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  1. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Of course Lana and/or her managers have at least an account here. This is the only Lana community, a lot of crazy stuff happens here and this is where all the informations are exchanged. They have to keep an eye on us. *ahem* Ben deleting our posts *ahem*
  2. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    I think they might have a lot of fun playing with us, I don't believe a word they're saying. Any active member here can make up a "Lana's past" theory based on what we already know for sure. It's really fun though, we're getting some action!
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    @Sam Gho, I think she tries desperately to find someone who'll understand her and fill the emptiness she feels, know who she is and what's going on in her head and heart. As you said she's a shy and lonely person, she need someone else to make her feel enthousiast, excited and "electric". She keeps holding on these memories because of that even though these relationships were far from being perfect or healthy.
  4. Sunnies liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    90% of them will regret getting those impulsive tattoos one day or another, probably sooner than they think.
    I love Lana but I will NEVER get a tattoo from her monologue - not to even mention her face - on my body.
    Tattoos are meant to be forever and should have a meaning, to me only Angelina Jolie's tattoos have a sense (her kids, cambodian prayers for her son, "know your rights") because she's committed to these people and actions. Lady Gaga's unicorn?  
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Boarding School   
    She's just a girl with a big imagination, her childhood was so plain and boring she likes to dramatize events to make them more exciting, more movie-like. She sure has had a troubled past but maybe she just likes excess, just like when she says she likes gold and diamonds. Her imagination makes everything bigger, harsher, more provocative. I never take her lyrics for what it says, 80% are from her experience, 20% are decorations.
    Maybe she had an anorexic period, maybe some of her classmates were, but nothing she says are that scandalous really. As Evil said, she's not advocating anything, just telling. Let's just hope american parents and 13 yo kids won't take it too seriously (sorry I know it's cliché). I don't want Lana to censure herself in order to sell or to please some stuck-up-minded people.
  6. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    She puts controversial items in all her videos, she likes when it's extreme and deranged somehow.
    In :
    - Born to Die: the car crash/dead body scene
    - Blue Jeans: fingers in the mouth scene
    - National Anthem: the whole thing
    - Summertime Sadness: suicidal tendency
    - Ride: street walking, young girl/old men, headdress..
    These are things that make her feel "electric", that make the video striking to the viewers, that leave a mark on us. Her videos are little parts of her, sometimes her message/images/lyrics are too personal for the outsiders to get it completely and cause controversy. She doesn't seem to care, she says what she wants to say, the way she feels it. That's what artists do, they're not always politically correct even though they should be careful.
    That actually brings to philosophical questions: should artists be able to express themselves freely without boundaries? Where/what is the limit to art? Should art be censored because of its subject?...
  7. Embach liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Which Paradise Edition Song Are You Most Excited to Hear?   
    Ride sounds amazing, lucky me/us, we won't have to wait long.
  8. Raise Me Up liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Velvet Crowbar   
    I'm imagining a whole album like this song. Lana could have had a whole different path career wise, her sounds are so eclectic, love her even more.
  9. Embach liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    One of my favorite song from BtD is Off to the Races because of its fast pace, her vocal which make me thing of two people telling us their experience w/ men and love or the same person telling this love story but at 2 periods of time (when living it and when being reminiscent of it).
    This song is and is about an obsessive, unhealthy, schizophrenic yet beautiful relationship. It's about submission, she's not the victim though but the mastermind of everything. It's about getting what you want and desire from love and living it.
    So here is my playlist, showing Lana soft and sultry/crazy side:
    01. Go Go Dancer
    02. Put the Radio On
    03. Playing Dangerous
    04. Trash Magic
    05. Kinda Outta Luck
    06. Dum Dum
    07. Serial Killer
    08. Never Let Me Go
    Bonus track:
    09. The Man I Love

