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  1. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    Awww, you’re so sweet, thank you so much! Every now and then I see a post from you and we’ve interacted a bit in the last year, and it’s always been so nice! You should definitely post more, you seem so lovely and your ideas are really insightful  I really appreciate this, thank you <3
  2. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by DCooper in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I still don't think she'll say anything in advance but it will be a gift on Christmas morning!
  3. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lipsters Awards 2020   
  4. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    hi, just popping in to say i love this community so much, lanaboards is one of my happiest places on the internet.
    seeing you guys spreading the love you have for each other makes me so happy and i'm sitting here smiling!
    i've been coming here regularly since 2014 and while i don't talk that much (and i'm pretty sure nobody knows me on here which is really kinda sad lol), i see and know all of you guys (kinda stalker-ish)
    anyway, maybe next year i'll be more active! but for now, i voted for all my favs <3 and i hope u win! 
    @IanadeIrey @Trash Magic @Elle @RormanNockwell @Clampigirl @Pico Boulevard @past the bushes @Nobody @Lustformoney @wild caged animal @Fart Deco @Terrence Loves Me @Bunny Mozart @TrashMagiq and SO MANY MORE! 
    my heart goes out to each and every one of you. MERRY CHRYSLER! 
  5. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    Forgot to say thank you to everyone who has mentioned me! I was so awkward when I first started to become more active, and looking back it now it's so embarrassing. But never  in a million years did I ever think I would be so engaged in a fan site. Even when I'm at my lowest, I'm actively posting on LB and making loads of new friends.This past year has been tragic and the only thing keeping my mind off of negative thoughts is LB, not to mention the No Context Lanaboards thread being one of my favorites. So thank you to everyone who has been so nice, sending lots of love 
    and yes I'll finish my votes soon 
  6. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by cherri in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    omg coming onto lb and seeing these in my notification box  MY HEARRTTTTT 
    Thank you guys  !!! for always being so sweet to me 
  7. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  8. cherri liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    Ugh I know right, I’m so happy to see @cherri getting the recognition she deserves, I love her 
  9. cherri liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    Thank you so much @takeitdoen for that lovely shoutout! <3 I really appreciate your contributions to this site, I think you’re an amazing voice of reason with a lot of intelligent ideas and you’re super articulate  legend behaviour 
    and thank you @May Fucking Jailer for the lovely shoutout as well! You’re too kind 
    I would also like to campaign for a few users! 
    @LemonadeHeavens the way I voted for you for so many categories omg...  queen . This user can always be found throughout the threads, always offering tidbits of information and sharing really insightful ideas. Not to mention - her music taste is IMPECCABLE! LB’s resident Lizzy Grant fanatic  love her <3 LIPSTER OF THE YEAR <333
    @past the bushes @conceptart47 @Nikogo @Fart Deco @wild caged animal you guys just joined the boards this year but it feels like ages with how easy and enriching it is to discuss things with you guys! I think you guys bring the best energy all around and you guys are some of my favs around here. Absolute legends <3
    @Elle @electra - not only are you ladies so beautiful (Lipster *Mommies of the Year ) but your dedication to Lana is inspiring - I really love seeing your collections and it warms my heart to see kind and knowledgeable fans like you two who are able to offer so much insight on Lana and spread joy with your presence. <3 
    @xxmissdaytonaxx love this girl - she is the best and is down for anything and everything; from being delusional in the COTCC thread to bringing us such much-needed realism, to even including us in her AMAZING journalism - this girl brings the best energy and knows how to have fun and contribute meaningfully to the conversation. <3 
     @drugsdesire @bel air roseyou guys are the coolest and really make the boards so much fun! I love the way you guys participate in the conversation around here and your whole vibe! It radiates through my screen lol - your usernames are also so euphonic and sound so good to the ear. Literary legends <3
    @cherri @CHANEL #1 love your guys’ art! @cherri your paintings are GORGEOUS and your style is so incredibly and uniquely you, I love it so much <3 talent unmatched  @CHANEL #1 I love your edits so much - your cassette collection is to die for. Your style is so refined and has such a professional, sleek quality to it while also having so much character. You know how to serve a visual!

