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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mer in American Politics Thread   
    State rights are a double edged sword. They put pressure on the nation and build momentum for social causes. A classic example would be Gay Marriage, the continuous legalization at the state level built enough momentum to have it accepted as a federal law—and I’m not certain that momentum would’ve been built a federal level.  
    Additionally, state rights are important bc the US is so large. Nevada has very different needs from Vermont, and trying to have one governing body fit both would not work. 
    What I think we can all agree, however, that healthcare doesn’t need to be a states’ issue bc women all over the US have the exact same needs when it comes to their health. 
    I also think the GOP misjudged their abortion stance. Abortion doesn’t need to be a wedge issue, if it were put to a national vote, most polling suggests that 2/3rds of the US would vote to legalize abortion in most cases. (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/). 
    I think it’s silly to wave a hand to all states right and say “bad”, but I think we can agree that some things are needlessly given to the states when they affect everyone just the same. 
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Semafori in American Politics Thread   
    Hypothetically , state rights accounts for more constituent power in communities, but the problem is lack of education, and thats where trump will really fuck us over.
    Without proper education and discussion of such topics, in a world where the majority of your choices (if not all) rely on your life and learning experiences , no freedom of choice exists.
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by baddisease in American Politics Thread   
    They were both ass and I blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for this. Had Joe not lied about being a transitional president, there would have been a competitive primary. Had Kamala not felt entitled to the presidency and allowed a competitive primary, there would almost certainly have been a better chance to stop him. Had the Democrats not failed the Arab community by supporting genocide, more of them would have voted Democrat. Had Democrats not pushed the lie that the economy was strong and admitted that FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON the economy was terrible and ran on improving that, they could have won. 
    The economy was going great for rich capitalists but not for the working class. They kept denying it. This and the genocide support combined with the undemocratic nature of the candidate selection? They were guaranteed to lose.
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in American Politics Thread   
    Trump's position on abortion is vague. If he had spoken out firmly against it, it would probably have cost him the election campaign.
  5. Embach liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Rate The Avatar Above You   
    10 <3 that's my mom
  6. barttttender liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Billie Eilish   
    I just saw her last night. it was amazing <3

  7. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Last Movie You Watched?   
    i had a marathon:
    Carry on
    Poor Things
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    Ya’ll I’m headed to Houma/New Orleans right now (1 hour away) my chances of running into Lanz just went up by 1% 
    (btw talking about her getting married and living here… I have family here and I will be shocked if she doesn’t get bored outta her mind within the first year. But hoping it’ll inspire her instead!)
  9. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    Honestly as someone who isn’t from LA but moved near LA for a while, it doesn’t surprise me she moved out of there. I was kinda surprised she was still living there last year. the LA you see in media like movies and shows or even just going there to vacation is not what it’s like when you’re actually living there. I kinda expected her to leave ever since chemtrails.
    It seemed like she was over it for the last couple years and has been romanticizing other parts of the US. Don’t get me wrong, it’s  great especially if you have money, but it’s actually really common for people who move to LA to realize it’s not what they thought it would be. (Not trying to hate on LA and the people there because not everyone is like this) but there’s constant traffic literally everywhere all the time, pollution, and people can be somewhat more superficial. I’ve heard other people say it has dark energy and I know some people don’t believe in that stuff, but i definitely felt it. 

