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  1. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by palemoonbaby in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    happy birthday beautiful angel, you will be always famous ❤️
  2. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by jimmorison in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    Happy birthday UV!!<3
  3. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by yyxy in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    Happy 10th Birthday, Ultraviolence!
    Idc what everyone says but it's the best Lana album and era in her discography. This was Lana's biggest shift in her sound and it proved her wide range as a vocalist and an artist. This is the album I grew up with and it changed my whole perspective on appreciating music and artists. The album rollout was one of the best too imo, the way we would anticipate what Neil Krug pictures are going to be posted online next, the music videos, singles, the endless summer tour, the magazine interviews, etc. 
  4. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Honeymoonwitch in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    Let’s be real nothing is happening. The people who spy her merch store would’ve noticed something by now 
  5. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencequeen in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I feel like if there was NO album, she would have said something to the fan or in her interview a few weeks ago. I think it’s just unfinished and evolving, I feel like country roads was where her mind was at and now it’s clearly a little more urban swamp goth blonde diner vibe ft quavo. I think maybe she’s just trying to figure out her roll out and track list. It’s def not likely coming in September any more but I think tracks are going to start rolling out and the album is changing.
  6. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Jeanne Dielman in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I am so confused. The NME interview was very bizarre, and so was her "oh my god" reaction to that fan tonight, lol. Apparently, the project *exists* (Antonoff called it "brilliant"), but there's something about it that makes Lana hesitant and unsure. Has she changed her mind about the album's direction and sonic style, or is she unsure about the critical reception?
    - Last spring, Antonoff mentioned that he and Lana are delving into a creatively exciting and very strange place. It seemed that he was implying that they have been cooking something experimental. 
    - In September, Lana said that the next album would be more "Americana" with structurally and lyrically simpler songs compared to the more chaotic and excessively wordy Ocean tracks. 
    - The first time she mentioned that she's going "country" was during that show when she gave an award to Antonoff. She also implied that "Lasso" has been a passion project that she's been working for 4 years, and Antonoff even traveled around several places in the U.S. with her, in order to write and record new music. 
    - Lana worked with Quavo right after the Grammy's. 
    - During the NME interview, she mentioned that the new songs are "American songbook"-esque. But she also sounded quite unsure about the album, not necessarily in terms of its existence, but mostly in terms of what it might evolve into (artistically), or in terms of critical reception. 
    My two cents:
    When Lana (enthusiastically) mentioned that "Lasso" is a country album, she had her recent collaboration with Luke Laird in mind. She usually gets very excited whilst working on something very specific; remember her W Magazine interview that made us expect an album filled with "Fingertips"-esque tracks? - and it low-key colors her perspective, lol. So, while I do think that the "country" element will be there, I doubt that it's going to be *the* defining sound of the album, which might explain why she's gotten a bit hesitant when attempting to describe the album. "Americana" and "American songbooks" are different terms, that imply a much broader soundscape. Not to mention the Quavo collaboration and the "strange" stuff she's been working on with Antonoff (and who knows what else at this point), assuming all this stuff has been put together in one album. 
    Another explanation would be that she has changed the soundscape of the album dramatically. In fact, there might not be strong "country" elements at all. Her reaction to how "quiet" the room went when she announced the album is quite telling. Did she get cold feet? Does she feel that she might be misinterpreted as someone who's simply following the trend? Who knows. The fact that she mentioned that the songs are more "American songbook"-esque means that she probably hasn't cancelled the album yet, though. But the Quavo collaboration - and who knows what else? - and her recent looks could be an indication of a completely different approach.
    Which leads me to a different interpretation of what she's been implying so far: what if the album is not a "typical" country/Americana album, and it's a little bit bolder/experimental or simply not easily categorized and defined in terms of its sound and style? Perhaps Lana is scared of the reception; critics and fans might be expecting something more "classic" or specific in general, but we are not getting that at all. "Cowboy Carter" was well-received, but what if she feels that she might be misunderstood (once again)? The "not following the trends" is a valid explanation of her potentially scrapping or changing the project a lot, but it doesn't sound very plausible, IMO. Assuming that it's been a passion project and taking into consideration her knowledge of the fact that the industry is going "country", I doubt that she's simply cancelling the entire project. 
