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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. It's sad that she's already lost the blonde hair but this will be the biggest serve of her career, I can't believe it
  2. https://youtu.be/mrw2nePe6WQ Music to listen to while doing chores
  3. Love the deluxe songs. All of the (2 ) people I've shown Devil's Advocate immediately love it. It's what she deserves
  4. It's crazy, I almost forget and then I have to remind myself that the rest of the world is almost at it's worse. Like I saw this post on instagram today and I- https://www.instagram.com/p/CImCqBpnEdc/?igshid=1f6tgox1mesa7 I haven't seen the antivax stuff online yet but now half my family is low-key antivax, saying they don't even want the regular flu shot and I'm so flabbergasted.
  5. Ultra Violet


    Io t.A.T.u????? Omg
  6. Ultra Violet


    Totally agree! I liked her original persona/aesthetic but it got old after 1 EP. when I realised it was entirely built off Mars Argo, I actually hated it. I was intrigued when she changed her image and changed genre because I've always liked metal, but I still kept a distance until she left T.S. Dropping the Mars Argo act (and Titanic) was the best thing for her, whether it was a happy coincidence to avoid getting sued, or totally planned to get more attention. The whole pretty-bleach-blonde turned brunette worked so well too.
  7. Ultra Violet


    A Very Poppy Christmas is all so chill, she always gives taste and there's like nothing she can't do
  8. Lana was my second most-listened artist. I'm actually surprised. I thought I'd dramatically dropped off listening to her! She's still got a special place tho. All my other most-listened artists, songs and genres are metal/rock.
  9. I don't think this song takes anything away from LMLYLAW. I'm still happy we have that song, and I don't think it's overshadowed. But also, I AM glad to veer away from piano for one song.
  10. It does seem odd that she would release this at the start of the northern hemisphere winter, but for once this is a big win for the southern hemisphere The first time I listened to this I was walking under the trees, shaded from the hot sun and it was beautiful
  11. Wow yes thank you that's the other song I was thinking of but couldn't remember for some reason. This one, Wayamaya, Wild One (the background vocals), The Good Life and Thunder.
  12. She looks so luscious and honestly looks like she's having so much fun. The talent really returned in full. and glad nothing controversial has happened recently so I can fully enjoy this
  13. Have you ever heard the Stark and Targaryen theme overlayed? Literally a song of ice and fire https://youtu.be/FB-y2H_musc
  14. just minutes after I rediscover the beauty of LMLYLAW and have 30% of my faith renewed for this era
  15. I love how specific this thread title is, just saying Honestly I'd want something completely new. Not leaked new material, but something raw that the leakers don't even know about, and preferably from 2013-2016, her best lyrical era. Thinking more deep and shocking tracks like beautiful people, wild on you, etc.
  16. We can go back to New York Loving you was really hard We could go back to Woodstock Where they don't know who we are Heaven is on earth I will do anything for you, babe Vs Give peace a chance Let the fear you have fall away I got my eye on you I got my eye on you
  17. Ultra Violet

    Jazmin Bean

    I didn't know this thread was already here. After Yandere was just released I was actually gonna post one myself. My favourite songs are WWT and Yandere. I listen to them on repeat. "Because it's cut-throat to anyone who comes close"
  18. Ultra Violet

    Cat Pierce (CAT)

    Now is the best time ever to stream this song (and watch the glorious video) https://youtu.be/Fv8QI0C4oCw
  19. Okay good cause I see so many people under every single news post being like "he hasn't won yet, blah blah" and I just don't see the point. They aren't changing anything by fighting so hard against admitting he is going to be president. I was hoping it's just a waste of their energy lol
  20. So besides recounting the votes in certain states, is there anything else that could possibly prevent Biden becoming President? I know that Trump is just unable to admit defeat, but it's also worrying me how many people are pushing this too.
  21. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Idk about you but I've always wanted a studio version of Gold Diggin Love. She always digs really deep into the matured themes, critiquing adult habits, warning us of toxic behavior, how it cycles back to us and runs through generations, etc. That's why I *sigh* when people call her lyric style immature because yeh she chooses to do that in her released work for now, but we know her power. I hope the themes of WDBCF, Gold Diggin Love, You Love I, etc, will return in her future releases.
  22. The Rains of Castamere from Game of Thrones came on shuffle and I got chills. Not GOOD chills either, because it made me think of the US election..... 
  23. You have such cute stuff! <3 you can bet i downloaded your UV jacket
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