    The beaches are beautiful and there are some pretty places closer to where she lived nature wise are pretty, but it’s a very industrial area with not a lot of nature in general. I’m sure paparazzi and things that come with being a celebrity there is a lot to handle. I’m sure she’ll always have a special place in her heart for LA, but when you’re not from there and you live there, it’s a big change.
    obviously I don’t know her so idk maybe she has other reasons but it seemed like she’s been over it and wants a slower lifestyle. I could deff see her still going there and living part time, but maybe she grew out of it. LA is a lottt different from other parts of California too. Not trying to hate on LA I still love it but just some thoughts I’ve had
  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    hi friend "antebellum" particularly in an american context refers to the plantation era of the united states. did you mean southern gothic? i don't think we wanna be romanticizing anything like that 
  11. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    It comes down to the fact that Putin wants to resurrect the Soviet Union and Ukraine does not - in fact, no one else seems interested in doing that except Belarus. As it stands, Belarus is basically an extension of Russia.
    As you say, Ukraine is entitled to join NATO, the EU, or to do whatever else it pleases - it's a sovereign nation. Putin, who still has the Soviet leader mindset, seeks to control them because without Ukraine, he can never rebuild the bloc. 
    So imo it's less about having NATO forces and weapons in Ukraine, and more about his aspirations. As you say, foreign forces and weapons have been in Ukraine for a long time and there have never been any incursions into Russian territory, so the idea that this is about Russia's "security" is nonsense. He also already has other NATO countries on his border -  Lithuania and Latvia, for example - and I don't see him invading them for "security" (although if he takes Ukraine, he might). No other country is going to invade Russia because that would be unhinged - it has vast, difficult terrain and is nuclear-capable - so that's not on the cards and if Russia is isolated it's because Putin has actively steered his country in that direction. 
    He wants to install a puppet in Ukraine so that, like Belarus, he can say "jump" and they'll ask "how high?"
  12. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    I expected that to happen - Russian refugees I mean.
    There's just no way all Russians are going to 1. want to live in a country with a leader like that and 2. want to suffer under all of the sanctions. The Russian economy is gonna be fucked if they stay for longer. The civilians are the ones having to pay (literally) for Putin's insanity. Who wants that? It's probably very frightening for them, too.
    Just the word "traitors" says it all, really. Russia is finally and openly a dictatorship.
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    One of my friends has had to flee Russia because the government is trawling socials looking for "traitors" and she's been fighting people on there and attended protests and had reason to believe she'd get arrested if she stayed
    She was too afraid to even tell me where she's gone in case they were reading but she assured me she's safe
    It's soooo fucked up and terrifying
    I'm so fucking anxious about today with these massive convoys. I think this is about to get far worse 
  14. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Trinity in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think you guys are just really over thinking that ice line. Have you ever heard the The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"? Well "ice" is a slang term for diamond jewelry, and it's used in a lot of rap songs (see Icy by Gucci Mane). My guess is that that's probably as complicated as it gets.
  15. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Britney Spears   
    I actually haven't heard it on the radio at all, I have to disagree with you here! I think Womanizer & Circus had great longevity, more than Scream & Shout will have. Besides, she is hardly in the song IMO. He ruins it for me. I'm not saying he can't do good with her, I just don't expect him to because he is so fucking bland with his beats and his rhymes. I grew tired of him after THE END and he's really irrelevant these days IMO tbh. Like, he's not irrelevant in terms of popularity, unfortunately, but he's so boring, putting out the same shit different single. Like it all sounds the same to me. sdkjahgkjgh I could go on forever about him. Just... idk. The production value of Big Fat Bass was a disappointment, he's not even a good producer, you can tell he doesn't try as hard as he could. He knows his shit will get popular so he doesn't try as hard and it shows. pl sakdjgfdfgh kjlh
  16. Embach liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in CheapTrailerTrashGlam's Icons/Banners/Gifs   
    the prince and the showgirl:

  17. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mer in American Politics Thread   
    That was introduced on the 3rd of Jan. It’s failed to move beyond the judiciary committee so far. 
  18. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mer in American Politics Thread   
    Trump mishandled the COVID economy, but he didn't singlehandedly tank it due to dumb deregulations like Bush did.

    I can, perhaps, agree that Bush had better intentions than Trump, but Bush would have laughed in the Paris Accord's face as well, he also nominated judges who overturned abortion (AFAIK Trump has never stated he wants to criminalize abortion? IDK where that is from, he most recently said he would not sign a federal abortion ban, if you believe him), defunded public health just as much as Trump (and even more so in public mental health funding), and also gave one of the largest tax breaks to the rich.

    Share of Bush Tax Cuts ^
    I don't think Trump deserves to be within 600 yards of the White House, or even hold a managerial position at Wal-Mart, but I have the strongest of feelings about Bush, and genuinely believe he/his administration set humanity back by at least 3 decades.
    He is not, and never will seem to be, a "normal person" and I would never want him back. Not even for a second.
  19. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mer in American Politics Thread   
    Bush was objectively worse than Trump in every measure, except for rhetoric. 
    He lied and started a NEEDLESS war that sacrificed countless American lives, he tanked the economy to a near Great Depression style recession, he was even more lenient on fracking and drilling than Trump, he was worse for gay rights than Trump, he was even more anti-abortion than Trump (although it’s hard to actually know where Trump stands on abortion since he’s dodged the question recently). 
    Trump is far dumber, and says dumber, stupid shit—but there is no version reality I would take 2000s Bush over Trump. 
  20. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by American Whore in American Politics Thread   
    he looked like just ate a gummy during that and honestly idk he seems like a much more normal person after having (now) 2 tramp presidencies. i know he wasn't perfect and had a lot of warcrimes and issues, but man... i'd rather just have him back if this is the shitshow we're gonna have. and he was awful economically too! he handed Obama a failed economy which Obama brought back to normal.
    i miss Obama most of all though (although his healthcare tax situation was shitty, don't tax me for something i can't afford, even when its government subsidized......)
  21. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in American Politics Thread   
    Trump isn’t even Catholic and hasn’t spoken highly of Catholics in the past. I found out that my hyper-Catholic family held an “Inauguration Party” yesterday. It is not the first Trump-themed celebration to be held on that side of the family 
    It’s a really dark zeal that I’ve not seen before and watching it delude people very close to me is distressing 
    They think the fucking POPE is the anti-christ. That he’s like a planted Communist shill. Dark stuff
  22. SinclairKills23 liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in American Politics Thread   
    This is the beginning of the end.
    guess it doesn’t matter if I get into grad school or not
  23. Embach liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Rate The Signature Above You   
    love the quote but kinda boring to look at
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