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Future Jazz

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  1. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    This album is such a future classic like wow what a triumph 
  2. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Obduration in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    After almost a year, this is my fav lana record and era by far. I’m obsessed with this record. I want to listen to the whole thing literally every day. It’s such a culmination of all the work she’s ever done wrapped up with a bow in her classic beehive hair. Love.
  3. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Honestly, I do not give the slightest fuck about what Taylor Swift feels while she continues to do great harm to the planet. The continued existence of human beings and other species on this planet trumps her feelings.
  4. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by details in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    idk maybe if she didn't use the jet there would be no jet usage to track down, have you tried that miss alison? 
  5. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I feel like Lasso has taken 4 years for a reason. 
    she gets in her yeehaw phase, and then days later gets all glammed up and enters a baddie phase. At this point Lasso and LDRX might be two different things 
  6. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    This is beautiful  Hoping she brings back the big hair this era 
  7. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    even if it is, by a strict definition, blackmail, he isn't necessarily being endangered by somebody relaying PUBLIC INFORMATION, and hypothetically giving some random college student a car wouldn't harm him or impoverish him AT ALL, he is literally THE richest person on the planet, i promise you he isn't being kept up at night because some random dude is posting about already publicly-made information and because he said he'll stop if he receives a car, oh, and either way, nothing jack sweeney is doing is illegal and he shouldn't have to stop because it makes taylor swift, another billionaire, mad, she should just stop taking so many damn flights if she's so bothered by somebody posting her already-public flight information
    stop defending billionaires who could literally end world hunger/homelessness with the amount of wealth they have but choose not to, and who wouldn't give a single fuck if you live or die, just as long as they're still on top
  8. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ocean blvd getting the love it deserves iktr 
    I think this is my most listened to album. I saw a lot of people online calling it too boring for a Grammy, but the songwriting alone makes it a masterpiece.
    If you get it you get it and unfortunately for them, they don’t 
  9. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    People trying to defend Taylor swifts legal team going after this boy as if it’s a PRIVACY issue truly show how deranged her fans are. PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION!!! and it just narrows it down to the approximate city she’s in. How fucking stupid. If she’s worried about her privacy she can get back on her jet and fly somewhere else lol
  10. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    period. like there's no discussion here lmao he's not some type of taylor swift hater or obsessed with her, he's not personally targeting her, he's using PUBLIC INFORMATION and targeting hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures and not even posting about it in real time. if an obsessed stalker is stalking her believe me he's not using this guy's work to do so, they're using real time trackers  
    also didn't they say she's not the one using the jet all the time? that she loans it out regularly to other people? that it wasn't right to attribute all of the flights to her? please  
  11. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    considering it's public information... i'm on the student's side, he isn't posting anything personal about her or any sensitive information, if she's so bothered, maybe she should be more considerate of her carbon emissions instead of suing people who are rightfully raising awareness to her harmful actions, i can sympathize with her being worried about stalkers, but at the end of the day, he's just simple relaying what is already public information, i don't even know if she really has a case here because of that
    i am SO ready for people to be over her, her music is horrifically bland and basic, she's incredibly overhyped, she's the epitome of capitalism, and she's a billionaire who has enough wealth to change the world for good, but she cares more about taking as much money possible from her fans by releasing 10 different versions of her albums, 400 vinyl variants, and $500 concert tickets, just more money she DOESN'T NEED
    i know i probably sound bitchy, but i don't care, sometimes we all need moments to be bitchy 
  12. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    this is what pisses me off most about her and other billionaires private jet usage. corporations pander to us and moan at us to recycle and use sustainable practices when in reality it is a drop in the ocean compared to the shit these celebrities get up to in the name of convenience FOR THEM
    taylor doesnt care for anyone but herself, and this lawsuit evidences that perfectly. the nerve to try and sue someone for publicising publicly available knowledge just because it inconveniences you is abhorrent quite honestly
  13. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    So we should cut Taylor some slack because she's already at the receiving end of so much "criticism" and because other celebrities/billionaires have questionable environmental practices? She's the one sueing, so I don't see why this concerns other celebrities/billionaires. Besides, this is publicly available information posted after a 24h window... there's very little concern over her safety. We all know she's touring anyways.
    A lifetime of paper straws won't do shit for the environment with these people around.
  14. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    If he's posting public information with a 24 hour delay there's literally no issue. I find safety concerns to be very unlikely for this lawsuit 
  15. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    maybe he should countersue for ACTUAL emotional distress, since he’s being bullied for doing the right thing by the most famous woman in the world. taylor swift is just a corporation and he should get as much money as humanly possible out of her 
  16. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    the thing is with (lets use kim as an example) skims or kkw beauty/rem/etc is that it is providing a commodity to people, so the horrendous carbon impact is slightly offset by providing a service. taylor swift is providing absolutely no service to anyone but herself by parading around the country in a private jet. 
    it is just a straight up lie that it is causing 'emotional distress' and it is purely a game of her trying to intimidate and use the legal system to put people less fortunate than her down.
  17. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by rabbit in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    This person is compiling public information and posting it with a 24 hour delay. While I understand safety concerns, it is a little different than posting real-time info.

    ALL climate polluters should be held accountable. Exposing their horrible climate crimes isn’t being mean to them lmao.
    It’s not about disliking or liking someone’s art or persona, or it shouldn’t be. If Lana was doing this, I would be so deeply upset.
  18. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Any and all flight logs should remain publicly available data and you shouldn’t expect a right to privacy when zooming on ur private jet on the daily 
    Private jets should be banned anyway 
  19. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    it's PUBLIC INFORMATION, he's not stalking nor harassing her and he's not doing it only to her. keep tracking!  
  20. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    MTE. It's hard to see this as a "safety concern" or to even think safety is her main issue with this. The idea that the private jet tracker is causing her "emotional distress" when she's killing the planet to dash between her home, tour and football games is bonkers. She's like the female musical equivalent of Elon Musk, and I'm tired of both of them.
    What this person is documenting isn't even illegal, it's all public information that can be easily accessed by anyone who looks for it. 
  21. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    yeah no i disagree with the privacy sentiment, she has a strong security presence and can certainly afford more. it is publicly available data and it just screams that she is trying to stop the private jet discourse by threatening and being litigious to people she knows cant afford top calibre lawyers.
    keep tracking i say 
  22. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by jimmyjimmycocoapuff in Taylor Swift   
    "Taylor commited homicide to symbolize their undying love for each other! The barrel of the gun may be straight but not Taylor!" 
  23. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by love divine in Taylor Swift   
    taylor could pull out a gun and shoot karlie kloss in broad daylight and gaylors would still find a way to twist the narrative 
  24. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Get Drunk in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Just watched the award announcement and my heart breaks for Lana.. she couldn’t even be happy in that moment and she really didn’t want to go up there, but I’m glad she did. 
    I’m glad Taylor gave a shout out to Lana and took her up there, it was a lovely moment. But still very heartbreaking. 
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