  10. fishtails liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    What strikes me is that:
    1. she had a lot of boyfriends (actually not that surprising since she's a beautiful girl) and
    2. So many of them were important enough for her to write several songs about them.
    There are people who put their career, friends or family first, Lana def is the kind of person that puts her relationship first (This Is What Makes Us Girls). When she's into a relationship she's in at 100% and forget about all the rest. it must be hard for her actual bf to inconsciously compete w/ the others who had such an impact on her life. Damn, if her songwritting was cheesier/less mature and inspired/and country she'll be like Taylor Swift.
  11. Elina liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Maybe Die refers to the emotional state she was in when she left him. Or Die in the sense that the alcohol-maybe-drug-filled Lizzy he used to know no longer existed when she decided to "live her life right" to be "a good person".
  12. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    @Sam Gho, I think she tries desperately to find someone who'll understand her and fill the emptiness she feels, know who she is and what's going on in her head and heart. As you said she's a shy and lonely person, she need someone else to make her feel enthousiast, excited and "electric". She keeps holding on these memories because of that even though these relationships were far from being perfect or healthy.
  13. Elina liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Instagram Updates   
    I used to follow a lanadelrey instagram account for quiet a long time, there were no photo though, then it disappeared on my followed list. And ta-dah it reappeared!
    Wonder why the two Grant sisters keep posting photos of their father but - almost/barely - post anything about their momma. They're def daddy's girls.
  14. Elina liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    What strikes me is that:
    1. she had a lot of boyfriends (actually not that surprising since she's a beautiful girl) and
    2. So many of them were important enough for her to write several songs about them.
    There are people who put their career, friends or family first, Lana def is the kind of person that puts her relationship first (This Is What Makes Us Girls). When she's into a relationship she's in at 100% and forget about all the rest. it must be hard for her actual bf to inconsciously compete w/ the others who had such an impact on her life. Damn, if her songwritting was cheesier/less mature and inspired/and country she'll be like Taylor Swift.
  15. plastiscguy liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Moije Joue   
    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad, babe
    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad, babe

    You know what they say
    Voulez-vous coucher avec moi
    Can't you see yourself with me, hey?
    Mansfield, Jayne
    Bikini teasing, cheesecake posing, always on display

    Moi je joue
    Moi je joue à joue contre joue
    Je veux jouer à joue contre vous
    Mais vous, le voulez-vous ?

    When you went away
    I was sad and grey
    You were like sunshine brightening up my day
    Je voudrais vous tester
    And I'm not crying, I'm not waiting
    I was born to play

    Moi je joue
    Moi je joue à joue contre joue
    Je veux jouer à joue contre vous
    Mais vous, le voulez-vous ?

    Je voudrais you to play with me, c'mon

    Mon amour je t'adore
    Rien n'est mieux que ce sport/soir
    Je peux jouer toute la nuit
    Mon p'tit je viens, je suis la vie
    Ne me quitte pas, jamais
    Sois mon homme s'il te plait
    Toi et le soleil, pareil!
    Pour moi, ooh let's play

    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad, babe
    Don't be bad
    Don't be bad, babe

    Moi je joue
    Moi je joue à joue contre joue
    Je veux jouer à joue contre vous
    Mais vous, le voulez-vous ?