    I don't know what to expect at this point, lol. The latest IG post feels like a prelude of what's about to come in terms of the new era's aesthetics. It feels intensely contemporary and urban (the street/car photos), but also alluringly gothic, nostalgic and quite unsettling (the swamps, the trees, the diner etc.). This is a far cry from the generic "yeehaw" aesthetics, so maybe she's simply unsure about the overall reception to this potentially singular take on country/American songbooks/whatever's been on her mind lately? I think that the album is probably not coming in September - I'd say Spring 2025 is likelier -, because the album just keeps evolving into something stranger and more eclectic. The "Lust for Life" comparison might be apt: this could be a mixture of trap, experimental alternative, hip hop, country, and throwback Americana ballads. Or...maybe not! She's so random indeed... 
  7. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    never!! History has shown us MANY projects she’s mentioned, title and all, and then never spoken of again
  8. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Morningcrow in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Of course she wasn't going to spill the tea at Coachella, that's not her style, but 200 of us on a youtube NMPA Songwriter Icon Award stream, that was her moment and...... 
  9. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    but she was quick to clock that interviewer a couple weeks ago about not doing a full stadium tour and in the same interview she didn’t deny the album was coming this year. And just today she was introduced and they mentioned her having an upcoming album and I KNOW that intro had be approved by someone on her team. AND she just told Elle last month it is still coming this year 
    TLDR: Lasso is still happening 
  10. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Instagram Updates   
    I think it is also crazy how much of an aesthetic switch up we are getting, I don’t know if we have gotten such a dramatic change between eras since Born To Die tbh
    Like Ultraviolence through Norman feels very similar and like a natural progression. She switched it up a bit during Chemtrails but that didn’t really last so I’m very glad to have a completely new look, it makes this new era feel very exciting 
  11. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Instagram Updates   
    Alabama, in the springtime, is heavenly 
  12. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Instagram Updates   
    it's not only the aesthetic, but it looks like she's going back in time
    perhaps a reminiscence of her time in Alabama many years ago
  13. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Instagram Updates   
    OMG I LOVE THIS AESTHETIC  it's so southern gothic trailer park midwest deep-south nostalgic summer tuesday in 2011  very me!
  14. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Lavender Sunshine in Instagram Updates   
    These pics have so much potential and so much to unpack oh wow
  15. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Lustrouslines in Instagram Updates   
    this is giving streets of arkansas/florida/mississipi glam. the projects, trying to make ends meet, having the community be your long lost family. its almost like she’s touching back to her florida roots for sure! i wonder where the music is going? i’m also curious because i feel like jack needs to be immersed in this environment too to feel the sound landscape for the next album. maybe we will get a UV moment and a new producer will re-work all the jack tracks!
  16. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by lyinginthesand in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I'm so sad... every time we think we're going to get Lasso news, we get the opposite I just know this is going to happen again for the Fenway show too
  17. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Tbh I don’t see us getting any solid info until July or August now 
    my hype for a June release/preorder is GONE
  18. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    btw why is diplo always commenting on her photos now..
  19. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Pink Champagne in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Girl we don’t even have healthcare
  20. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Anna (lana’s hairstylist) arrived in NYC today, she posted also lana’s met gala look, anyways, this basically confirms that lana will be attending the NMPA to be honored with the songwriter icon award, I feel like that’s why she posted today’s “lasso coded” pictures, maybe she’ll announce something there 
  21. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    One thing about Lana is she does NOT care about Friday releases. 
    Chemtrails came out on a Monday, the trio singles from blue banisters came out on a Thursday, Arcadia and Tunnel came out on a Wednesday 
    this can theoretically drop at any time 
  22. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lunch With Lana Del Rey in Kansas City   
    This is AMAZING!!! Oh babe, I’m so happy for you. This couldn’t have gone to a more deserving person in the whole state of Kansas - you’re truly the sweetest soul and I’m still so touched by your kindness when we met at her show in Kansas a few years back! What an incredible win that I’m sure will create memories that will last a lifetime. Have the best time ever!! Xx
  23. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by ComebacktoCalifornia in Lunch With Lana Del Rey in Kansas City   
    For real this is a one in life time opportunity don't spoil it for yourself by stressing about asking stupid questions
  24. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by ivory almond in Lunch With Lana Del Rey in Kansas City   
    @colaandvideogames feed us lasso tea if you can and congrats!
  25. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by ComebacktoCalifornia in Lunch With Lana Del Rey in Kansas City   
    SOOOOOO JEALOUS why wasn't this a bigger thing like ONLY 15 tickets sold that's crazy. I'm so happy for you this is incredible don't forget to ask her about lasso queen lol
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