has a perfectly good excuse, and it's that SHE'S the artist and WE'RE the fans-- it's her show, and I don't think she needs us to tell her what she's doing wrong.
    Critique her, express your disappointments, but don't be a jerk about it. Remember that she's an artist, and instead of always assuming that she's lazy or giving up, perhaps think that maybe this is just what she WANTS to do right now. Only Lana understands her own motivations and choices, and perhaps we all need to take a step back and remember that. 
  19. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I'm going to disagree with this, at any of the festivals I've been to -- generally artists either A. perform the setlist from their most recent or current tour (which she mostly did) or B. play their greatest hits if they're a legacy act
    That would be like going to a GNR show and only wanting to hear all of Chinese Democracy with like 3 hits sandwiched in there
    Either way, she has said she makes the music for herself and so she's doing the songs she wants to do
  20. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    sorry but cola isn't even that good & it's definitely had its day, she sings it live all the damn time
    Because it's literally the same setlist she performed at the endless summer tour + 3 HM songs...... good sis needs to let BTD/Paradise go 
  21. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    another btd video
    her vocals were really meh in this one. since there are only few videos on YouTube we'll have to wait to see more of the set.
  22. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    for those of you who want links...
    small clips from some songs (mostly all th clips from twitter)  check 1:10 to hear THE Amazing Note she hit on Video Game today, wow, she outdid herself here
    more small clips 
    High By The Beach + Freak (both on full)  (the bridge from Freak was the best + I agree with the other member, it sounded like witchcraft stuff was happening at the end of Freak, I loved ittt)
    Freak live on full  (cutted from the HBTB + Freak video, lower audio quality
    Excerpt from Born To Die ("you know this one, don't you?" this is the answer to everyone complaining about she doing too many songs from BTD, she's doing them because those are the ones the gp knows) Check this video of Die Antwoord playing after Lana, everyone's in to their show, even Lana fans! the thing is, Lana's music it's not the most hyped thing ever and they're not bops, she needs to entertain the crowd and you can't spect that the people that attend festivals are die hard lana stans, they don't listen to her new stuff, Lana's known for BTD so it's obvious she has to play the songs the crowd, if this was a propert tour with proper shows things would be at least a little more different...
    The amazing performance of Blue Jeans just hear the whole thing, every long note she needed to do live, she did, it's perfect.
    Other video for Blue Jeans (better quality cutted before the end of the bridge)
    more small clips from some songs  (ten seconds of Lolita at the end) (mostly twitter videos)
  23. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Britney Spears   
    Liar starts off so good but the chorus makes it sound like an Eurovision song from 2005
  24. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Instagram Updates   
    For the love of God Lana WASH OFF YOUR MAKEUP, IT'S SO BAD TO SLEEP IN
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