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Party Favor

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  1. ThisIsRusko liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    pretty sure it is! im gonna bookmark this real quick
    whegoe the white straight high school boys are the WORST. actually, all high school trump supporters are trash. such ignorance. pay attention in government kids.
    the mormons are another breed of conservative that, luckily, most of the us doesn't have to pay attention to. arizona though is rife with them and i just.........they're the silent portion. they don't have signs, but they'll make facebook posts about voting for him/the classic 'im not gonna stop being friends with someone just bc of different political beliefs' like sis, your religion hates black people, hates women, and says native americans were the white people from israel who were cursed by god to have dark skin as punishment for losing your fake war. my boyfriend is mormon (by birth, he hates his religion and is liberal like me hehe <3) and his family is wack. his mom said that she's voting for trump bc she wants someone who hasn't been a politician their whole life in office. trump, the failed businessman is obviously the best choice. and his grandma made a post that said if you vote for biden you're voting to make murdering full term babies legal and that you better pray for forgiveness. and yes, she did tag all her children + grandchildren who can vote.
    sorry for the rant, i don't have anywhere else to voice my frustrations about the mormon people jrjgee
    also, i would post that tbh. it'll trigger the trumpers <3
  2. Party Favor liked a post in a topic by knives in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    it might be this one 
  3. Venice liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    there's a google doc of all the shit trump has done / lied about, but i can't remember what it's called. it was.....quite the list though. also people crying about higher taxes as if their middle class ass is gonna be affected. your husband is a cop in arizona, mormon mary. his 45k a year will be fine. 
  4. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    the polls are lies, the allegations against trump are lies, him being friends with jeffrey ep is a lie, his only paying 750 in taxes is a lie.....  trump did bad things years ago and that's ok but biden is awful for something he did 30 years ago. trump has allegations of having sex with like 7 different minors that he then paid off and refused a dna test, but photos of biden being a weird old person means he's a pedophile. trump goes on tangents, joe's stutter (that he's had for his entire career bc it's a literal condition) means he has dementia. trump survived covid therefore he covid isn't bad. biden wears masks therefore he's a sheep. 
    oh and also abortion is murder <3
  5. Venice liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    the polls are lies, the allegations against trump are lies, him being friends with jeffrey ep is a lie, his only paying 750 in taxes is a lie.....  trump did bad things years ago and that's ok but biden is awful for something he did 30 years ago. trump has allegations of having sex with like 7 different minors that he then paid off and refused a dna test, but photos of biden being a weird old person means he's a pedophile. trump goes on tangents, joe's stutter (that he's had for his entire career bc it's a literal condition) means he has dementia. trump survived covid therefore he covid isn't bad. biden wears masks therefore he's a sheep. 
    oh and also abortion is murder <3
  6. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I live in Arizona so what do you think 
    speaking of Arizona, seeing us be blue is quite nice given how many ugly fucking trump parades there are. seriously, so tacky. 
    edit: my mother and step father think Biden and Harris are not only communists, but also socialists. Idk how the fuck the switch happened since my step father wanted Bernie to get a nomination in 2016.
  7. knives liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    you cannot reason with them. they think every thing that trump has done is lies made up by the leftists. 
  8. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I live in Arizona so what do you think 
    speaking of Arizona, seeing us be blue is quite nice given how many ugly fucking trump parades there are. seriously, so tacky. 
    edit: my mother and step father think Biden and Harris are not only communists, but also socialists. Idk how the fuck the switch happened since my step father wanted Bernie to get a nomination in 2016.
  9. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I live in Arizona so what do you think 
    speaking of Arizona, seeing us be blue is quite nice given how many ugly fucking trump parades there are. seriously, so tacky. 
    edit: my mother and step father think Biden and Harris are not only communists, but also socialists. Idk how the fuck the switch happened since my step father wanted Bernie to get a nomination in 2016.
  10. Crimson and Clover liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I live in Arizona so what do you think 
    speaking of Arizona, seeing us be blue is quite nice given how many ugly fucking trump parades there are. seriously, so tacky. 
    edit: my mother and step father think Biden and Harris are not only communists, but also socialists. Idk how the fuck the switch happened since my step father wanted Bernie to get a nomination in 2016.
  11. pawnshop liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in LANA GOOGLE DOC :)   
    welcome to the boards!  I'm currently doing the song sorter and didn't realize how hard it was to choose! I skimmed through the top portions, but from what i did you read, i love your analysis. extremely detailed; i'll have to read all of it when i'm done with the sorter! lowkey inspiring me to write analyses on albums now too 
    also, if you like amy winehouse and frank sinatra, might i suggest listening to kelsy karter? her voice is incredible and very reminiscent of amy imo (she's more rock than jazz, but i suppose genres are subjective aha.) 
  12. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    as someone who saw her during her LA to the moon tour, yes, she can  
  13. rosesofsaigon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    as someone who saw her during her LA to the moon tour, yes, she can  
  14. Party Favor liked a post in a topic by ThirteenthBeach in LANA GOOGLE DOC :)   
    Oh great! Thank you so muchh for your help. I've just followed you
    listening to the artists now!!
    thank you soooo much..
    Yesssss agreed. I have been streaming MAGDALENE and NFR non stop for the last month. 
    I did spend a lot of time on it  so thank you!!! 
  15. fvck liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Anything from the Lizzy Grant era since that was her peak lyrically 
  16. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Anything from the Lizzy Grant era since that was her peak lyrically 
  17. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Anything from the Lizzy Grant era since that was her peak lyrically 
  18. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Things You Can’t Believe We Have   
    the audacity 
  19. crazyforme liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Word Association   
  20. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Song vs. Song   
    lolita vs. noir
  21. flipsided22 liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Song vs. Song   
    lolita vs. noir
  22. Party Favor liked a post in a topic by jazzsingrcultleadr in Rich Whores   
    I've made a lot of my own custom artwork for my music library but this was one I put a decent amount of effort into and was really pleased with the result! Needed something to go with the songs that leaked earlier this year (and that I just found out about today)

  23. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Video Game Music   
    Gabe Newell better count his fucking days 
  24. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Video Game Music   
    valve has so much money from steam and they choose to just pretend like the number 3 doesn't exist. imagine my disappointment when i saw left 4 dead 2 got an update thanks to modders and it isn't confirmed whether or not they'll port it to console 
  25. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Video Game Music   
    someone who knows what bioshock is!! i s2g the games were so popular yet every time i mention them people look at me like im on drugs  im replaying the first game remastered again and ugh such BRILLIANCE. I haven't played outer worlds but i heard it's decent! i'll have to buy it eventually lol. 
    until then i will hold onto the delusion of getting bioshock 4 and left 4 dead 3 
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