    I'm your vulgar darling in the swimming pool
    Glimmering. you say that you're nobody's fool
    I know that babe, I know that
    But it doesn't mean you can't come in and get cool
    Get cool (x4)
  16. The Siren liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in If Lana became huge...   
    I think she is in a very comfortable zone right know, she has enough fan to fill famous halls, who care enough to buy her music and make it top in the top 10. She can see fans everywhere she goes but is stil able to walk in the street without being bothered.
    I like it that way.
  17. Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in If Lana became huge...   
    I think she is in a very comfortable zone right know, she has enough fan to fill famous halls, who care enough to buy her music and make it top in the top 10. She can see fans everywhere she goes but is stil able to walk in the street without being bothered.
    I like it that way.
  18. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Instagram Updates   
    I used to follow a lanadelrey instagram account for quiet a long time, there were no photo though, then it disappeared on my followed list. And ta-dah it reappeared!
    Wonder why the two Grant sisters keep posting photos of their father but - almost/barely - post anything about their momma. They're def daddy's girls.
  19. sodaserialkiller liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    God, after reading those 7 pages I started to wonder why am I a fan of hers...
    *I love Lana, I'm a fan of hers, trying to remember*
    My unpopular opinion of her:
    She comes across boring in interview, she always says the same things, sometimes it feels like I'm listening to a record on repeat.
    Her song writing skills like her live performances are inconsistent - she can do great but she can also do bad.
    Some of her comments may seem shallow "I just like gold, diamonds and fur".
    LDR might have been just an exotic and beautiful name at first, but the more it goes the more she's building up a persona because..
    .. She's a stubborn, she said things in the past and will never admit that some of it were BS - we got to live w/ that *till the end of time*.
    Other than that I really like her. Her weirdness and all the thing I said above are what makes her human and likable. Perfection doesn't exist and is boring if it does. I always cringe when someone says she's perfect.
  20. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Fake Diamond   
    Without the melody, it's just so sad. I'm imagining Lana on the subway from NY to Coney Island writing those lines. Walking sad, walking errand.
  21. Serene Queen liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    You know you're a Lana fan:
    - When you see someone on the magazine doing the vintage look with a serious face and think "Lana did it before you did".. You followers...
    - When the word "queen" changes meaning, it refers more to "beauty queen" or "queen of the gas station" rather than the ruler of a country/state.
    - When you hear an average live performance but still think it's amaaaazing.
    - When you think that sticking the tongue out is cool and sexy rather than childish and impolite.
    - When you hear exotic car names and hum in order to remember if that's in any Lana songs.
    - When "electric" refers more to a mindset rather than electric energy.
  22. BreadKing liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    You know you're a Lana fan:
    - When you see someone on the magazine doing the vintage look with a serious face and think "Lana did it before you did".. You followers...
    - When the word "queen" changes meaning, it refers more to "beauty queen" or "queen of the gas station" rather than the ruler of a country/state.
    - When you hear an average live performance but still think it's amaaaazing.
    - When you think that sticking the tongue out is cool and sexy rather than childish and impolite.
    - When you hear exotic car names and hum in order to remember if that's in any Lana songs.
    - When "electric" refers more to a mindset rather than electric energy.
  23. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    You know you're a Lana fan:
    - When you see someone on the magazine doing the vintage look with a serious face and think "Lana did it before you did".. You followers...
    - When the word "queen" changes meaning, it refers more to "beauty queen" or "queen of the gas station" rather than the ruler of a country/state.
    - When you hear an average live performance but still think it's amaaaazing.
    - When you think that sticking the tongue out is cool and sexy rather than childish and impolite.
    - When you hear exotic car names and hum in order to remember if that's in any Lana songs.
    - When "electric" refers more to a mindset rather than electric energy.
  24. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    You know you're a Lana fan:
    - When you see someone on the magazine doing the vintage look with a serious face and think "Lana did it before you did".. You followers...
    - When the word "queen" changes meaning, it refers more to "beauty queen" or "queen of the gas station" rather than the ruler of a country/state.
    - When you hear an average live performance but still think it's amaaaazing.
    - When you think that sticking the tongue out is cool and sexy rather than childish and impolite.
    - When you hear exotic car names and hum in order to remember if that's in any Lana songs.
    - When "electric" refers more to a mindset rather than electric energy.
  25. Lana Rey Del Mar liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    That's just hell lots of investigations! *praise*
    At this point I just don't know whether Lizzy was just a shy girl with crazy fantasies going on in her mind, turning daily boring events into something epic, or a girl with several lives. If all the lanalysis theories are true, she has been living her life at the fullest - wonder how she made through it without too many damages.
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