    @DCooper @Pico Boulevard @recklessdaughter @rightofjupiter I love how you guys are so passionate about Lana’s work and how I can always discuss ideas so intellectually with you. I feel that your hearts are always in the right place and you guys are the kindest and most down to earth members here. You guys are some of my favourite members! <3 love you 

    @new gods @cinnamongirI @Lustformoney @MAX DEL REY @gsnlp @VioletBunny @RormanNockwell @takeitdoen @May Fucking Jailer @Dominikx4 @Yosemite @Doll Harlow @UltraHeroin @HydroponicWeeds @Paris Hilton @sweetcinnamoncherry and anyone else who I’m such a fan of on here that I may have forgotten - love your contributions to this site and really love the insight you bring to the conversation regarding our favourite artist! <33
  10. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Elle in 7th Annual Ally Coalition Talent Show @ Twitch Livestream - December 21st, 2020   
    I’m wondering if she’ll only be singing one song considering there’s 19 singers & 8 comedians and the event starts pretty late. If that’s the case, it’ll probably be LMLYLAW unless she surprises us with a new song!
    When I saw her at this event in 2018 she sang 4 songs, but there were only 9 acts total for a two hour show x
  11. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  12. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    omgggg queen!!! you're literally the sweetest and kindest member on the boards. i appreciate all the love and support. i look forward to your amazing edits and album roll-out theories. you're forever an iconic member. 
    max, you already know you're da bestest. thank you for helping me with my college project and helping get together the gaming w lanaboards discord. we deff gotta play among us again asap. 
    hi miss pico, thank you for keeping the chemtrails thread 100% entertaining. you're doing amazing sweetie. 
    ahhh this made me smile so hard!! i'm so thankful for you and for everyone here, i'm glad i can make your days here on the boards! 
  13. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by HighbytheSea in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    @IanadeIrey (fans self) i am not worthy!!! Thank you miss, these boards would be a darker place without you, framing that post!! I....straight up I am so grateful for you all, I feel like I have family when I'm on here, and the times aren't so blue for a moment. Also these were SO MUCH fun but lord did i have to go through all my history to make sure i didn't forget anyone epic
  14. lamms liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  15. wild caged animal liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  16. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in 7th Annual Ally Coalition Talent Show @ Twitch Livestream - December 21st, 2020   
    she must be using internet explorer  
  17. HighbytheSea liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  18. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  19. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    I feel so annoying coming back to this thread because I keep forgetting so many people omg  BUT!
    @lamms you are such an intelligent human being and I love the energy you bring to the forum! You are such a gem and I always love hearing what you have to say @stupidapartmentcomplex @Venice Peach @HighbytheSea I love your guys’ support and enthusiasm on this forum - especially in the COTCC thread, it’s so refreshing and really helps keep the positivity up, especially in times as crazy as these! So thank you so much <3
    To further avoid my redundancy and forgetfulness, I just wanna say that I love all my friends on here and that if we’ve interacted, your presence is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for your kindness and I hope I can extend the same!! 
  20. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she did stay true to her word. One of the backing vocalists even posted a selfie in Conway Studios with a caption about how amazing it was working with Lana “over the week” after Summertime had already been released, so they definitely recorded this project.
    Plus, Lana even said to Q Magazine regarding Pacific Blue that her and her musician friends “could probably do that album in a week” so I’m sure this covers record is done and will come this week!
  21. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Lipsters Awards 2020   
    queen of journalism! also such a kind and uplifting spirit!  
  22. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    yes! and after Summertime dropped, she posted a pic with the band and singers and wrote “Standards crew”
     I definitely think something will happen!
  23. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Yeah and tbh, she didn't say an exact date, she only said "for Christmas" which could mean some time on Christmas week, Christmas' Eve, Christmas day or even a few days after Christmas.
    If she doesn't say something by Christmas day, I'm waiting until the 28th-29th 
  24. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by lamms in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    One take queen is gonna strike again 
  25. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she did stay true to her word. One of the backing vocalists even posted a selfie in Conway Studios with a caption about how amazing it was working with Lana “over the week” after Summertime had already been released, so they definitely recorded this project.
    Plus, Lana even said to Q Magazine regarding Pacific Blue that her and her musician friends “could probably do that album in a week” so I’m sure this covers record is done and will come this week!
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